Story #2
"Magic man...Egocentric plasticman" sang Greenday on Melinda's radio. She was 26 and had been listening to her favorite band for years. She was running late to work, but had to finish listening to the song in her car before she headed in. It was GREEN DAY after all!
At April 12, 2006 11:36 AM,
Sarah said…
She walked in and saw Ron, her ex boyfriend who she had a fling with for a couple months. She ended things when she found out he had gotten his ex girlfriend pregnant.
She just smiled at him and kept walking. She made her way to her desk through the office halls that seemed like an endless maze. As soon as she sat down at her desk, her assistant, Kelly came barging in.
"Your Mom called, You sister called, Chris from Spelding Associates called and some Clyde guy from the post office said you have a package waiting to be picked up."
Jamie, the intern, came in with my coffee. "I made it a little strong for you. I think you're going to need it this morning!" She said as she set the mug down on my desk. "Have a good day." She told me.
Kelly sighed. "You wish you had stayed in bed this morning, don't you?" She smiled and walked out of my office. Two minutes later, she poked her head in and reminded me I had a meeting at nine with the Vice President.
I work for an advertising company. It was time for me and my collegues to present our campaign to the President, along with the rest of his staff of people inwich we have never been introduced to. I ran to the bathroom real quick and then got my papers ready for the presentation. I was so nervous! Sometimes he hates our ideas and gives us a day or two to come up with something else! How the hell are we suppose to come up with a sexy ketchup commercial?! It turned out okay, but it was not easy staying up all night and day for two days straight trying to come up with a brilliant idea!
"Meeting time!" My friend and collegue, Jewls said smiling.
"Yay!" I said sounding very unenthusiastic.
At April 12, 2006 1:32 PM,
Christina said…
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At April 12, 2006 2:14 PM,
Christina said…
The two walked briskly to the meeting. They wanted to be exactly on time. No need to look eager or nervous, if you are early, and no need to look too cocky if you are late. They got to the door, stopped, and looked each other over. They quickly looked at eachotehrs hair, teeth, make up and clothes. Nothing was out of place. Melinda grasped the handle and entered the huge executive meeting room.
At April 12, 2006 2:44 PM,
Sarah said…
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At April 12, 2006 2:44 PM,
Sarah said…
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At April 12, 2006 2:44 PM,
Sarah said…
Mr. Sheffield, the Vice President was sitting at the head of the table writing something on his notepad. He noticed us walk in and stood up.
"Ladies, nice seeing you again." He said with his cheesy grin on his face. "You got some good stuff to show us today?"
"We hope so!" Jewls replied. "We've worked pretty hard on this campaign."
Jewls gets frustrated easily and is always very honest with everyone.
"I know and it sure pays off." He told us. "Your last one was very good."
After a few minutes, several men came in quietly. That made us even more nervous. All these men walking in stone faced. That's how it always is.
The President, Greggory Bough, walked in last and stood up by the dry erase board.
"I'd like you to meet once again, Melinda Roam and Jewls Adner." He told everyone. "They're all yours." He said looking at us.
Jewls adjusted her sweater and stood up in front of them. I got up and stood beside her. We looked at eachother, she nodded her head and started.
"As you all know, I am Jewls Adner." She said sounding nervous. "And here's what we've got." She shuffled through her papers. "The product is Heinze Ketchup. Now picture this. . ." She paused for a second and continued. "A super model. . . she's eating french fries, she's dipping her fries in the ketchup. She finishes eats her last fry, but she still has some ketchup left. She starts to squeeze it from the bottle onto her fingers and licks it off."
A Man butts in, "What's she wearing?"
Jewls got a confused look on her face, so I cut in. "A tight Heinze Ketchup shirt."
"It sounds great." Another man told us.
Mr. Sheffield started tapping his pen on the table. "I think it needs more. It's got to make people want Heinze Ketchup over another brand."
Jewls got frustrated, as she always does.
"Yes, sir. We took that into consideration considering we are trying to sell the product." She told him. "I think this could work."
He looked at her and back at everyone else. "Any other opinions?"
"Sir, I would just like to add that the continued to eat the Ketchup even though she was out of fries." I told him. "Because the Ketchup is so good."
At that momment, I felt really stupid, because I had not worded that the way I wanted to!
At April 12, 2006 2:46 PM,
Sarah said…
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At April 12, 2006 3:15 PM,
Christina said…
All the men were just sitting there, staring at Jewls and I. I had to think of something fast. . .but nothing was coming. "Green Day", I said. "Excuse me?" Said Mr. Shefield. "Heinz green katchup was discontinued." "I know." I replied. "We shoot a sequinse of a concert. After the concert the band goes backstage for a bite to eat. They grab some fries, some katchup. Heinz Katchup-" I was stumbling, and Jewls new it. "And they all love it. Then we shoot another concert scene where they have changed there name to "Red Day!" She said, thinking completly on the spot. It was hokey, but if they bought it it would give us a few more days to work on our super model add. We would still have to consult the band, and they would never do a dumb commercial! "I like it." Said Greggory. The one person we really had to impress. Jewls and I breathed a breath of fresha air! They liked it! "Johnson, get ahold of legal and have them work up a contract and proposal to send to Green Day's agent. I like this. We'll target a younger crowd!" Said Greggory. Well, Ms. Adner, and Ms. Roam. Thank you. That is all we need. We will keep in touch." Said Mr. Shefield. We gathered our things and walked out. "Green Day?" Jewls asked. "Red Day?" I replied and we both laughed. "It is one of my favorite bands, I was listening to them on the way in, and had their song stuck in my head. I didn't think they would by it. Nice job jumping in there!" "And you reall;y think Green Day is going to do a hokey katchup commercial? Besides I thought they wanted something sexy?" Said Jewels. "Billy-Joe is sexy! Besides they wont do it, which is why we have got to put our heads together tonight and come up with a better super model pitch." I replied. "Your a genious!" she said. "So, uh. . . How are things with you and Mr. Shefield?" I said pulling my glasses part way down my nose and raising one eyebrow, giving her that I know your secret look.
At April 12, 2006 3:32 PM,
Sarah said…
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Don't play dumb with me!" I said hitting her with my papers.
"It's nothing." She whispered. "Now drop it."
I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my office. I shut the door.
"Now tell me everything." I said.
"There is nothing to tell." She replied.
"How does Happy Hour sound?" I asked her.
"It sounds great!" She said. "I'll meet you at Rigs." She left my office. I leaned back in my chair with my eyes closed and my phone rang. It was my brother. I let the machine get it.
"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Ron said peaking his head in with the door cracked open.
"Yeah, sure. Come on in." I said.
He came in and sat down. "You know Darren in forms?"
"He was asking me about you today and I talked you up." He said.
"Oh, great." I said annoyed.
"No, I told him some great things about you." He said.
"Ron, don't bother with shit like this. I can get my own dates. I don't need your help."
He threw his arms in the air. "Just trying to be nice." He said.
He stood up. "Call me if you want to get together."
"Don't count on it." I told him. I grabbed my bag and went to the bathrooms to change. I touched up my make-up and put my hair down. Then I went to my office and hauled all my crap to my car. I knew I would be working at home this weekend. I was really looking forward to a few drinks.
When I got to Rigs, a lot of people from work were there already. Rigs is where everyone ends up after a stressful day at work.
"Hey, how'd the meeting go today?" Molly the receptionist asked me.
At April 12, 2006 3:52 PM,
Christina said…
"Great!" I said. "Well, it was a little weird! But, I think I bought some extra time to work on our original campaigne this weekend." "Original?" She asked. "Your not doing the Super model thing?" "It's a long story!" I replied, and filled her in. By the end of the story we were both laughing pretty hard. "Excuse me, Melinda?" I looked up. "Hi, I'm Darren." I pretended to look blank. "From forms? I know Ron. . ." "Oh! Yeah, he may of mentioned you earlier" I said. "How are you?" "Great! How about a drink?" "Sure." I said. I just wanted him to leave. "I'll have a dry Martini." "You got it!" He said and walked toward the bar tender. "Who was that dork?" Asked Molly. "Darren from forms. I'm going to kill Ron!" I looked around trying to spot him. I made eye contact and gave him a death glare. "Excuse me for a second Molly." I said as I got up and walked over toward Ron. "Very funny!" I said. "He is a total dork!" "Oh, he isn't that bad!" Said Ron, trying not to laugh. "His socks dont match and he is wearing a hawain shirt!" I replied. Ron cleared his throught, and I turned around. Darren was coming. Crap, I thought. He came up and handed me the Martini. "Hi Darren." I said. "Ron was just telling me about his new online dungeons and dragons game!" "You play!" Darren said enthusiastically to Ron. Ron's smile fell right off his face as he looked over to me. I knew Darren would be there for an hour talking about the dumb game. I casually slipped away, with my drink, and laughed as Darren was explaing his new Wizard charachter. I sat down next to Molly. She had moved over by the bar. "Have you seen Jewls?" I asked. "She is in the very back at one of the booths with Mr. Shefield. She trys to be so secretive, but everyone knows!". I looked over, and sure enough, there she was. I turned back around and the incredably cute, make that HOT bartender was winking at me. I smiled. He slid a bar napkin toward me with his number on it and his name. Chris. I thanked him and said I would give him a call if he did me a favor. I sent him over to Jewls and Mr. Shefield with a special message.
At April 12, 2006 6:02 PM,
Sarah said…
"What did you write to them?" Molly asked me.
"You'll see." I said giggling.
"You are so bad!" She started laughing.
"Hey, girls!" I looked over. It was Linda. She is Jewls' Secretary Assistant. "I see Jewls is in hiding. Or so she thinks."
"Yeah, not so much hiding." Molly said.
I just laughed.
A few minutes past and she walked up to us. "You all have the wrong idea!" She told us. "You girls are so crazy."
"You're denying it?" Linda asked not convinced. "He only leaves you messages fifty times a day."
"Ok, listen. It's all physical. We're not an item." She whispered. "Now keep it hush hush."
"So, you're just sleeping together?" I asked her a little too loudly.
"Shhh! Shit, are you trying to get me in trouble?" She said worried.
"You had sex with him?" Linda whispered.
"Let's not talk about this any further here. Let me know if you want to meet for lunch or something soon." She said. "Or breakfast tomorrow. . . I can do that too."
"Breakfast, first thing in the morning." I told her.
"Who's the cute nerd?" Jewls asked me.
"What? Him?" I asked leaning my head towards Darren.
"Yeah." She replied.
"Are you kidding me? He is not cute and he is just some nerd from the forms department. Apparently he has his eye on me." I told her.
She looked at him as if she were checking him out. "He doesn't look all that bad. I'd do him."
"Who wouldn't you do?" Molly asked her jokingly.
We all laughed. Jewls just glared at us and walked away waving.
I realized I had gulped down my drink already.
"I need another drink." I said walking towards the bar.
"Can I get you drink? On the house?" Chris asked me.
"Sure, thank you." I said smiling. I was probably blushing, I felt like a high school girl with a crush on the popular boy.
He brought over the drink. "What is this?" I asked.
"Cosmopolitan." He answered. "You'll like it."
I looked around and noticed I was alone.
"What's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting all alone?" Darren said as he sat down next to me.
I smiled. "I need to use the ladies room." I told him. "It was nice meeting you. I'll see you around. Have a great night."
I hope he got a clue! I tried to be nice about it.
"Here." Jewls said tapping me on my shoulder. "Your drink. I grabbed it from the bar after you made your escape."
"Thank You." I said. "I told him I was going to the bathroom, I couldn't exactly take my drink with me."
At April 13, 2006 10:24 AM,
Christina said…
We stayed at the end of the Bar waiting for Darren to leave. He finally gave up after half an hour. What a loser. I kind of felt bad for him, but it's his fault he can't take a hint. The ladies and I sat back down at the bar, on the other side this time. We didn't want Darren to find us too quickly. I finished up my drink and my FAVORITE song came on. I grabbed Molly and Linda and we hit the dance floor. We were grooving away when Ron walked up and asked if he could dance with me. "Fine. But you put your hands on me, and I'll kick your ass! You know I can too!" I said. "So how's Natalie?" I asked. Shouting over the noise. "Who?" He asked. I wasn't sure if he was being a jerk, or just couldn't hear me. "Your EX" I shouted really loud. "Oh" He said. "She is good. She wont take me back." "Smart woman" I said. When the song was over I turned to him and said, "Okay, that dance was all you get. Time to find yourself someone else. I hear Darren is single!" I said laughing as I walked away. A little while later Jewls came up to me and our other friends. "I'm going to head out. It was fun everyone." She said. "Who's driving you home?" I asked. "Oh, no one. I'm fine." "My cute ass your fine!" I replied. "Mr. Shefield is driving you home. No but's about it!" "Actually he was, but I wasn't going to say anything" Said Jewls, smirking. She left and I sat with Linda and Molly for the rest of the night. Last call was at 2:00, and I was surprised to here the bartender call last call! "Shit!" I said to Molly. "I was suposed to get home early! I have a pres to work on this weekend!" I had no intention of staying so late. Or drinking so much! I was going to have to leave my car and grab a ride with someone. I saw Chris at the other end of the bar, so I went over to say goodnight. "Well, look who's not to good to say hi to the bartender." He said jokingly. He leaned over to put a glass away, and I Saw he had a tattoo on the back of his neck. A bad boy, I thought to myslef. "That's because your the best kind of bartender." I said. "Oh, and what is that?" He asked. "Sexy" I said. And we both started laughing. "Well, you've had a few drinks tonight, havn't you. Who's driving you home tonight?" "You." I replied.
"Anything for you. . ." He said. Waiting for me to fill in my name. "Malinda." I said. "Pretty name. Malinda. You ever been on a bike before?" "No." I said. "Well, tonight is your lucky night." he said smiling. I said goodbye to all my friends as they left, and waited for Chris to finish cleaning up. When he was done, he took my through the back, I waved to all the cooks and waitresses. When we got outside, I looked everywhere for a motorcycle. All I cold see was a scooter. "No!" I said. "this isn't a bike! It's a scooter!" "Well, If I said scooter back there, I wouldn't have gotten you this far!" He said. He had the sexiest smile! "Come on, its' not that bad! It's perfect for getting around. Now, hop on." At this point I didn't care if it was a bycicle. I could feel the chemistry and I was happy to be with him. He helped me climb on, then we took off. We weren't too far from my apartment, so we arrived after only a few minutes. He walked me to my door. "Want to come in?" I asked. "Sure." he said. "One thing first" he continued, "How are you getting back to your car in the morning?" "Your taking me!" I said, and we walked up to my apartment and I let him in.
At April 13, 2006 4:04 PM,
Sarah said…
Let me just say, we had an amazing night together! He really knows how to please a women!
I woke up the next morning with the worst headache! The damn alarm went off too early! I hit snooze and turned over to put my arm around Chris. My arm hit the bed, so I squinted my eyes open and saw that he wasn't there. He had left a note on the pillow that said, "Thanks for an amazing night."
I layed back down and fell asleep. A few hours later, the sun woke me up shining right in my eyes.
"Oh, shit!" I yelled after looking at the clock. I should have been at work two hours ago! I quickly called Jewls.
"We lost the commercial." She whispered. "They couldn't get the band and Heinze wouldn't wait any longer."
"Damnit!" I yelled.
"It's no big deal, girl!" She said. "Get some rest, you sound awful!"
"Thanks." I said.
"Just get some rest." She told me.
"How did it go with Mr. Sheffield last night?" I asked her.
"It was great, but I'm at work so I can't talk about it right now." She whispered.
"Meet me at Subway for lunch at noon." I told her.
"Ok." She said. "See you in a couple hours."
At April 14, 2006 7:48 AM,
Christina said…
I jolted awake! I hurridly reached over for my alarm clock. Thank goodness! It was only 6:00! What a minute, it was Saturday too. Lucky me I thought. I heard a groan next to me. Who's that I thought grogily. Oh yeah, it was Chris. Lucky me indeed! "What's going on?" He asked. "It's early. Everything okay?" "Its fine." I replied. "I just had a dream I was late for work and lost an account." "But it's Saturday. Right?" He asked, still waking up. "In my dream it wasn't! I'm going to make some breakfast. Want anything?" "Just coffee." He replied. "My kind of breakfast!" I said. I got up and made some coffee while Chris got dressed. We sat for a little bit, talking and sipping coffee. We actually had a lot in common. I looked up at the clock, and it was 7:00 all ready! "I've gotta get my car!" I exclaimed. "I'm supposed to be working on a big campagn this weekend!" "Calm down!" he said. "Get dressed and we'll go pick up your car." After I got dressed we hopped on his scooter and headed to the bar. There was my car sitting happily next to Jewl's car. "Thanks" I said, climbing off the scooter. "No problem. Don't forget to call me!" He said. "I will. Call you I mean." I said, and kissed him good bye. Just he was taking off, I saw Mr. Shefield pull up in his car with Jewls in the front seat.
At April 14, 2006 8:00 AM,
Sarah said…
I watched them kiss and she got out of the car. As he pulled away she blew him a kiss.
"Oh my god, Jewls." I said.
"What?" She asked confused.
"Are you two like a couple now?" I asked her.
"No." She replied. "Gosh, no!"
"What the hell is going on?" I asked concerned.
"We just hook up." She said as if it were no big deal.
"That's insane!" I told her. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because it's fun." She said. "A great stress releiver. . ." She was smiling so big and I realized she is happy, so I should just be happy for her. . . I guess.
"Yeah, tell me about it. I hooked up with the Bartender." I told her.
"Shut up!" She said excited.
I just smirked and sat down in my car.
"You going in to work today?" She asked me.
"I think I'm just going to do some stuff from home. You can head over if you want. Maybe we can come up with a better commercial." I told her.
"Sounds great! I'm going to go home and take a shower." She said. "See ya in a bit!"
At April 14, 2006 10:50 AM,
Christina said…
Jewls came over and we came up with a pretty good add! In no time at all too. We kept the same super model concept, but. . .
At April 14, 2006 1:55 PM,
Sarah said…
We decided to make it a little sexier. We were very excited! We had a few Margarita's and talked about Chris and Mr. Sheffield. Jewls insited I called him Rob, instead of Mr. Sheffield. She says they have this special bond and that they are just friends.
"Yeah, friends, but with benefits!" I said.
"I know. . ." She said. "It's so great though! I know it's a little crazy, considering he is kind of my boss."
"I'm happy for you." I told her. "I really am."
"Thanks." She said. "Are you ever going to see Chris again?"
"I don't know. We'll see. I really don't care either way. I'm not looking for anything serious right now. I just want to have some fun." I told her.
"The kind of fun I'm having?" She asked.
I laughed. "Yeah."
We were both drunk at that point too.
"You slut." She said laughing.
"Call it what you want!" I told her.
We ended up watching tv and we both fell asleep on the floor.
At April 14, 2006 2:19 PM,
Christina said…
I had the biggest headache. I slowly opened my eyes, but I could barley move! My whole body ached. I finally sat up and looked around. What the hell? I thought. I turned around and saw Jewls passed out on the floor. I started laughing histarically and rolling around on the floor. Jewls finally woke up and started laughing too. "We are such losers!" I said. "I know! I can't beleive we slept on the floor! What time is it anyway?" She asked. I looked at the clock and it was 10:00. "It is Sunday, right?" I asked. "Yeah. Why?" "Good! and it is a long story!" I replied. "Do you have any plans today?" I asked Jewls. "No, I thought about doing some shopping!" She replied. "Sounds like fun. Lets get ready. You can borrow some of my clothes." I said. I decided to drive, my mustang was cooler than her honda. We could be kind of shallow like that sometimes! We walked into Hot Chica to check out some clothes for dancing. I found this sexy red dress, and some hot shoes. Jewls stuck to her typical black classy dress. On our way out we ran into
At April 14, 2006 3:02 PM,
Sarah said…
"Hello, ladies!" He said.
We talked to him for a couple minutes about the commercial and he thought it sounded great. He asked us where we were headed and we all decided to go out dancing. He said he would bring his single friends.
Jewls and I went to her place and got ready to go out. Ron picked us up later on.
"So, you hooked up with that Bartender?" He asked looking at me.
"Yup!" I said.
"You still available?" He asked me.
"Yup!" I replied.
"You girls are so dirty." He said jokingly.
"Jelious much?!" I shouted to him.
"Very!" He said.
At April 14, 2006 3:29 PM,
Christina said…
"Hey, You had your chance!" I said. "If we get there and your single friends have anything to do with Darren, I'm going to kick your ass!" "Sounds good to me!" He said, winking. "You jerk!" I replied. "Okay, enough flirting! I'm by myself back here!" Said Jewls sitting in the backseat. "I'm sorry Hot, Sexy, Momma" I said. "I'll Flirt with you!" We carried on like that for a while. That was how it was with us. We all went way back. We finally arived at Club Rio, and Ron left the car with the Vallet. "This is quite a fancy place you got here!" I said to Ron. "Yeah, Mel and I found it a few weeks ago. It's a pretty swingin place." "Swingin?" Jewls asked. "Are trying to be cool?" As we walked in, the place was huge! there were three or four dance floors, at least 8 bars, and pleny of places to sit and drink. He walked up to his friend Mel and he intoduced us. "Where are the rest of your single friends?" I asked Ron. "They couldn't make it. . ." he replied, very unconvincingly! "Hey, fine by me!" Said jewls. "Mel is pretty hot!" "Lets Dance!" She said, taking him out to the dance floor. "You are one sneaky fellow!" I said to Ron. "You better show me one hell of a night tonight, you know that! And if there are any hot bartenders, you better watch out!" I said slyly.
At April 14, 2006 4:06 PM,
Sarah said…
"Oh, I will show you a great night." He said smiling.
We danced for a couple songs and the four of us went back to a table and sat down.
Ron scooted his chair up against mine and put his hand on my leg.
I looked at him and he smiled. Ron is a very attractive guy. All the girls at the office think so and I know he knows it too!
"Excuse me!" Ron yelled trying to get the coctail waitress' attention.
She turned around and just stared at him.
"Four Chilli Bombers." He told her. "Put it on my tab."
"Oh, shit. Chilli Bombers, Ron?" Jewls said.
"Yes. Chilli Bombers." He said. I just shook my head.
"He knows what they do to us." I told her.
He laughed. "We're hoping they'll make you girls a little frisky."
"Too late for that." Jewls said looking at Mel.
"Here you are." The Waitress said as she set the drinks down on the table. Ron started squinting and staring at her boobs. "Thanks, um. . . Deb." He looked up and smiled at her in a cocky way.
"Cheers." She said annoyed as she walked away.
We drank those and went back to the dance floor. After a while, I was totally wasted.
"That drink really did a number on me!" I shouted to Ron over the music.
"Good." He said. "We'll stop there then! Don't want you to get sick."
That was another thing great about Ron. He looks after me. I've always liked that about him.
"Let me know when you're ready to go home and I'll drop you off." He said.
"I think I'm ready." I told him.
"Are going to get sick?" He asked.
"No, I'm just tired." I explained.
He grabbed Jewls and Mel and we left.
"They're going to do it tonight." Jewls mummbled. She always mummbles a lot when she is drunk.
"No, we're not." Ron said. "We had a great night together. We're not going to ruin that with some risky business."
"Excuse me?" I asked rudely.
"What?" He replied.
I laughed. "Am I not good enough for you?"
"Honey, you're more than good enough." He said.
"Then let's end this night right." I said.
He glared at me.
"Great idea." Jewls said. "I'm thinking Mel and I should do the same."
"Baby, I'm not going to take advantage of you." Ron said to me. He started rubbing my leg. "Seriously."
"But I want you to." I told him.
He took his hand off my leg, put it on the steering wheel and sighed.
"Whats wrong?" Jewls asked him.
"This all sounds like a great idea, I just don't know if I should be going that route again." He explained.
Tears started to build up in my eyes. He glanced over at me and noticed.
"Okay, you're coming home with me." He said to me.
"Take us all to your place." Mel said.
When we got to his house, I felt stupid. I just went to the bathroom and cried.
He barged in after about twenty minutes. We could hear Mel and Jewls moaning too. We both thought it was hillarious, but we didn't laugh.
I was sitting there on the floor when he came in and I was so embarassed.
He sat down next to me and put his arms around me.
"Don't you even think for one second that I don't want to hook up with you tonight." He told me. "I love you so much and I care about you a lot."
I didn't respond. I had no idea what he was getting at.
He ran his fingers through my hair as he pushed it back out of my face. I looked up at him and we stared eachother in the eyes for what seemed like an eternity. He started kissing me and we ended up hooking up in the bathroom.
We just layed there talking for at least an hour. He held me in his arms the whole time.
"Let's go lay down in my bed." He said after a while.
"Okay." I said.
Within a few minutes, we both fell asleep.
At April 14, 2006 4:28 PM,
Christina said…
A few hours later, I woke up. I couldn't fall back asleep. I wasn't sure exactly how I felt about the night before. I guess I still cared about Ron, but what about his ex? She was having HIS baby for cyrin out loud! I didn't know what to do. I thought about just leaving. I've always been pretty graceful, and I was pretty sure I could get up, dressed and out of there without waking anyone. Then I could just call a cab. I really wanted to stay though. For the first time I realized how much I still cared about Ron. Screw it! I thought. I started climbing out of bed, but I must have tugged the blankets, because Ron woke up mumbling. "Where are you going?" He said in a pouty voice. "Um. . .I thought. . . maybe. . .I should. . . go?" I said. "Don't be silly!" Said Ron. "Come here, I'm not done with you yet." "Look, I don't know if it was the alchohol that took over, but I don't think I can get hurt by you again." I said. "Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. I just missed you so much! You know I never wanted our relationship to break apart! I understand if you don't want to get back together. Can you just stay with me for a minute." He sounded more sincere then anyone I'd ever heard. "Sure." I said, as I climbed back in bed. He kissed my neck and before I knew it, it was last night all over again. What am I getting myself into, I thought.
At April 15, 2006 8:18 AM,
Sarah said…
We layed in bed for a while cuddling and he got up to make us some breakfast. I took a shower and put on a pair of his boxer shorts and a t-shirt. When I went out to the kitchen, Jewls was still sleeping on the couch and the guys were cooking.
"Wow." I said.
"Yes, we can cook." Ron said.
"I see that." I told them. I sat down on the couch by Jewls and turned on some cartoons.
"Rugrats?" Ron asked with an annoyed voice.
"Yes. They're totally cute!" I told him.
"Right. . ." He said.
After a couple minutes, Jewls woke up.
"What are you doing?" She mummbled as she yawned.
"Watching The Rugrats." I told her. "The guys are cooking us breakfast."
She grabbed my head and put my ear to her mouth. "I love him." She whispered.
My eyes got really wide. "What?" I loudly whispered back.
"Shh." She said quietly. "I don't mean I'm in love with him. He is just amazing."
They walked up with the plates of food. Ron gave us a weird look. We probably looked weird with our heads together. She quickly jumped up.
"Awww, you made us breakfast." She said. "That is so sweet!"
They handed us each a plate. We all ate while we watched T.V.
At April 15, 2006 2:02 PM,
Christina said…
They weren't kidding! They could definatly cook! We sat around laughing and joking, flipping through channels. It was Sunday morning, so there was nothing on, except for some great stuff to make fun of! Jewls and I of course kept seeing commercials and talking about advertising ideas. Suddenly Jewls phone wrang. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Mr. Shefield." she replied. "Must be something about work." She went into the other room to talk. She came out with a shocked look on her face. "What is it?" I asked. "He wants to talk to you. . ." She said. I took the phone, not knowing what to expect. "Hello?" "Melinda? You'll never believe this! Green Day accepted!" "What!?" I shouted. "I just got word from legal. This is one of the biggest names we have ever signed. You girls are looking at a promotion!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed! "There needs to be a few changes," He continued. "To make it a little less hokey. That was one of GreenDay's terms." "That is so insane! Thanks for letting us know!" "You bet!" He said. "I'll see you girls tomorrow, and we can go over a few more things." "Okay, talk to you later!" I hung up and looked at Jewls. We started yelling and jumping up and down! When we finally calmed down, we looked over and saw Mel and Ron looking rather confused. "Care to share?" asked Mel. We explained everything. Then Jewls added "And. . . There is going to be a big marketing party. With Greenday! Melinda, you and I are invited!" "No way!" I said. "I have been listening to them for years! I can't believe this!" "Mr. Shefield said we can both bring a date." "Both of us?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. BOTH of us." She said gritting her teeth. I'm guessing she didn't want to give anything away to Mel about her and Mr. Shefield. She turend to Mel and said, "Want to come? It is this Friday?" "Absolutly!" Ron looked at me. "I guess you can come with me. . . If you want." I grinned. I wasn't entirly sure were we stood, but I was willing to find out. "Sounds like a date!" He said.
At April 16, 2006 11:54 AM,
Sarah said…
That next week at work was crazy! Everyone at the office was happy, because the company was going to be bringing in a lot of money once this commercial makes the airways. We had so many meetings too and we didn't get much sleep. I didn't even have time to meet up with Ron all week! By the time Friday came, I realized I hadn't even called him all week! I had a couple missed calls from him too. Hopefully he knew I have just been busy.
I called him when I got home Friday after work.
"I thought I told you not to be a stranger." He said.
I started explaining all the things going on at work and he interupted me.
"I was kidding." He said.
I laughed. "Okay, well the limo is going to be picking me up in an hour, so that's all the time I've got. We'll be picking you up first, so you've got like fourty give minutes. See you soon!" I said. I hung up the phone, took a quick shower and spent the rest of the time on my hair. I had my dress picked out a couple of days ago and I have really good makeup that covers everything! It is so easy and quick to apply, so that didn't take up much of my time at all. I saw the limo pull up in the window. I ran downstairs and tripped on the bottom step. I laughed at myself and walked out the door.
I got in and Ron was the only one in the limo so far. We picked up Jewls and Mel next. Everyone was in such a great mood. It was so much fun! We picked up all the big wigs afterwards, including Mr. Sheffield. He kept looking at Jewls as she flirted and joked with Mel. He was probably a little jelous and I am sure he was wondering if he was ever going to get a night with her again.
When we arrived at the banquet hall where the party was going to be, I was so nervous.
"I am going to puke!" I yelled as I jumped out of the limo. I ran up to the wall and leaned up against it with my back.
Ron calmed me down and we all walked in.
"Ah, the brains behind the commercial." A man said as Me and Jewls walked in. We turned around and it was Tre Cool cool, the drummer.
We were both speechless. "Yes, we are." Jewls said with a huge smile on her face.
"Thanks for thinking of us." Tre said.
I couldn't even look him in the eye.
"Sorry the rest of the band couldn't make it." He said. "I know I'm not as sexy as Mr. Armstrong, but hopefully good enough." He said laughing.
We both just giggled a little.
"It was a joke, you can laugh." He said.
"I know." Jewls told him. "I was laughing."
"Not as hard as I had hoped." He said. "I am sure we'll be bumping into eachother again." He said. "Nice dress." He told me smiling as he walked away.
"Oh my god." I said to myself excited.
"We're idiots." Jewls said. "We are total idiots."
"Yeah, you didn't make that awkward for him at all." Ron said sarcastically.
I sighed. "We ARE idiots!" I agreed.
The party was a lot of fun and as always, Jewls and I ended up drunk. Mr. Sheffield kept his eye on Jewls the whole night. We didn't run into Tre again that night, but we were excited that we even got to speak with him. We had the limo drop us all off at Ron's place. We didn't stay up very much later after we got there. Jewls and I feel asleep on the couch, so the guys just put blankets on us. Ron slept in his bed and Mel took the guest room.
In the morning, the guys made us breakfast again. It was really nice.
At April 16, 2006 12:33 PM,
Christina said…
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At April 16, 2006 7:48 PM,
Christina said…
We decided to go up to the lake that day. It was nice out, and Jewls lived close to Ron, so we were able to change at her house on our way out. It was gorgeous! Ron and Mel rented a boat and fished, while Jewls and I just sat and got some sun. It was a big boat, with a captains room upstairs, and a kitchen and guest room downstairs. "How much are you making?" I asked Ron after a few hours went by. "Not as much as you!" He said jokingly. "Mel and I split the boat, so we were able to get a nice one." Not much else was said. It was so relaxing out there on the water. We docked about 4:00. Jewls and Mel decided to "stay on the boat", while Ron and I went for a walk. We had some important things to talk about. I still wasn't really sure a relationship with him was a good idea. Especially since he had a kid on the way. His Ex didn't want him in her life, but I was sure she would still want child support, etc. . . I just didn't want to deal with that. My bathing suit strap must have slipped down my shoulder, because I looked up and Ron was staring at my boob! "You dork!" I said. "How long have I been walking like that, and you didn't say anything? You probably didn't hear a word I said!" "Relax!" He said, trying to be casual, "No one saw!" I was trying to look pissed, but I couldn't help laughing a little. I'm going back! I said, headed back to the boat. I need a beer!"
At April 17, 2006 7:55 AM,
Sarah said…
"You are so cute!" He shouted as I was walking away.
"Shut up." I said. I started running towards the boat and he ran after me. He picked me up and tackled me to the ground. We were laughing so hard. Then he started tickling me.
"STOP!" I shouted.
"You know you like it." He said.
All I could do was laugh some more.
"Race you to the boat." He said as he stood up and went running off. I felt like a teenager, but I was having fun. I went running after him and caught up to him. I grabbed the back of his pants, pulled them down and ran to the boat.
"Loser!" He shouted.
I could not stop laughing. When I got to the boat, I was out of breath and laughing. He walked up to me giving me a dirty look.
"That lady saw you do that." He said whispering. I looked over and there was a women laying down on a towel looking at us.
I began to laugh even harder.
"Oops!" I said.
"Yeah, oops! I'm sure it was an accident!" He said as he pulled my top down.
I quickly fixed it and slapped him as Jewls and Mel walked up to us.
"What the hell are you doing?" Jewls asked.
"Fix my suit please." I told her. She sat behind me and re-tied the strings in the back. I was glaring at Ron the whole time. He just kept smiling and laughing.
"That lady saw he wee wee." I said laughing and pointing at the lady. "I pulled his pants down." We all laughed. Even Ron was laughing, he couldn't help it.
At April 17, 2006 8:13 AM,
Christina said…
We decided to rent the boat for the night. That evening we ate at a restaurant a few miles from the lake, then went back to the boat with some drinks. It was such a beautiful night! We went swimming, got pretty tossed, and didn't end up going to bed untill early the next morning. Jewls and Mel took the Captains Chambers, and Ron and I took the bedroom below deck. It was another passionate night for everyone! The next morning, not long after Ron and I went to bed we heard a knock on the door. I got up, wrapped the blanket around me, and opened the door expecting to see Mel or Jewls. Instead I saw
At April 17, 2006 9:07 AM,
Sarah said…
some old man.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Excuse me?" I asked. "Who the hell are you?"
Ron woke up. "What are you doing?" He asked me.
"Some man is at the door." I told him.
He got up and put the sheet around his waist.
"Can we help you?" Ron asked.
"The boat was only rented for the day." He said.
"We paid for the night, now get the hell out of here." He said in a grumpy voice.
"Let me see your receipt." He said.
"Who are you?" Ron asked him.
"I co-own the boat." He said. "I was not aware that the boat was being rented out for the night."
"Well, it has been!" Ron said as he slammed the door and locked it.
He put his arm around me. "Come on, let's go back to bed."
We were only able to sleep for a couple hours, because the bed wasn't very comfortable. I got up, got dressed and went out to the dock. Jewls was sitting there in her swim suit drinking a coffee.
"Do you want some coffee?" She asked. "Mel bought us all a cup."
She got up and handed me my cup.
"Thanks." I said.
"Did you have another good night?" She asked me.
"Yes." I told her. "It was great. You?"
She shook her head. "Amazing." She said staring at the water.
"You think you're going to get serious with him again?" She asked me.
"I don't know, you?" I asked her.
"Not sure either." She replied.
We both giggled and leaned back up against the boat.
"Good Morning." Mel said as he walked up to us.
"Hey." I said.
"I wish we could stay here longer." Jewls said.
"I would be up for it." Mel said.
Ron walked out yawning. "I am so tired." He said. He sat down next to me.
"Would you all be up for another night here?" Mel asked us.
"I could do that." Ron answered.
"We're going to be busy at work this week." I said.
"Girl, we NEED this time away." Jewls said. "I am totally for it!"
At April 17, 2006 9:46 AM,
Christina said…
It was a rare three day weekend, so we all decided to stay. We rented the boat for another night, and got a copy of the receipt and posted it to the door! Jewls and I ran out to the car to get some music. All that was on the boat was some beachboys and a bunch of old stuff we had never heard of. We didn't have TV out there, which was nice! It was like a little mini vacation. Ron and I decided to go into town to nice restaurant, and grab some changes of clothes to bring back to the boat. We stopped by my place first, so I could find something nice to wear to dinner, then headed to his place so he could change. Dinner was wonderful! We went to an upscale restaurant that was fabulous. At dinner we spyed Mr. Sheffield in the corner of the restaurant with a date. We were hoping he didn't see us! I would have to let Jewls know that Mr. Sheffield didn't seem too upset. Ron and I talked for most of dinner about work, and what had been going on the last few weeks. "So," He said, after a slight pause in conversation. "What exactly is going on between us?" He askes. "Um. . . I don't know." I replied. "You tell me. These last two weeks have been great, but I wasn't sure how you felt. You seem so different now, all grown up, I guess." I said smiling. "I have done a lot of growing up. Ever since I found out about the baby." I winced when he said that. He must have noticed because he said "I'm sorry. I was hoping you would be okay with it. I understand if you arent though. I tried to do the responsible thing, but she wont let me." "Did you really want to be with her?" I asked. "Well, not really." He said. I do want to be apart of my childs life though." I could see he was upset by it. "We don't have to talk about this, if you don't want too." I said. "No,we should. If you do want to pursue a relationship, the least I can do is be honest with you about it. It is complicated, I warn you." He said, smiling. "We'll see." i said. I still wasn't sure how to take everything. He had done a lot of changing the last week, but I wanted to make sure. I didn't want my heart broken again. After dinner we headed back to the lake. After we parked the car we decided to go see what Jewls and Mel were up to before we stared brining the clothes on board. We got close enough to see they were still enjoying dinner, so we decided to take a walk in the moonlight, and get the clothes later.
At April 17, 2006 10:09 AM,
Sarah said…
We walked for about a half hour holding hands until he stopped me.
"Let's do it right here!" He said pointing at the ground.
"What?" I asked. "Are you crazy?"
"Come on, you always said before when we were dating that you'd never done it anywhere interesting and you felt like you were missing out." He said.
"No." I replied.
"Why not?" He asked.
"We are not going to do it!" He said.
"We're not going to do it anymore?" He asked making a puppy face.
"Shut up." I said. "We are going to do it, but not right here."
"Okay." He said looking excited. "Let's go."
"Not right now!" I told him. "Maybe later. . . if you're lucky!"
He picked me up and ran to the boat. We were both laughing really hard.
Mel and Jewls were sitting down on the dock.
"How old are we again?" Mel asked sarcastically.
"Who cares, we're having fun." Ron told him.
"You're never too old to goof off!" Jewls said.
"Oh, okay." Mel said. He got up, picked up Jewls and started spinning her. We were all laughing.
"Put me down!!" Jewls yelled smacking him in the back.
He put her down. "That was fun." He said. "You're right. We aren't too old to goof off."
At April 17, 2006 10:42 AM,
Christina said…
Then Ron through me over his shoulder and ran down to the bedroom, tossing me on the bed. He slammed the door, then took a flying leap onto the bed. I picked up my pillow and smacked him over the head with it, which caused him to fall off, right on his butt. "Are you okay!?" I yelled. I hadn't meant to knock him off. "What the hell was that for?" He said pretending to be hurt. He stood up rubbing his toosh, making a pouty face. "I'm not kissing to make it better!" I said. "That's okay. I'll just make it even!" He replied. He grabbed the pillow next to me and smacked me right in the head! After that we got into a huge pillow fight! He pinned me, sitting on my legs, holdin my hands above me. He took my pillow and tossed it in the corner of the room. I was giggling so hard! "I win!" He shouted. "Shh! Not so loud." I said. "What, like they don't make any noise?" He said. I just started lauging. "Okay, let me up now." I asked. "Nope." He said. "Only if you kiss me!" "I'm not kissing your ass!" I said giggling even harder. "Who said that? Just on my lips!" "Fine, agreed!" I said. He let me up, and a planted one right on his smackers. He grabbed me, rolled me over on the bed, and . . .well, you can figure out the rest. Shortly after, we got dressed and started heading up to the deck. Jewls and Mel were laughing about something.
At April 17, 2006 11:05 AM,
Sarah said…
"Jesus, ya horn dogs!" Mel said laughing.
"Ah, you're just jelous." Ron said. We all laughed.
Ron sat down and I sat on his lap.
"I don't wanna go back to work." I said.
"Neither do I." Jewls agreed.
"We should stay up late again." I suggested.
"Good idea." Jewls said. "We can go into work whenever we feel like it this week."
"Yeah, they are waiting for a bunch of paperwork before we can do anything else." I said.
"I am having such a great time." Jewls said. "This weekend has been so amazing."
Ron hugged me tightly. "It's been amazing for me too." He said.
I laughed. "Yup, I'm that good!"
"Oh shut up." Jewls said. "Everyone knows I am the best there is. Ask Mel."
We all looked at Mel. "Top Notch." He said snapping his fingers.
"Top Notch?" I asked making fun. "You dork."
At April 17, 2006 11:13 AM,
Christina said…
We hung out for a while the next day. About 1:00 we packed up our things, and headed back home. We were all tired, and decided to go our own seperate ways, and maybe meet up later that night my place. When the dropped me off, I kissed Ron goodbye, and imediatly went to take a nap. I was so tired! I knew I had work the next day, but I didn't care. I was going to stay up anyway! About an hour into my nap, my phone rang. It was Mr. Sheffield. "Hello?" I asked, still half asleep.
At April 17, 2006 11:44 AM,
Sarah said…
"We have a big problem, Melinda." He said. "I need you to come in for a meeting at six tomorrow morning."
"What happen?" I asked concerned.
"We lost the commercial. I'll explain in the meeting." He said. "See you in the morning."
At April 17, 2006 11:59 AM,
Christina said…
"Shit!" I said to myself. What a crasher to a great weekend. I called Jewls right away. "I heard." She said when she answered the phone. "What do you think it was?" I asked. "It isn't like Mr. Sheffield not to tell us." "I don't know. I called Mel, and let him know I still wanted to see him, but staying out late was out of the question. He is just going to swing by my place and stay over." "Okay." I said. "I'll give Ron a call. Maybe he heard something." We hung up and I dialed Ron. "Hey sexy!" He said, sounding excited. "Hey." I said. I must have sounded pissed off because he said, "What's wrong?" "We lost the commercial." I said. "Why?" He asked. "I don't know!" I said. I was trying not to cry! I was so mad. Everything was starting to look great, and it was all over. "I'm coming over." He said. "Okay." I said. Hanging up the phone.
At April 17, 2006 2:07 PM,
Sarah said…
He got to my house within fifteen minutes.
"Everything will be fine." He said. "You've lost commercials before."
"Not one this big." I told him.
"It's work." He said. "That's all."
"Yeah, but it is important." I said.
"Don't let it interfere with your personal life." He said. "That's all I'm saying."
"I know." I told him. "It just sucks."
"I'll make you feel better." He said with a smirk on his face.
"I'm not in the mood." I said.
"Oh come on." He said.
"Is this all our relationship is?" I asked him.
"Why don't you tell me what it is." He said.
"I don't know." I replied.
"Do you know what you want out of it?" He asked.
"I havn't got a clue." I said.
He took a deep breath. "We're back to this again." He said.
"Why don't you tell me what you want out of this?" I said.
"I like where we're at." He said. "I am enjoying your company."
"So to you, it's just sex?" I asked.
"No." He replied. "I want you. I like what we have right now, I would be happy if things progressed. I just think it's too soon to be trying to figure out if we have a future together."
"I guess that makes sence." I said.
"Now get over here." He said holding his arms out. I walked up to him and he hugged me.
"Now I am going to make you feel better. I don't want to hear any if's and's or but's about it!" He said.
"Okay." I said smiling.
At April 17, 2006 2:16 PM,
Christina said…
I started walking away. "Where are you going?" He asked. "You said no 'Butts'." I replied. He laughed. You know what I mean! He took me to my room, and he did make me feel better! He went ahead and stayed the night. He had a change of clothes with him, so in the morning he got ready with me, and we drove in sepratly. I got to work about 5:30. WAY too early to be at work! Kelly wasn't even in yet! I went to my office to check my messages. I didn't have any, which was very strange! I gathered my things and headed off the the meeting. I ran into Jewls on the way. "I'm so nervous!" She said. "I know, me too!" We put on our game faces, and walked into the meeting room.
At April 17, 2006 2:36 PM,
Sarah said…
"Good Morning, Ladies." Mr. Sheffield said.
"Hi." Jewls said to him.
He winked at her.
"Take a seat." He said.
"There were some expense problems we ran into." He said. "It just didn't work out. I am going to have Mike and Richard brainstorm and come up with another commercial for Heinze. It's all off your shoulders now."
"Off our shoulders?" Jewls said standing up.
"Releived?" He asked.
"No!" She yelled. "This is pure bullshit!" She stormed out of the room.
I smiled at him and left. I went to my desk.
"Your coffee." Jamie said as she set my coffee down on my desk.
"Thanks, Jamie." I said.
"You're welcome." She said as she left.
I know Jewls was pissed off because Mr. Sheffield took us off the commercial, but I actually was feeling releived. That damn commercial caused me so much stress!
Mr. Sheffield came into my office.
"Sorry about the commercial." He said. "We've got lots of great oportunities for you though." Here's your bonus check for working on the commcerial." He dropped an envelope on my desk and left.
I opened it up and it was five hundred dollars. That is the smallest bonus I have ever received for a commercial.
"Heinze sucks!" I shouted to myself.
At April 17, 2006 2:52 PM,
Christina said…
Jewls and I decided to go to the bar after work. She was convinced we got taken off the account because Mr. Sheffield wasn't sleeping with her anymore. "He is probably just jealous!" She complained. "I'm calling Mel later. I need some action!" She said, drunk already. "You are such a man!" I said laughing. I went up to the bar to get some more drinks for us. I hailed the bartender and Chris turned around! He must have changed shifts with the other bartender.
At April 17, 2006 6:03 PM,
Sarah said…
"Hi, Melinda." He said. "How are you doing?"
I smiled at him. "I'm really good. How are you?"
"Good." He said.
"Can I get two shots of Tequila?" I asked him.
"Wow!" He said shocked. "Real women, I like that."
I laughed.
He poured the shots. "Like or Salt?" He asked.
"Both." I answered. "Thanks."
"Here you are." He said as he put them down in front of me. "Give me a call some time."
"Definatly." I said as I walked away.
"Okay, what is wrong with me?" I asked Jewls as I set down the shots. "I totally want to hook up with Chris again."
"So do it." She said.
"Jewls!" I shouted. "You're crazy."
"You're the one thinking about it!" She said.
I rolled my eyes and picked up my shot. "Cheers." I said. We drank the shot.
"Let's dance." Jewls said pulling me out to the dance floor.
At April 17, 2006 9:21 PM,
Christina said…
We danced the night away! We also had way more then one shot of tequilla. I don't even remember most of the night! I was more than surprised to wake up the next morning to see Chris in my bed! I screamed! "What, What?" He yelled looking around. "I'm sorry!" I said panting. You scared me! Just then I felt really sick, so I ran to the bathroom. Only to trip over Jewls and some guy sleeping on the floor in the living room. I got to me feet and made it to the bathroom just in time! I walked out and saw three very puzzled looking people. "Are you okay?" asked Chris. "No. I'm sorry, but I don't remember last night. The last thing I remember is taking a shot of Tequila with Jewls, and that guy." I said pointing to the man who was pulling up his pants on my living room floor. "I don't remember last night eaither. Hi I'm Jewls." She said introducing herself to the man. "I'm Peter." He said, and we all laughed histaricly. I passed out asprin and water and Chris helped me brew some coffee.
At April 17, 2006 10:16 PM,
Sarah said…
Peter turned on the t.v.
Chris went to the bathroom and Jewls walked up to me.
"We are such players." She whispered to me.
"I can't even beleive it." I whispered back.
"Did I sleep with Peter?" She asked me.
"How the hell am I suppose to know?" I said.
"Oh my god. . ." She said.
"You girls are wild." Chris said as he walked up to us and started pouring coffee.
"We are?" Jewls asked confused.
"Yes." He said. "Very."
He started to say something and I interupted him. "Don't even tell me." I said.
"Yeah, I don't think I want to know either." Jewls said.
At April 18, 2006 7:58 AM,
Christina said…
"Oh SHIT!" I yelled. I just realised it was Tuesday!! "We should have been at work two hours ago!" I said. "Oh crap! We didn't have any meetings today, did we?" Jewls asked. "I don't think so." I got up and grabbed my phone out of my purse. I had 10 messages! Most of them were from Kelly telling me I needed to call as soon as possible. I guess some people were worried, and Mr. Sheffiled was really pissed off about something. I had one from Ron asking what was going on, and one from Jewls' assistant asking if I had heard from her. Jewls had pretty much the same messages on her phone. "What are we going to say when we go in?" She asked.
At April 18, 2006 8:32 AM,
Sarah said…
"I don't know and right now I don't really care." I said.
We quickly got as fixed up as we could to look somewhat decent. We rushed into my car and headed to work. We left the guys there, which we probably shouldn't have! We just told them to lock up before they left. We did our makeup on the way to work. When we got to the office, we both rushed to our desks.
"Where have you been?" Kelly asked. She looked so worried and flustered.
"God, Melinda you have so many messages!" She said. She had a bunch of papers and she started shuffling through them really fast.
"Kel?" I said trying to get her attention. "Put the papers down and sit down."
She looked at me with a confused look on her face and sat down.
"Relax." I told her. "Everything is fine."
"I'm sorry. I have been swamped with messages and phone calls. . ." she said. "And Ron won't leave me alone, cause you didn't return his call. Mr. Sheffield keeps calling asking if I've seen you yet. . . it has just been a crazy morning."
"I'll go through the papers. Go take a break." I told her.
"A break?" She asked.
"Yes. A break." I said.
She stood up looking so confused. "Okay. I think I can do that." She said quietly. "I'll play Solitaire on my computer." She smiled really big.
"Yeah." I said. "I'll call you if I need you."
Then the phone rang. "Hello."
"Sound more enthused, Melinda." It was Molly.
I laughed.
"You have a call. Do you want to take it?" She asked. "Or should I sent it to your voicemail?"
"Voicemail." I said as I hung up.
At April 18, 2006 8:43 AM,
Christina said…
Just then Mr. Sheffield burst into my office. "What is going on here!" He shouted. "Excuse me sir?" I asked. "You and Jewls have just decided you don't have to come to work on time?" Look, I'm really sorry!" I said. We were up late working on our new add campagn, so Jewls decided to just stay over. I forgot to set the alarm though, so we woke up late." "That is exaclty what she said." He responded. "Don't let it happen again. Your lucky and you two didn't miss any meetings today. We do have a meeting at 1:00, so have your new add campain ideas ready!" He said, slamming the door as he left. I picked up my phone and dialed Jewls.
At April 18, 2006 9:04 AM,
Sarah said…
"What the hell are we going to do?" I asked her.
"I know what I've gotta do." She said.
"What?" I asked her.
"I'll call you back in like thirty minutes. . . well, make that thirty-five minutes." She said.
"Jewls!" I shouted.
"Shh!" She said.
"You can't do that." I said quietly.
"Watch me." She said. "Well, don't watch but-"
"Yeah I get it." I said interupting her.
"It'll work." She said. "I can make that man roar like there is no tomorrow."
"Okay, bad mental picture. Shut up and call me when you're done." I said. I hung up the phone.
I started looking through the papers Kelly had left. I returned a couple calls from family members, then I just sat there waiting for Jewls to call back.
"Yeah, there's no meeting today. You can go home." Jewls said as she walked in smiling.
"Are you kidding me?" I said shocked.
"Nope, not kidding." She said.
"Where did you do it?" I asked her whispering.
"His office." She said as she hit the desk softly. She looked so proud.
"So, you've slept with three different guys this week." I said.
"Pretty much. Yeah." She said.
I stood up. "You are so crazy." I told her. We walked out of the office and drove back to my place. Chris was just leaving.
"Where's Jeff? Or Mike, whatever his name is. . ." Jewls asked Chris.
"Uh, you mean Peter?" He asked laughing.
"Yeah, that's right. It was Peter." She said.
Chris squeezed my shoulder. "See ya." He said as he walked away.
"Bye." I said.
At April 18, 2006 9:21 AM,
Christina said…
"Okay." Jewls said. "That was weird. Guess he doesn't know where Peter is" We both laughed. We walked in peter was watching TV. Jewls and I just looked at each other. "Hello." I said. "Hi." He said, looking up, then looking back at the TV. "I'll handle this." Jewls whispered. She walked up to him. "Hey, we should do this again." said. She took a piece of paper and pen from table the phone was on, wrote something down and gave it to him. "Call me." She said. "Okay. I will!" He said. He got up, grabbed his keys, and left. "Weirdo!" I said. "Yeah, I gave him the number to the reject hotline!" She said laughing. "You didn't!" I said. We laughed histarically at that! We changed into some causal clothes. I was still feeling queesy from the tequilla. We decided to take a nap. We both climbed into bed, and then my phone wrang. "Your kidding me!" I said. I picked it up and it was Ron. "You didn't call me back." He said. "Is everything okay? I was worried." "Everything is fine!" I said.
At April 18, 2006 9:43 AM,
Sarah said…
"We were late for work, too much tequilla last night." I told him. "Jewls boned the boss, so it's all good."
Jewls lifted her head up and smacked me.
"Well, you did." I said.
She smiled. "I know."
At April 18, 2006 10:05 AM,
Christina said…
"Okay." he said laughing. "Can I come over later?" He asked. "I don't know, hold on. Jewls, can he come over later?" "Only if he has sex with you!" She shouted. "Shhh!" I said. "It's a deal!" I heard Ron say over the phone and he hung up. "Great, now he's got his hopes up!" I said. I still feel sick from the tequilla!" I moaned. I rolled over and fell asleep. I woke up later that night and was sick to my stomach, which was making Jewls feel sick. "Just go home!" I said. "I don't want to make you feel sick!" I said. "If you say so." She smiled, and left a little while later. I was in the kitchen making some tea when there was a knock on the door. I was a little suprised to see Chris. I opened the door, and he had some Chicken soup in his hands. "What's that?" I asked. "Soup. You didn't look so good when you got home earlier, so I thought I'd bring you some dinner." "How sweet!" I said. "You could have called, I look horrible!" I was wearing some pajama shorts and a tank top, and my hair was a mess. I didn't even have makeup on. "You look fine!" He said, and kissed my forhead. I smiled and let him in. "Have a seat." I said. "I was just making some tea. I'll pour you a cup." "Don't be silly! Sit down, I'll get the tea!" He said. "You don't have to tell me twice!" I said, and sat down on the couch. He brought out two bowls of soup and two cups of hot tea.
At April 18, 2006 10:34 AM,
Sarah said…
Then someone knocked on the door.
"I'll get that." I said. I got up and opened the door.
It was Ron. He walked into the house and saw Chris. I started laughing.
"What the hell!" Ron shouted confused.
All I could do was laugh. I was dying laughing.
"I'm confused." Chris said.
"Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do." Ron said trying to sound like Ricky Ricardo.
"You are retarded!" I said.
"You're the guy that comes to Riggs all the time." Chris said.
"That's right." Ron said. "And you're the Bartender that screwed Melinda."
I lost it again and could not stop laughing.
They both just stood there looking confused.
I picked up the phone and called Jewls while I was still standing there between them. I was so tired and way too giggly.
She answered sounding like she was about to die.
"Jewls?" I said. "Ron and Chris are both standing in my living room." I began to laugh again.
"Oh, shit." Jewls mummbled.
"So, what do you think I should do?" I asked her.
"Are they standing right next to you?" She asked.
"Yup." I said.
". . . and you're calling me?" She asked.
"Yes." I said laughing.
"Run." She said.
"I can't run!" I shouted to her.
"What the fuck is going on?" Ron asked.
I hung up the phone.
"What's going on is I am single." I said. "And so tired and hungover. I just need some more sleep." I said as I sat down.
"Call me later." Ron said as he left.
"Yeah, me too." Chris said following Ron.
I put my face in the pillow and laughed some more.
At April 18, 2006 10:44 AM,
Christina said…
I just wanted to go to bed! I figured I could probably consider them both mad, and over. I called Jewls. "Hi hon." she answered. "Hi." I said. Still giggling. "They must think I'm crazy!" "Hey, if Ron is mad, it's his fault for not saying he wanted to get back together. Chris probably isn't mad. He should known it was a kind of fling." She said laughing. "Your right." I said. "I don't care if they are! I just wish Ron hadn't shown up. Chris brought me soup and made me tea!" "No way!" She said. "And you scarred him off! Oh, Hold on." I heard her whispering to someone. "Who is that?" I asked. "It's just Mel." She said. "You slut!" I said, laughing, which got her laughing. "I'm calling in tomorrow." I said. "I feel awful! I can't even think of the word tequilla without wanting to hurl!" "Yuck! me too! Don't ever say that word again!" She said. We hung up, and I climbed into bed. Then I realised I still had soup and tea sitting out. I didn't want to waste it so I got up to put it away. I heard another knock on my door. I opened and Chris was back. "Oh. I didn't expect to see you again. I thought you would think I was a slut or somethin." I said. "Never!" He said, laughing. "I just took off, because I'm guessing that was an ex? I didn't want to start anything. Once I saw him leave, I cam back." "Thanks. I apreciate the company." I said.
At April 18, 2006 11:44 AM,
Sarah said…
Then the phone rang. It was Ron.
"You are so bad." Ron said.
I giggled.
"I was drunk." I told him.
"I know. Can I come back over?" He asked.
"Chris beat you to it." I said laughing.
"Damnit." He said. "Fine."
"Aww, is little Ronny horny?" I said laughing.
"Shut up." He said.
"Talk to you soon." I said.
"You better, cause little Ronny is horny!" He said laughing.
"Oh my gosh, you are such a dork!" I told him.
"Just call me later." He said as he hung up the phone.
"Sorry." I said to Chris. "I am just so exhausted and I am acting silly."
"I think it's really cute." He said.
Wow! Men are sleezy! I thought to myself. I thought I was in trouble, but apparently not!
At April 18, 2006 12:00 PM,
Christina said…
I only ate a little bit of soup, because I still felt queezy. I drank all my tea, and Chris put everything in the kitchen. He came back and sat next to me. I put my head on his shoulder. He lifted up my chin and kissed me. I was glad I brushed my teeth after hurling earlier! I instantly started feeling better. I smiled. "What is it?" he asked. "Nothing. I just feel better now!" I said. He picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom. He made me feel amazing! I completly forgot about not feeling well. We both fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning there was a note on the pillow where he was the night before. It said:
Thanks for the great night. Had to check out early. Got to get some sleep before work tonight. Say Hi to Jewls for me ;).
It occured to me that I didn't know what the L stood for. Why did he tell me to say hi to jewls and put a winking smily face? Who knows. I thought. I grabbed my phone and called into work saying I was sick to my stomach. I felt better, but wanted to make sure. Then I called Ron at work to see if he wanted to come over for lunch. He didn't anwser, so I left him a message with his secratary. I got up and jumped in the shower. I got out, wrapped a towl around me, and walked out the the living room. I was headed to the laundry room to grab some clean clothes. When I turned the corner Ron was sitting on the couch. "How'd you get in?" I asked. "I still had a key." He smiled. "Oh, great!" I said rolling my eyes.
At April 18, 2006 3:30 PM,
Sarah said…
"What?" He asked.
"Give me back the key." I said.
He jumped over the couch and stood in front of me.
"Are you going to keep seeing Chris?" He asked.
"I don't know. I don't even remember how he appeard back into my life." I told him. I pushed him out of the way laughing and walked to the laundry room.
He walked up to me and put his arms around me. "I want you all to myself." He said as he kissed my neck.
"You'll have to earn that." I told him. I grabbed a dress from the dryer and went to my bedroom to change into it.
"Am I better in bed?" He asked following me.
"If you must know, Yes." I said. I walked into the bathrom and shut the door.
"Doesn't that earn me some points?" He asked.
"Yes." I told him.
I came out in the dress and his eyes lit up. "You look very sex in that dress." He said.
"Thanks." I replied. "It's very old. It was my Grandmothers."
"I like it." He said.
We layed on the couch and watched a movie. He turned off the t.v. when the movie was over.
"Are we just friends?" He asked.
"Friends with benefits." I told him.
"Ah fine!" He said. "Does this mean you don't want to be a couple?"
"Yes, it does." I said.
"I guess I can live with that, but can we be official friends with benefits?" He asked. "Meaning we only sleep with eachother?"
"Sure." I told him. "But it ends as soon as one of us meets someone we want to be in a relationship with."
"Got it." He said.
At April 18, 2006 3:42 PM,
Christina said…
At this point he had a huge grin on his face. It took everything I had not to just laugh on him. He got up and walked to the bedroom. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To the bedroom." I said. "Can I come too?" I heard him call out. "Sure!" I said. I tossed Chris' note in the trash before he came in.
At April 18, 2006 8:10 PM,
Sarah said…
I layed down in my bed and turned on the t.v. There wasn't anything on that we wanted to watch, so we ended up watching cartoons. We layed there cuddling for hours.
At April 18, 2006 9:38 PM,
Christina said…
I fell asleep and woke up about an hour later. I had fallen asleep with my head on Ron's chest, and drooled all over him! He was asleep so I thought maybe if I moved quietly I could wipe it off his chest without him knowing. Then I started giggling! "What's so funny?" He mummbled. "I'm sorry." I said. "What? You didn't wet the bed did you?" He said laughing. "No. . ." I said, lifting up my head and exposing the drool. "I'm sorry." He started laughing. "Thats okay, sweetie!" he said. "Anyone else, would be dead. But you, your okay." I reached over him and grabbed some kleenex for him. "Good news is I feel a lot better!" I said. "I'll be back at work tomorrow." "Great." He said. "Glad I could help by letting you slobber all over me!" "Hey," I said, "Let's go see a movie tonight!" "Okay, but your paying!" "Deals off, then!" I said. We got up and I looked through the paper to see what was playing.
At April 18, 2006 9:58 PM,
Sarah said…
There were a couple good movies, but none of them were playing soon. We had to wait at least two hours. We decided to watch t.v. for a little bit until the movie started, but we both fell asleep again. I woke up and it was eight. I grabbed something to eat and drank a glass of water. Then, I did a face mask and went back to bed.
At April 19, 2006 8:04 AM,
Christina said…
I woke up the next morning when my alarm went off, and got up to start getting ready for work. Ron had already left, probably to swing by his house and get ready for work. I grabbed one of my sexier outfits to wear, and did my hair. I just had two days of feeling sick and gross, so I wanted to look great today. I grabbed my breifcase, and headed out the door. I decided to swing by starbucks on my way to work to pick up some coffee and to muffins for Jewls and I.
At April 19, 2006 9:22 AM,
Sarah said…
When I got to the office, I stopped by Jewls' desk to drop off her muffin. She wasn't there, but I could tell she had already got in. Her computer was on and her purse was sitting on her desk. I just set it down and went to my desk. I ate my muffin and relaxed for a couple minutes. Then I returned all of my messages, which took about an hour.
"Good Morning." Kelly said as she walked in. "Mr. Sheffield would like you to plan the breast cancer fund." She set a stack of papers down on my desk.
"WHAT?" I asked. "Why is he having me do that?"
"I don't know." She said. "Just relaying the message. He wants you to come up with a plan for the company to raise money."
She walked out of my office. I was really frustrated! Why would he have me do this?! I don't do this kind of thing!
At April 19, 2006 9:36 AM,
Christina said…
Marge Guffman always did the fundraisers, she loved them. "Okay. Where to begin." I said out loud, flipping through all the paperwork. There was a Knock on my door. "Come in!" I shouted. It was Ron. "I heard about the fundraiser." He siad.
"I don't even know where to begin! I do add campagns for television, I don't know anything about raising money for a fundraiser." I said, frustrated. "Calm down. It is basically the same thing. I got stuck helping Marge with it last year, remember? I can help you out. One of my smaller accounts went to Thompson, so I have some spare time." he said. "Okay, thanks! I apreciate it. I'll give Marge a call to see if she can give me some tips. Wait a sec, the fundraiser is in. . . TWO WEEKS! Why did I get this now!" I said. "It is because it is a celebrity fundraiser. The company has one for the associates, and we also through a big dinner bash and try to get celebrities to come. It is always last minute." He said. "Great!" I sighed. He left with some of the paperwork to review, and I gave Marge a call. "Hi Melinda!" She said excitedly. "I was so excited to hear you volunteered to take over everything! I've been a little stressed with my new workload, so I needed the help." "No problem." I replied, trying to figure out why they told her I 'volunteered' for it, and why she suddenly had a new workload. "It is very simple." She said. "It is just like doing an add campaign for a big company. . .
At April 19, 2006 11:30 AM,
Sarah said…
I interupted her. "It's not the same thing." I said.
"Talk to Gretchen." She said rudly and hung up.
"AH!" I screamed.
I looked through the papers more and there was a list of people I needed to call. It was four pages long! I was not looking forward to this. Just then, Jewls stormed into the room.
"Mr. Sheffield wants me to organize the company's United Way Fundraiser!" She shouted. "What the hell is that all about?!"
I stood up quickly and hit my knee on my desk.
"Damnit!" I yelled rubbing my knee. "Are you kidding me?!"
"Nope!" She said. She looked so mad!
"He has me working on the stupid breast cancer fund!" I yelled.
"Let me handle this!" She shouted as she stormed out of the room.
At April 19, 2006 2:18 PM,
Christina said…
She came storming back in a few minutes later. "What's wrong?" I asked. "He is mad at me for seeing Mel!" She said. "What? But he was with another woman that one night. Ron and I saw him." "I know!" She said. "I guess it was okay for him, but not for me. Jerk!" She said. "Great." I guess we just do this then!" I said. "I'll call Ron. He is helping me with mine, maybe he can spare someone else from his team to give you a hand." "Okay." Jewls said, and left to go to her office. I was just about to pick up the phone when Ron walked in. "What's up?" I asked. "I heard something." He said. "What?" I asked. "There is a rumer going around that you and Jewls better watch your backs. I guess Mr. S is seeing Marge. That was the girl we saw him with the other night. "That explains a lot!" I said. "Can you spare anyone to help Jewls.?" "Yeah, I can. I would strongly recomend you start updating your resume. After the Heniz account fell through, they have been gunning for you two. It wasn't your fault, but they are looking for scapgoats." "Okay." I said. "I'm going to bring some of this home with me tonight. Want to come over and help?" I asked. "No problem sweetie." He said, and left my office. "What a day!" I said to myself. Then Kelly came bursting in my door. "I just heard some-" I cut her off, "I know! Ron told me." "Did you and Jewls ever think about starting up your own advertising company?" She asked. "You two have been the biggest brains around here since you started. It might be something to think about. I would work for you in a heartbeat!" "Thanks." I said. "That would never work though! We have no clients. Plus, we could never do something like that!" "Sure you could! Just give it some thought." "Okay." I said, and she left. I called Jewls. "I heard." She said answering the phone. "So, what are we going to do?" I asked. "Quit before we get fired!" She said. "I can't quit! Are you crazy?" "We have to!" Jewls said. "If word gets out that were fired, we're done for! Advertizing is a tuff gig!" "I know, but. . ." Suddenly I thought about what Kelly said. "You took a class in starting your own business in college, right?" I asked. "Yeah, why. . . No way! Your crazy!" She said. "Kelly suggested it. She would work for us. I could probably pull Ron too. Darren is in forms. He likes me, he would come. And Mel is a lawyer, he could handle the legal side." I said. "Your nuts!" She exclaimed. "What do you say we give it a try? If it doesn't work, we havn't lost anything." I said. "Okay. I'm game." She said. "I can't believe all this has happened before lunch!" I said, and we hung up. We both packed up our offices in secret. Kelly helped me out, and Jewls let her assistant in on what was happining. By 1:00, everything was all packed up. Jewls and I met in the breakroom. We both looked each other over, and walked our hot asses to the meeting room. There was a huge meeting with all the big-wigs of the company. We burst into the door, and they all looked up at us. "We quit! We both yelled." "What is the meaning of this!" Mr. Sheffield yelled. "Your punishing us for the heinz account. We don't need this crap. We brought in more accounts last year then anyone else. We're out of here!" I said, and turned to leave. "One more thing." Jewls said. "We're over you big ass!" And we both left. "We are freaking crazy!" I shouted to her. We went to our offices and took the boxes out to the car. On my way home I called Ron and told him what we did. "What!?" He yelled, laughing. "Your kidding me! I'm not leaving until you two make it though! I'll help you out, but I need this job right now!" "I understand!" I said. "What do you think Mel will say?" I asked. "He wont leave his lawfirm if that is what you mean. He will deffinatly take you on as a client though. Which, I would strongly recomend. As soon as you get on your feet, Adcorp (which is our company) will try to drop a lawsuit saying you stole clients." "Thanks for the advise." I said. "I'll see you tonight, okay?" "Of course!" He said. As soon as I got home Jewls, Kelly, and Molly were already at my apartment. "How did you beat me?" I asked. "We're just really excited!" Kelly yelled. We got in and I updated them on Ron. Jewls called Mel and left him a message. It was only 2:00! We decided we would all go meet at Riggs at 6:00. Jewls and I would bring Mel and Ron, Kelly would get her fiance, and Molly her date. They all took off from my house to get ready. I decided to go ahead and start getting ready after I ate some lunch. I was in the closet looking for an outfit when my phone rang. "Hello?" I said. "Hello. Can I speak with Melinda Smart please?" "This is her." I said, thinking wow! legal got ahold of this fast! "Hi, this Thomas Clein. I represent the musical artists Green Day." "Hello Mr. Clein. I said. How may I help you?" "Well, Melinda, by the way you can call me Thomas, were you at a party about two weeks ago in which Tre attened?" "Yes, I did." I said, getting a little nervous. "Excelent! Just wanted to make sure I had the right person. I'm calling because I have a proposition for you." "Go on." I said. "I would like to propose that you represent Green Day's marketing campaigns." "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes. Melinda. Tre met you at the party. Green day liked your marketing skills, they just didn't want to get involved in advertising." "Look, thats the thing." I said. "My background is advertising. I don't do marketing, I make commercials." "Exactly. The band doesn't to sell itslef. That is why the refused the commercial. They were impressed with your way of thinking however." "I'll have to talk to my associates." I said. "But I am certainly interested!" I said. I explained to him that we were starting our own company and He would have to wait a few weeks while got loans, and delt with legal stuff. I told him to call me back in two weeks. "It was pleasure Melinda." "All mine." I said, and we hung up. "What a day!" I said to myself and continued getting ready.
At April 19, 2006 6:45 PM,
Sarah said…
A few minutes past and my phone rang again.
"Melinda?" Great! It was Mr. Sheffield.
"Yes?" I asked rudly.
"I think you got the wrong idea, that was not our intentions." He explained. "We need you and we were planning on promoting you to my assisant. You'd be making around sixty five thousand a year."
My mouth dropped. "Are you kidding me?!"
"Like I said, Melinda. The rumors were not true." He said. "I am being understand about the situation and I still wanted to offer you the promotion."
"Mr. Sheffield. I know all about you and Jewls." I said.
"That was a mistake." He said. "Nothing like that will ever happen again."
"Wow." I said. "I'm going to have to get back to you on this."
"The position needs to be filled this month, so let me know." He said. "I think you would really fit the part and be a great asset to the team."
"Thanks." I said.
"Bye." He said.
I hung up the phone. What am I going to do?! This is a huge raise and would be a really awesome step for me! I picked up the phone and called him back.
"Is there anything you can offer Jewls? I can't go back unless there is something for her there too." I told him.
"Yes." He said. "We wanted her to be under Drake Staff, the advertisting director."
"Does that offer still stand?" I asked.
"Yes." He said.
"Okay, all I needed to know." I said as I hung up the phone.
I called Jewls and she freaked! She was so excited!
"This is wild!" She said. "We quit, and they offer us more money!"
"I know!!" I said agreeing. "We are celebrating tonight!"
"Bring on the Tequila!" She shouted.
At April 20, 2006 7:16 AM,
Christina said…
Ron picked me up, I was riding with him to Riggs to meat everyone. I told him about the proposal and he was thrilled. "I was so worried when you said you had quit!" He said. "I'm glad everything worked out for you two!" "Me too!" I said. When we got to the bar, everyone was already there. I told Kelly and Molly about the proposal from Mr. Sheffield. "Ahhhh! That is Awsome!" Kelly Said. "Then why did you get stuck with the fundraisers?" Molly asked. "I don't know" I said. "I'll worry about that tomorrow! Right now, it's time for shots!" "Amen to that!" Jewls yelled. Mel and Ron came back with a round of shots for everyone. "Here's to life!" I shouted, and we all through back the shots.
At April 20, 2006 7:37 AM,
Sarah said…
We all danced, drank, laughed, drank and drank some more. We all had entirely way too much to drink. We ended up calling a cab and we all crashed at Ron's house. It was so bad, considering we all had to get up early for work the next morning!
"Oh my gosh, I am SO drunk!" Kelly shouted as she stumbled in the door holding my hand.
"Me too." I said.
"Shit!" Mel yelled as he ran to the bathroom holding his mouth. We all heard him start puking.
As Molly made her way in the door, she fell on the floor. She just layed there laughing her head off. I put my hand out to help her up and I fell on the floor next to her. We were both laughing so hard!
"Sick, Mel!" Kelly yelled to him.
"Oh shit, I have to pee." I said. I got up and started pounding on the bathroom door. "Mel! I have to pee really bad!"
He didn't respond. "Mel, you okay in there buddy?" Ron asked him. Again, he didn't respond.
I opened the door and he was laying on the floor passed out with his pants down.
"Oh my god!" I shouted as I covered my eyes.
Ron walked up to me and looked. "Oh shit. Jewls!" He yelled. She got up and stumbled her way to the bathroom. When she saw him, she started laughing her head off.
Mel propped him up and pulled up his pants. "I guess this is his bed for the night." He said.
"But, I have to pee!" I shouted.
"So go pee." He said.
I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I was so affraid he was going to wake up while I was peeing! I did it really fast and ran out of the bathroom when I was done.
Everyone started laughing when I ran out.
"We all need to go to sleep." Ron said. I think he was the most sober, because us girls wanted to play Monopoly.
"That game takes forever, let's go to bed." He said.
Jewls pointed out the closet where her blankets were and Ron got a couple. He put everyone to sleep on the couches and beds. I know he was really drunk too, because he had trouble talking and walking. Maybe he is just the smartest one.
At April 20, 2006 7:37 AM,
Sarah said…
We all danced, drank, laughed, drank and drank some more. We all had entirely way too much to drink. We ended up calling a cab and we all crashed at Ron's house. It was so bad, considering we all had to get up early for work the next morning!
"Oh my gosh, I am SO drunk!" Kelly shouted as she stumbled in the door holding my hand.
"Me too." I said.
"Shit!" Mel yelled as he ran to the bathroom holding his mouth. We all heard him start puking.
As Molly made her way in the door, she fell on the floor. She just layed there laughing her head off. I put my hand out to help her up and I fell on the floor next to her. We were both laughing so hard!
"Sick, Mel!" Kelly yelled to him.
"Oh shit, I have to pee." I said. I got up and started pounding on the bathroom door. "Mel! I have to pee really bad!"
He didn't respond. "Mel, you okay in there buddy?" Ron asked him. Again, he didn't respond.
I opened the door and he was laying on the floor passed out with his pants down.
"Oh my god!" I shouted as I covered my eyes.
Ron walked up to me and looked. "Oh shit. Jewls!" He yelled. She got up and stumbled her way to the bathroom. When she saw him, she started laughing her head off.
Mel propped him up and pulled up his pants. "I guess this is his bed for the night." He said.
"But, I have to pee!" I shouted.
"So go pee." He said.
I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I was so affraid he was going to wake up while I was peeing! I did it really fast and ran out of the bathroom when I was done.
Everyone started laughing when I ran out.
"We all need to go to sleep." Ron said. I think he was the most sober, because us girls wanted to play Monopoly.
"That game takes forever, let's go to bed." He said.
Jewls pointed out the closet where her blankets were and Ron got a couple. He put everyone to sleep on the couches and beds. I know he was really drunk too, because he had trouble talking and walking. Maybe he is just the smartest one.
At April 20, 2006 8:02 AM,
Christina said…
The next morning we woke up early so Ron could drop the girls and I off at my place to get ready. He drove back home to check on Mel, and I drove the girls to pick up their cars so we could go into work. We actually made it to work ontime, looked great, and had time to stop and get a lot of coffee! We walked in the door and it was complete chaos at work!
At April 20, 2006 8:55 AM,
Sarah said…
I didn't know what was going on, but people were running all over the place and it was so loud from people talking!
Kelly ran up to me. "You don't have to do the fundraiser anymore. He passed the duty on to someone else." She told me. "The big wigs at Heinze are paying our company a visit today, so everyone is freaking out."
"Oh great!" I said.
"Everyone's desk has to be emaculate and Mr. Sheffield wants the entire office to look perfect." She said.
I did not feel like dealing with this! I had the worst headache ever!
At April 20, 2006 9:16 AM,
Christina said…
I walked into my office, and it was spotless! "Wow!" I said. "I am an idiot!" "Whats the matter? Kelly asked. "I took all my stuff home yesterday, remember? It is still at home!" "It's okay, she said. All the important stuff is here. Besides, your moving into the office next to Mr. Sheffield, remember?" "Oh, yeah. Were would I be without you, Kelly!" I grabbed my work files, and walked down to my new office. I set my things on the desk. It was huge! And it had a WINDOW! There was also a little area outside with a desk. I could see Kelly already had some of her things moved over. "Like it?" Mr. Sheffield asked. "Like it? I love it!" I said. "Great, glad to hear it." "Where is Jewls?" I asked. "Her office is down the hall next to Drakes office. It isn't as big as yours, but she has a better view." He said. Drake was pretty hot, I thought, but I was guessing he meant Jewls had a better view outside, not of Drake. "Things are a little, ah, Hectic." He said. "We have a meeting at 9:00 with Heinz, and another one later on at 2:00 with Independant Records Stores. These are just meetings to discuss what they want, no biggie, but these are big accounts, so I need you to work your charm." He said winking at me, and left the office.
At April 20, 2006 10:47 AM,
Sarah said…
The rest of the day went by so slow! The meetings were so boring! I even caught myself dosing off once! When I got home, I just went straight to bed. I woke up around 10 PM when Chris called me.
"You wanna hang out?" He asked me.
"I'm actually really tired." I said.
"Oh, okay." He said. "You get some rest then and I'll talk to you soon. . . I hope."
"Okay." I said.
"Goodnight." He said and hung up.
The next day at work was just as boring as last time! There was nothing for me to even do! It was silly that I had to be there at all! All of my messages were from my family, so I didn't even have anyone to call back.
"You can head out for the day." Ron told me as I was leaving for lunch.
I went home, layed down on the couch and my phone rang. I picked it up. It was my Mom and she was crying.
"Mom?" I asked worried. "What's wrong?"
"Your brother, Andy." She mumbled.
"What about him?" I asked. "Is he okay?"
"He's gone." She said.
"I don't understand." I said.
"Gone." She said. "He was in a car accident."
"Oh my god!" I screamed as I started to cry. I leaned back and the phone slipped out of my hand. All I could do was cry.
At April 20, 2006 10:55 AM,
Christina said…
I picked up the phone again, but my mom wasn't there anymore. I hung it up, and curled up on the couch. I didn't know what to do! I just cried. I knew I had to call my mom back, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything, but cry. I was probably on the couch for an hour, I didn't even notice the time. I heard a knock on my door. "Go away!" I yelled. The door opened. It was Jewls and Ron. "Your mom called me at work!" Jewls said, Her eyes were all watery. "I was worried about you! Your mom said you just dropped the phone, and never picked up again. I tried to call, but you didn't answer." "I didn't hear it." I said, sniffling. Ron was just standing there, I don't think he knew what to do. It made me mad. "Just leave!" I yelled at him. "I'm sorry!" he said, and left. "He was upset about you." Jewls said. "He just didn't know what to do." "I know." I said. "I'm sorry!" I started crying again, and Jewls sat next to me and held me why I cried. After about an hour I was numb. I figured I was out of tears, so I called my mom.
At April 20, 2006 11:28 AM,
Sarah said…
"I am going to wire you some money so you can fly out." She said.
My whole family lives in Seattle.
"Are you going to bring anyone with you?" She asked.
"Who would I bring?" I asked rudly.
"Honey, I don't know. A friend, a boyfriend. We don't hear from you very often. I don't know what is going on in your life." She said.
"Give me your bank account number and I will have the money transfered." She told me.
"It's okay. I can buy my own ticket." I said.
"We'll be home. Call us when you get in town." She said. "I love you." She hung up the phone.
I called Ron and asked him to go with me. Jewls and her good friend Joey had already gotten tickets and had a different flight.
I didn't say much the whole flight. Ron just held my hand the whole time. When we landed in Seattle, Ron had me sit down while he got our luggage.
"Come on." He said walking up to me. "I called a cab too. That way we don't have to bother your Mom or anyone else to pick us up."
He put his arm around me and we went outside to wait for our cab.
At April 20, 2006 11:56 AM,
Christina said…
It was drizzling, as it always was, so we stood outside under the ledge. Shortly after, a cab pulled up. Ron helped me into the backseat, then loaded up the car and got in next to me. "And where are we going?" the cabby asked. "To 39th and Main St." I said. His radio was blasting Bad Religion. "Can you turn it down? Ron asked. "No." I said. "I like this song. It was Andy's favorite band. It didn't take long to get to my mom's house. Ron unloaded the cab and paid the driver. I went up the driveway and knocked on the door. My mom answered. "Oh honey! You were supposed to call!" "Its okay, we got a cab." I said. My mom hugged me and we started crying. "Mom, this is Ron." I said. "Hello Ron." She said, giving him a hug. George!!! Get their bags!" She yelled to my stepdad. I walked in, and the house looked exactly the same. I set my purse down in the kitchen and walked into the living room. It was a small house, and everything was kind of crammed together. I saw my sister Rachel on the computer. She was 15, almost ten years younger then me. I was 17 when I left home, so she was only 8. Lets just say we didn't have a lot in common. She was in all black, and her hair was died red with black streaks in it. "Hi Rach." I said. "Hi," She said. Looking at me. I walked over and she stood up and gave me a hug. "I miss him." She said. "Mom doesn't understand." "It's okay. She is grieving too." I said. "I'm here, we'll talk later, okay." I said. "Okay." She said, and got up and walked to her room. I sat down on the couch, and Ron sat next to me. George sat in the recliner, and mom sat in the computer chair.
At April 20, 2006 2:45 PM,
Sarah said…
"How are you doing?" George asked me.
"I'm good. I got a promotion the other day at work." I said.
"Where's Luke?" I asked Mom.
Luke is my little brother. He's 22.
"He is taking this the hardest. He recently moved in with a friend in those apartments off of Hubbard Blvd. Number 177." She said. "You should go see him."
I stood up. "Yeah, I am going to go say hi."
"Take my car." George said.
"Thanks." I said walking away.
We went to his apartment and knocked on the door. Some guy answered the door.
"Hi. I'm looking for Luke. I'm his sister." I said.
"He's in the back." The guy said pointing to a big room.
The apartment was gross! There were dirty dishes all over the place! And porn magazines on the coffee table! I was embarassed that Ron was seeing this. There were ash trays full of half smoked cigarettes all over too! I walked to the back room and he was laying down on a couch with headphones on. He had his eyes closed, so I tapped him on the shoulder.
"Dude, Luke." I heard some guy say. "This shit sucks." He said as he walked in holding a joint. "Oh, sorry." He walked out of the room.
Luke looked up. "Mel." He said. He got up and hugged me. "How are you?" He asked.
"I'm good." I said. "How are you?" I asked looking around.
"I'm doing alright." He replied.
His hair was all messy and dyed black. He was wearing a somewhat fitted green shirt and big baggy jeans.
"Am I the only one who hasn't dyed my hair black?" I asked jokingly.
"I guess." He said.
"Baby, will you run to the store and get me some tampons?" A girl said as she walked into the room. When she saw us, she looked humiliated.
Luke walked up next to her. "This is Katie." He said. "Katie, this is my sister, Melinda."
"Hi." She said.
She was wearing a tiny red strapless dress. She was really cute though!
"I'll run to the store in a few minutes." He told her.
"Nice meeting you." She said to me.
"You too." I replied.
I looked over at Ron. "Oh crap, I'm sorry. Luke, this is Ron. Ron, Luke." They shook hands.
"I'm assuming Katie is your girlfriend." I said smiling.
He smiled back. "Yeah." He said.
"Mom said you weren't taking the news well." I said.
"I'm doing better." He said. "Katie kind of put things into prespective."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I don't know. She goes to church and stuff. She just said the right things to make me feel better." He said.
"Good." I said. "That's really great."
He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one up.
"Jeff just broke your pipe." A guy said walking in. His eyes got really big when he saw us.
"What the hell is he doing with it in the first place?" Luke asked him. He sounded really mad.
"I don't know." He said. He left looking like he was trying not to laugh.
"How many people live here?" I asked him.
"Just me and Mark." He answered. "The guy who answered the door."
At April 20, 2006 3:07 PM,
Christina said…
"All these other people just hang out here?" I asked. "Yeah. People go in all the time." He offered me a cigarette and I took one. "You smoke?" Ron asked me. "No. Well, I do if I'm around my family. I quit a year before I met you." "You've been gone so long!" Luke said. "I'm sorry about that. I guess I got caught up in my life. I promise I wont do that again." I said. "No worries." he said. "You look so good!" I said. "Have you talked to Rach?" "No, I havn't really seen anyone since Andy-" he started to say, but he was tearing up. "It's okay." I said, and sat down next to him. "You can sit down too Ron." I said. When I looked at him I realized how much he didn't fit in to the Seattle lifestyle. Then I looked down at my clothes and realized I didn't really anymore either. "What happened to your nose ring?" Luke asked. "My nose ring? Oh my gosh! I forgot I had that when I left. I took it out when I started going to college, I didn't really like it." I said. We sat there and talked for a while. About anything but Andy. Ron talked a little, but he looked a little out of place. "Do you have some water?" I asked. "Oh, yeah." He said. "And a CLEAN glass?" I laughed. "Sure." He said, chuckling, and got up. I followed him into the kitchen. I told Ron I would be right back. The guy who told Luke someone broke his pipe didn't see me, and said "Dude! Your sister is TOTALLY hot!" "Thanks!" I said. He laughed and walked away real fast. "Wow, he's a smart one!" I said, and luke laughed. "They are mostly Mike's friends." "Oh! I meant to say this, but I didn't want to embarass Katie. I have some Tampons in my purse if she wants them." "Gross! I don't want to know!" He said joking. We both started laughing. He looked up at me. "I miss Andy. He was my best friend." He said. "I know. Me too." I replied back. Andy was a little bit older than me, and he always took care of all of us. I gave Luck a big hug, and he cried on my shoulder, which made me start to cry.
At April 20, 2006 6:32 PM,
Sarah said…
Katie walked in. She looked at me and made sad face with her bottom lip sticking out. She walked up to us and leaned up against his back with her head on his shoulder. He looked up and his eyes were all red and puffy.
"I'm sorry." He said sniffing. He smiled. "I didn't mean to make you cry."
I cleared my throat. "It's okay." I said.
Ron came up and put his arm around me.
"Why don't you two stay here with us?" Katie suggested. "We can play some games or something."
Ron looked around and didn't say anything. I could tell he didn't want to stay there, because it was such a mess.
"I'll clean up." She said. "Jamal?! Lilly?!" She shouted as she walked out of the room. "Will you please come help me clean up?!"
Jamal and Lilly walked into the back room. They saw that Luke had been crying, so they didn't say anything to him. They just started picking up the mess in the room.
"Come here you guys." Katie said from the kitchen.
Luke, Ron and I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table.
"Hot tea anyone?" She asked.
"Yes, please." Luke said.
"No thanks." I said. "I'm not much of a hot tea drinker."
"Coffee? Hot Chocolate?" She asked.
"She makes the best hot chocolate." Luke told us.
"That sounds good." I said. "Thanks."
We sat at the table talking for an hour while Kate cleaned up the kitchen. Jamal and Lilly cleaned up the rest of the house, except the bedrooms I assumed.
"I'll be back in a little bit." Katie said. She kissed Luke and walked away.
A couple minutes later, we heard her and Lilly singing karaoke very loudly. They sounded awesome though!
"They practice a lot. They like to go to the bar and sing." Luke told us.
"They sound very good." I told him.
"You'll have to let her know." He said.
"We're heading to the diner and then the bar." Jamal said walking in. "Would you guys like to join?"
"Um, not this time." Luke said. "Thanks."
"Hey, Luke?" It was the guy who said Lukes pipe was broken.
"What's up?" He asked him.
"I guess I'm gonna take off." He said.
"Oh, no it's cool. You can hang out." He told him. "This is my sister Mel and this is her friend, Ron."
"Cool." He said. He shook our hands and sat down at the table with us. "I'm Steven." he said. We watched him roll a joint and him and Luke were smoking it. Luke held it up. "You don't mind if we smoke this, do you?" He asked.
"No." I said smiling. "It's fine."
"We should play poker or somethin." Steven said.
Ron was being very quiet. I could tell he wasn't comfortable there.
"How is life back at home?" Luke asked me.
"Pretty good." I said. "You should come out and visit me some time."
"I'll be right back." He said getting up. He left the room. He was gone for like fifteen minutes, it was weird. When he came back, he looked totally out of it.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah. Why?" He asked looking confused.
"You just look tired." I told him. I didn't want to be around this crap anymore either. I think he did something else while he stepped out of the room. "I'm gonna go so you can get some rest." I said using that as an excuse.
"No. Stay, it's fine." He said as Katie walked in the room.
"Did you guys want to play a game?" She asked us. She looked at Luke and gave him a strange look. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked him.
"Okay." He said. He followed her to the bathroom. After a couple minutes, she came storming out and slammed the door. He opened the door back up and came out by us.
"Sorry, she's just mad about something." He said.
Apparently she heard him and came back to the kitchen.
"SOMETHING?!" She shouted. "YOU HAVE COMPANY!" She screamed. "CAN'T YOU FUCKIN BE SOBER WHEN YOUR SISTER IS HERE TO SEE YOU?!" She looked very upset.
"I'm gonna go." I said as I stood up.
"I think that is a good idea." She said giving him a dirty look.
He picked up a chair and threw it accross the room.
"FUCK YOU!" He shouted to her and went storming down the hall.
"I'm so sorry, Melinda." She said to me. "He's really hurting right now."
"I see that." I said.
"He'll be okay. I just want to make sure you know that. He's not an addict or anything. I promise you that. He is a partier, but not a 24/7 partier." She told me. "Why don't you stop by tomorrow?"
"Okay." I said.
"Bye." She said smiling. We left the apartment and got in the car.
At April 20, 2006 6:54 PM,
Christina said…
"Well. That brought back some bad memories." I told Ron. "I have a decision to make. Part of me wants to go back there, kick the shit out of him, and take him to the hospital to get help. Part of me wants to just leave him a lone, let it run it's course, maybe he'll be smart and stop. I've seen this before, Ron. My brother, Andy and I stopped using drugs when were smart enough to realize how stupid it was. What do I do?" I asked him. It was wrong of me to ask him, I know that, but I just wanted to speak my mind. "Maybe you should talk to him in a few days. Right now he is just upset." "Your right. Thanks for everything Ron." Ron leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He put the key in the ignition and started her up. Make a right at the light." I said. "But isn't it a left to get to your moms?" he asked. "Just do it." I said, teeth clenched. I gave him direcetions on how to get out of the city. Not too far out there is an abandoned shipping warehouse. I told him to park in the lot and to wait for me. I got out and marched into the warehouse. As soon as I made the short walk and entered the warhouse I started screaming at the top of my lungs!! I screamed, and I cried, and kicked the walls. I was so angry. I stopped and started reflecting on my life. Here I left my life when I was 17, to excape all this, I realised I didn't excape, I just turned my back on my family. I know it sounds silly, it does to me now, but then I was upset, and it made total sence. When I was done I wiped my eyes and walked back to the car. "You okay?" Ron said. Looking more then a little upset. "I'm fine!" I said. Trying not to cry. "Ron, do you love me?" I asked. "Because if you don't, or you can't some day, I can't do this anymore. Either be with me or don't. We'll talk about when we get back home. Right now I just need a friend, and you've been doing a great job at it." I started crying, silently and Ron drove us home. When we got there Jewls and Joey had arrived and my mom had some photo albums out. She was getting a kick out showing me with short hair, my nose ring, and torn jeans, boots and band-tees. "Great!" I said, turning around pretending to leave. "Not so fast!" Jewls said. Laughing. I turned around and we all looked at photos. Even Rach was there. I made a not to myself to take her out while I was here. Get her away from the house for a while. We laughed and looked at family photos, told stories. There were a lot with Andy, and we laughed through our tears with fond memories.
At April 20, 2006 8:09 PM,
Sarah said…
"Well, I am going to go to bed." Mom said. "I will see you all in the morning." She gave us all hugs and went to bed.
"I am going to bed too." Rachel said.
"Goodnight." I said giving her a hug.
"Bye." She said with a shy voice to everyone else.
"Night." Jewls said to her with a smile.
Soon after that, the rest of us went to bed. I had so much trouble sleeping. I kept thinking about Luke. I decided to get up and call him. I got a blanket and sat down on the swing on the front porch.
"Hello?" He said.
"Hey, Luke. It's Me." I said.
"I was just checking on you, I was worried." I told him.
"Oh, I'm fine." He said.
"Are you using drugs?" I asked him.
"Sometimes." He said, "Why?"
"I just want you to be careful." I told him. "I'm not exactly ready to lose another brother."
"Mel, I promise I am fine." He said.
"You seemed like a total mess today." I said.
"I know and I'm sorry." He said.
"Please call me any time if you need help with anything." I told him. "I'm here for you no matter what."
"I know." He said. "Well, I'm gonna get back to bed. I will see you in the morning. Katie and I will be over early."
"Goodnight, Love you." I said.
"Love you too. Night." He hung up.
I went back to bed and cuddled next to Ron.
At April 21, 2006 7:06 AM,
Christina said…
I was finally able fall asleep. The next morning I woke up early so I could get ready before the busy day started. The funeral was in a few days, and I was helping mom get some things ready. It got up to go start some coffee but Mom was aleady up making it. I must have startled her, because she turned around and jumped. "I'm sorry!" I said. "I'm just used to being the only one up this morning." "I was coming to make coffee, but it looks like you beat me too it." "I'm glad to see you agian!" She said. "I know mom, you said that already." I replied. I walked over and gave her a hug. "Whoa! Back off! You need a shower stinky!" She said, jokingly. "Shower? Why do I want to do that?" I said, as I walked to the bathroom, making a quick stop to the bedroom to get my toiletry bag and bath robe.
At April 21, 2006 7:27 AM,
Sarah said…
I took a shower and got dressed. Ron was still sleeping. I woke him up, because he doesn't like to sleep in at other peoples houses. He says it's rude.
"Go ahead and take a shower. I left my shampoo and stuff in there for you." I said.
"Okay." He said.
"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything." I told him.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I talked to Mr. Sheffield and he said to take the week off." He said.
"Thanks." I said as I left and headed back to the kitchen.
Rachel was up. "Hey, Rach." I said giving her a hug and kiss.
"Hi." She said. "Do you want to watch a movie with me?"
"Sure!" I said. "What do you want to watch?"
We went to the family room and started looking through the movies.
"How about Annie?" She suggested. "We use to watch that all the time and sing along."
We both laughed. "Yes, put that one on!" I said. I felt silly, because I was excited. It brought back fun memories though!
We watched the whole movie. It made us laugh, cry and we were singing along to all the songs. Ron hadn't even came out yet, so I went to the room we were staying in. He was just sitting there on the bed.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Finally you come get me." He said standing up.
"You're weird!" I said laughing.
"I just feel awkward." He told me. "I don't know these people. If you happened to be outside or something, I wouldn't know what to say."
"Come on." I said. He followed me out to the family room.
"We are watching Risky Business next." Rachel said as she put the DVD in.
Ron laughed. "That is a good choice."
"I know." She told him joking around.
About half way into the movie, Katie and Luke showed up.
"Hi sweetie!" Mom said as she gave Luke a hug.
"Risky Business, hu?" He said making fun of us.
"Shut up, you use to like it." I told him.
He laughed and sat down on the recliner. Katie sat down on his lap.
"Doing any better?" I asked Luke.
"Yeah." He replied. "Thanks."
At April 21, 2006 8:30 AM,
Christina said…
"Anytime, bro." I said. When Risky Business was over I asked of Luke, Katie, and Rachel would like to go to play minigolf. "What are we 12?" Luke asked. "Hey, it's better then sitting around here. Besides I think mom wants a little time to herself." I said. "I'm game!" Rachel said. I called Jewls at the hotel and she said her and Joey would meet us there. I figured Ron might be a little more comfortable if they tagged a long. Besides, everything was fun if Jewls came. Luke and Katie took off in Luke's car, and Rachel rode with Ron and I. I left a note on the counter for mom, and said we should all go see a movie later when we get back.
At April 21, 2006 8:50 AM,
Sarah said…
We had a lot of fun playing miniature golf. Everyone was laughing and joking around. I think it was a great idea to go there! It kept everyones mind off all the crap that is going on right now! When we got back, Dad was at the house!
"Daddy!" I shouted. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"It is so great to see you." He said.
"You too!" I told him. I introduced him to Joey and Ron.
"We just played mini golf and I creamed them all!" Rachel said as she hugged him.
"Way to go!" Dad said laughing.
"Hey, it was a close game." Luke said.
"Yeah right! You sucked!" She said laughing.
"She did very good." Katie said.
I decided then that I really liked Katie. She seemed like the type of person that can cheer anyone up and you could tell it made her happier to make other people smile. She is a very sweet person. I just hope Luke sees it too!
"Well, we've got to go visit my grandmomma." Katie told everyone. She gave us all a hug.
"Bye." Luke said. He just waved.
"What a dork." Rachel said.
Dad scratched her head. "Ah, leave him alone. He's havin a rough time right now."
"I know." She said softly.
"So, I got tickets to a Mariners game if you girls would like to go. I thought I would take you and Rach." Dad said.
"Baseball?" Rachel asked. She didn't sound enthused.
"Yeah, it'll be fun." I said. "Trust me, you will have a good time!" I told her.
Dad whispered to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you brought someone."
"Oh, that's okay. We can just drop him off with Jewls at her hotel." I said. "I'll give her a call right now."
I called Jewls and they waited for us to drop Ron off. I guess they were going to go to the crout festival. We pulled up at the hotel and he got out.
"Thanks." I told him. "See you later."
He winked at me with a smile and walked away.
My Dad has this young fun personality! We all loved hanging out with him. When we got to the game, someone was in our seats so Dad told them to check their tickets. They were in the totally wrong section.
"I guess some people don't know how to read." He said loudly as they were walking away.
I hit him on the arm. "Dad!" I said. "Shh!"
At April 21, 2006 10:56 AM,
Christina said…
He was already making me laugh. The game was a riot! We had so much fun. We decided to go out and get ice cream afterwards like we used too. We decided on Baskin Robins. We ordered, dad payed and we sat down. "This is fun!" Rachel said. "It is! We don't see you enough up her Mel." my dad said. "I know. I'm sorry, I promise I'll come around more." "You should just stay here." Rachel said. I laughed. "I wish I could, but I just got a new promotion and everything. I promise I'll visit more. Losing Andy really put a lot of things in perspective for me." I said. I wished I hadn't said his name because suddenly they both looked so sad. "I'm sorry." I said. "Don't be." My dad replied. "It is good to talk about him. Remember that one time we went hiking and He got stuck in the tree trying to get Rachies ball down!" We all started laughing at that. "That was so funny! Luke and I had to climb up there to try to help him down, and you stood underneath us to catch someone if they fell! Then we got Andy unstuck, he fell two feet and pants got caught in the branch!" I said. Rachel was red she was laughing so hard. We told some more stories. It was great seeing my dad. We didn't see much of him growing up, but when we started getting older he was around a lot more. After we were done dad drove us back home and said he would see us at the funeral. Everything felt so weird now! It wasn't the same without Andy there. He was so funny, and he always kept the peace between all of us. He really was an older brother, and he always watched after us. I was the oldest now, and felt the burden of it. I wanted to always be there for Luke and Rach. I walked inside and called Jewls to let her know I was home and she could drop off Ron anytime.
At April 21, 2006 11:34 AM,
Sarah said…
I waited for Ron to get dropped off and we headed over to Lukes to play games.
"Hi." Katie said. "He's sleeping, I'll go wake him up." She said.
We sat down and waited a few minutes.
"He'll be out in a sec." She said. "You guys want a beer? Or soda? Iced Tea?"
"I'll have an ice tea." I told her.
"Okay. Ron?" She asked smiling at him.
"Just water is fine." He said.
Ten minutes later, Luke came out. He looked way out of it.
"Hey guys." He said yawning.
"Hello." I said.
"What are you guys up to?" He asked as he sat down.
"Nothing much. We thought you guys might want to play games or something."
"Uh, yeah we can do that." He said.
"Any game ideas?" Katie asked from the kitchen.
"It doesn't matter to me." I said.
Luke stood up. "I'll be right back. Pick a game." He said and walked away.
At April 21, 2006 1:35 PM,
Christina said…
Katie and I started talking, and Ron was actually contributing to the conversation. I guess Katie brings out the best in people. "Where is Luke?" Ron asked. I looked up and half an hour had gone by. "That's weird." Katie said. "He probably fell back asleep. He has been sleeping a lot lately." She started to get up, but I grabbed her arm. "Let me go." I said. "I know how to wake him up. I'm his big sis!" I got up and went back to his room. I opened the door and I screamed. He was laying on the bed, passed out. He had his belt tied around his arm, and the needle was still sticking out of it. Ron came running in. "What is it? Oh shit! I'll call 911!" "No, I said. The hospital is right down the street, it will be quicker. Carry him down to the car, I'll drive. Tell kaitie to jump in the front seat. We carried him downstairs and got him in the car. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital.
At April 21, 2006 2:25 PM,
Sarah said…
We got to the hospital and Katie was screaming, "Help!" Some people rushed out and took him away!
Katie started crying!
"How long has he been doing this?" Ron asked Katie.
"I've only seen him do Heroine once before." She said.
I just hugged her. I didn't have any right getting mad at her, even though I felt a little angry at her.
We stayed in the waiting room for hours waiting to hear something. Finally, a doctor came out and walked up to us.
"He is going to be fine." The Doctor told us. "He was very dehydrated which made things worse."
"Okay." Katie said. "Thank you."
"We just had to give him a couple iv's." The Doctor said. "He can be released. Are you over eighteen?" He asked me.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Take him home." He said. "I will send him out."
He walked out and he looked really mad. He looked at us and stormed out of the hospital. We all followed.
"Where is the car?" He asked very rudly.
Katie pointed at it. Her eyes were teared up a little.
We all got in the car. He got in the backseat with Katie. She just hugged him and help him tightly.
"You scared me." She told him.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"It's okay." She said. "I'm going to take care of you."
I was so mad, but I didn't want to start a huge ordeal.
"I'm glad you are okay." I told him.
He glared at me.
"What the hell is your problem?" I asked him.
"You think you can fix everything!" He shouted. "But, you can't!"
"Hey. . ." Katie said to him. She put her finger on his lips. "Stop."
I felt like calling him every name in the book, but I didn't let myself.
"I was just worried about you." I told him.
"I'm fine." He said. "You act like I overdosed or something."
"You did!" I shouted.
"No, I didn't!" He screamed.
"What were you doing?" I asked him. "What were you doing before you passed out?"
"H!" He shouted.
"That is just great!" I yelled. "Why? Why would you do that?!"
"Because I like it." He said. "Don't act all stupid. It has nothing to do with being upset or depressed or anything! I am fine! I am happy!"
"He'll be fine." Katie said. "Don't worry about him. He's moving out of the apartment. We are getting a condo together."
I had no idea how that was really going to fix things, but whatever. I left it at that. I did trust her and she did sound like she had a plan. We dropped them off and went back to my Moms house. I told her something happened to Luke, but that it was nothing. I didn't want her worrying and I was wondering what exactly was wrong with him. I don't think I had all the details. It was Katie asking all the questions.
We all watched Jeopardy and tried to answer the questions correctly. It was funny!
At April 21, 2006 3:07 PM,
Christina said…
The funeral was the next day, so everyone was a little upset, but we were trying to make the best of getting to spend time with each other. We all decided to go to bed early. Ron and I climbed into bed. He kissed my cheak and I snuggled up to him. Then I sat up and kissed him on the lips. He pulled away. "You have a busy day tomorrow." He said. "I know." I replied. "It's okay. I need you right now." He rolled me over on my back and started kissing me.
At April 21, 2006 3:37 PM,
Sarah said…
He took his shirt off and threw it on the floor. We kissed some more and before things got steamy, he stopped and sat up.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said.
He smiled and started kissing me again. While we were having sex, Rachel walked in.
"I'm sorry!" She shouted and left.
"Oh my god." I whispered. I started getting up.
"Wait, don't leave me hangin!" He said. "Please."
That made me laugh. We finished up and I threw on some clothes. I went to her bedroom and she was sitting at her desk chatting with someone online.
When she saw me, she started giggling. "I didn't know he was THAT kind of friend." She said.
I laughed. "I'm sorry." I said.
"I've had sex before." She told me acting like it was no big deal.
"You have?!" I said.
"Yeah. . ."
"I had no idea!" I said.
We talked about everything that she is going through at her age. It was nice. We both opened up to eachother a lot.
At April 21, 2006 4:31 PM,
Christina said…
It was great knowing we could talk to each other now. I was probably in there for at leas an hour before I went back to bed. I climbed in bed trying not to wake ron. "You were gone for a while." He said. "Sorry." "No, thats fine." "I got to talk to Rachel. I guess she isn't as young as I thought!" "What do you mean? She's. . already?" "Yeah. It isn't that big of a deal. I was her age." "Really? Wow." "How old were you?" I asked. "It doesn't matter." He said. I kneed him in the side. "Okay, but don't laugh. I was 20." "20." I said. chuckling before I could stop myself. "Yeah. I was kind of a dork in highschool." "You? No way!" I said. He told me about it and I couldn't help but laugh a little. He was starting to fall asleep a little telling the story. Then he said, "Who would have thought I'd have such a hot girlfriend now?" He smiled. "Girlfriend!?" I asked. But he had already driffted off. I just curled up next to him and went to sleep with a grin on my face. The next day I got up really early to make sure Ron and I were ready in time. We were meeting my mom at the graveyard early to meet the funeral director. Katie was just going to ride with George. It was a very difficult morning. I kept trying not to cry, but eventually I broke down when I was trying to zip up my dress. "Are you okay?" Ron asked. "NO." I said, sobbing. "I can't do this! I miss him so much. I can't watch them put him in the ground. I can't go." "You have to go." He told me. "You will regret it if you don't. Besides. It is part of healing." "I know." I said. He helped me zip up my dress, and I grabbed my purse and we went out to the kitchen. Mom was waiting for us. Her eyes were red and swollen. "Ready?" She asked. "Yes." That was all we said the whole way there, and untill just before the funeral started. I looked around, and there were so many people! All his old friends, and a lot of family I hadn't seen in years. Then I noticed Katie walking up. Alone. She looked like she didn't know were to sit, and she had a worried look on her face. I stood up and walked over to her. "What is the matter?" I asked. "I woke up this morning and Luke was gone." She said. Trying not to cry. "All his stuff was there, he was just gone." "It's okay." I said. He'll show up. Or maybe he just couldn't make it. I had a hard time coming myself. You can sit next to me." "Okay." She said and we sat down. The funeral started a few minutes later. I was shocked I didn't cry. The preist said a few things, then My dad choked his way trhough a few words. Andy's best friend came up next. Still no tears. Then the preist said some more prayers-I can't remember what any of them were. It was all a little surreal-and then we all stood up to see the coffin lowerd into the ground. Then I lost it. I started sobbing uncontrolably. Katie held my hand, and Ron put his arm around me. I got in line behind my dad, mom, george, and Rachel. I leaned down next to the pile of dirt and grabbed a handful, like everyone else. Then I watched my Dad toss in the fist handful. It was the first time I had ever seen my dad cry. My mom couldn't do it. George and Rachel dropped their handfulls in, and It was My turn. I stood aside for moment. Katie and Ron walked away so I could have a moment. "I love you." I whispered. And I dropped my handfull of sand in. I started to walk away, but I couldn't. I stood off to the side and waited for the rest of the people to clear out. Ron eventually came and got me. "You ready?" he asked. It sounded like he had been choking up a little too. "Yeah." I said. But I couldn't move untill Ron came over and led me away. Out of everyone in my family I was closest to Andy. We always took care of each other. "Who's going to watch out for me?" I whispered. "What?" Ron asked. "Andy is gone. Who is going to watch out for me?" I lost it again. "He still will." He said. "I'll help if I can too." "Okay." I said. And I didn't say another word.
At April 21, 2006 5:44 PM,
Sarah said…
Afterwards, everyone was invited to Aunt Bessy's house. As I was leaving, I saw Luke standing in the back. I'm not sure when he showed up, but I was so glad to see that he was there. He saw Katie and walked up to us. He hugged her tightly. "I love you so much." He told her.
I rubbed his back. "I'll see you at Aunt Bessy's." I told him. Ron and I heald hands to the car and he opened the door for me. Jewls came running up to us.
"Hey!" She said trying to catch her breath. "Can we follow you? We have no idea where your Aunts house is."
"Yeah." I told her.
"Thanks. I'll see you soon." She said. I could tell she had been crying.
"You okay?" He asked me as he pulled away.
"Yeah." I told him. "I am."
"Good." He said rubbing my leg.
"You're going to make a left at Pulter Drive." I said.
When we got to Aunt Bessy's house, it was weird! It was way different than I had expected. I thought it would be kind of quiet with people sobbing and stuff. Everyone was talking and laughing. I guess that is how my family copes with things though. Ron, Jewls, Joey and I sat down on the couch in the front room. There were some kids watching Sponge Bob Squarepants. Ron loves that show! He was watching it and laughing with the kids. It was so funny!
"Melinda!" I heard, I looked up and it was my cousin, Ashley.
"Ash!" I shouted. "How are you?"
"I am so good." She said. "I'm married now and I have one daughter. Leila." She said pointing at a little girl sitting on the floor.
"She is so cute!" I told her.
"Thank you." She said.
"How's Lukas doing?" She asked me.
"Um, not so good. He's doing better though." I said.
"The first few days are always the hardest." She said. "He'll be okay."
"Yeah." I said. "It'll just take a while."
"Well, it's great seeing you. I gotta make my rounds." She said giving me a hug. "Don't be a stranger! Write me some time!"
"I will." I told her as she walked away.
"How you holdin up?" Dad asked walking up to me.
"Good." I said.
Luke and Katie walked in. He looked like he had been smoking pot. I didn't want to assume though. Maybe he was just tired and he could have been crying too.
"Hey, buddy." Dad said. He gave Luke a hug. "You doin alright?" Dad asked him.
He shook his head yes.
"Football in the back yard!" My Uncle John yelled holding up a football.
"Come on!" Dad shouted. He looked very excited. "Luke, come on."
All the guys went out to play. Katie and I decided to go out and watch.
At April 22, 2006 2:59 PM,
Christina said…
It was hilarious! I made Ron play too, and he was surprisingly pretty good! He was on the team with my dad, Luke, and Joey. Katie, Jewls, Rach, and I sat on the pateo watching. The sun was actually out! Consider that rare in Seattle. At one point Ron and Luke worked together, creaming my cousen Ronnie! It was hilious, because Ronnie is the best player, and he didn't take to getting tackled to well! After the game the guys were all sweaty and gross! They were forced to go inside and clean up a bit. A little while later Ron came over to me. "Not bad!" I said. "I played a little in college." he said. "Really? What happened to the nerd you told me about?" "Oh, that was in highschool!" He said. We laughed.
At April 23, 2006 9:44 AM,
Sarah said…
I sat down and just watched everyone laughing and chatting. It was nice. I was glad to see that they were all doing well.
"Do you want to drive into the city with us to go shopping?" My cousin Laine asked me. "We're all going. I got Rach and Katie to go too. And you should invite your friend Jewls." She said.
"Um, I don't want to leave my boyfriend behind again." I told her. "Thanks for the invite though. I hope you guys have fun."
"Okay." She said walking away.
"It's okay if you go." He said.
"I can't stand shopping with a bunch of people." I said whiserping to him.
"Oh." He said.
"It's just annoying." I told him.
"Well, I'm ready to go back to the house"
"Alright." He said.
I made my rounds saying goodbye to everyone and we headed back to the house. It was a releif to be away from all those loud people. It was very quiet at the house. We decided to take a nap.
At April 23, 2006 12:10 PM,
Christina said…
We laid down and must have slept for a couple hours, because when I woke up again it was getting dark out. "Ron, Wake up." I said, nudging his sholder. "What?" He said. "Wake up! It is getting dark out, we slept too long." I said. "Really? It doesn't feel like it. It's been a long couple of days." "I know, crazy, huh?" I said, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We got up, and decided to see what everyone else was up too. When I walked out of the bedroom all the lights in the house were off. I turned on the lights in the kitchen and it was only 6:00, so no one must have made it home. There was a note on the counter that said:
We went out to eat and see a movie. We tried to wake you up, but you must have been pretty tired! Be back later.
"Where is everyone?" Ron asked. "I guess they went out to see a movie. Do you feel like going out for a little while? I was thinking of calling Jewls to see if her and Joey wanted to go out to a Bar I used to hang out at. A lot of local bands play there." I siad. "That sounds great!" Ron said. I called Jewls and we decided to meet at Johnny Rad's at 9:00. Ron and I went to go change. I came out of the bathroom in some old jeans, and a black tank-top with some heals. I did my hair up and kind of messy, and my make up was dark. I looked at ron, and he looked a little shocked. He was wearing some black slacks and a white butten up shirt. . . tucked in. He looked great, but not for where we were going. I chuckled, "Let's get you into something more fitting." I said. I grabbed some of his jeans, and a white t-shirt, and made him trade out his sandals for his old pair of sneakers. "There, put these on." I said. "It's more of a casual place." And I gave him a big, long, kiss.
At April 23, 2006 4:17 PM,
Sarah said…
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At April 23, 2006 4:51 PM,
Sarah said…
When we were both ready, we sat down and watched Jeopardy in the living room.
"I should see if Katie and Luke want to go." I said. I picked up the phone and called them. They accepted the invitation and said they would be there at 9.
"What did they say?" Ron asked.
"They're going to meet us there too." I said.
"Cool." He said. He put his arm around me and kissed my head.
After about a half hour, my Mom, George and Rachel got home.
"So, we've all decided that you are going to come visit us more often." Rachel said walking up to us.
"Yup." Mom said. "We'll even mail you the plane tickets if we have to."
I laughed. "I promise to visit more, but you don't have to pay for it." I said.
"What are you all dressed up for?" Rachel asked me.
"We're going to go out tonight." I said.
"Oh, that's neat." She said smiling.
At April 23, 2006 5:20 PM,
Christina said…
"I'd invite you, but you have to be eighteen." I said. She kept grinning and looked away. "What?" I asked. "I'll tell you later." She said. "Okay, fine." I said laughing. She reminded me so much of me when I was her age. Which worried me a little! We sat with George and Mom while we were waiting to leave. Rachel had plans with some friends of hers, so she took off. I looked up at the clock and it was 8:30 already! "Oh, we've gotta go!" I said. "Okay, don't let us keep you honey." Mom said. I hugged her and George goodbye wishing them a good night. Ron and I got into the car. "Ready?" He asked. "You bet!" I said. I thought it might be a little wierd. Andy used to sneak me into Johnny Rad's before I was eighteen. I was hoping I would run into some old friends there. I kind of missed my life here the more I thought about old times. We arrived at 9:00, Jewls and Joey were already inside. "Melinda! Over here!" Jewls waived. I could tell she had started drinking with out me. Ron and I sat down at the table right by the stage just as Luke and Katie came in. We all started off with some Skittle shots. "MEL!?" I heard someone yell. I turned around and it was Levi, and old friend of mine. "Levi!" I shouted. He came up and gave me a huge hug! "How is the band?" I asked. "We still play gig's here every once in a while. I co-own this place now! The band bought it two years ago when it was going out of business." "That is awsome!" I said. I introduced him to everyone, except Luke and Katie, he already knew them. Ron looked slightly jealous, and I tried not to laugh at him. Levi was VERY atractive, but he fit my old lifestile more then my current one! His hair was spikey, and he was covered in tatoos. "So, who is playing?" I asked. "Anyone I know?" He laughed. "Well the first band you know one of the other members, obviously." He said. I wasn't sure what he meant, but I figured it must be someone I used to know. "Then Scurvy Dogs is playing, followed by some newer bands. You'll like it!" "That is great!" I said. "Well, it was nice seeing you!" He said, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He walked off, and I looked at Ron who was watching him walk away, and scowling. "Stop it!" I said. "What?" He replied. I laughed. "Go get me a beer, please." I said. "Anything for you." He said, and walked away. We heard the mic turn on, and looked at the stage. Levi was anoucning who was going to play next. "Are you ready?" He yelled. The crowd roared. "Let's hear it for The Avenged!" Everyone clapped and cheered. "They must be pretty good!" I said to Jewls and Joey. Luke tapped me on the shoulder. "Look who is playing lead guitar." He whispered. I looked closer. "OH MY GOD!" I shouted. It was Rachel!! They started playing and they were amazing! I couldn't belive my baby sister was up there playing!
At April 23, 2006 5:43 PM,
Sarah said…
"Does Mom know about this?" I asked him.
"Yeah, she knows." He told me. "I think she lies sometimes and says she is going to slumber parties when she is here though."
I laughed.
After their set, she had to go home right away since it was getting late.
We had a really good time there. Jewls, Katie and I were so drunk!
"We want cigars!" Jewls shouted to Joey.
Joey laughed at us. "I think we should just get you girls back home."
"Aw, Joe!" Jewls begged. "Please!"
"Honey, you're drunk." He said laughing.
"Well, duh!" She said almost tripping on herself. "When else do I want cigars?"
"Baby, will you get us some cigars?" Katie asked Luke with a puppy face.
I hugged Ron and whispered in his ear. "If you get us cigars, I will do whatever you want in bed tonight."
Ron laughed. "Bull shit." He said. "You are going to be passing out right away when you get home, you know it."
I pulled away from him. The three of us girls kept looking at the guys hoping one of them would budge.
"No!" They all said at the same time.
"Fine!" I said. "We will just walk and get some."
We grabbed eachothers hands and walked to the gas station accross the street. It took us forever, because we had trouble walking and we were laughing so much! Then, Katie had to go to the bathroom.
When we got back to the bar, the guys were sitting down on the curb outside.
"What are you doing?" Katie asked them.
"Nothing." Joey replied.
"Oh my god!" Katie shouted. She got down on her knees and looked them all in the eyes. "You are all stoned!"
"What?" Ron asked.
"We don't know what the hell you are talking about, girl." Joey said.
"You're right!" Jewls said checking them out.
"So we smoked some pot." Luke said.
All the guys started laughing.
"Ron!" I yelled. "You smoked pot?!"
He looked up. "Wow, look at the stars."
"Oh my gosh!" I shouted.
Ron got up. "Wow you are looking mighty fine tonight." He said to me.
I rolled my eyes.
"How are we suppose to get home?" Katie asked.
"A cab. I'll call a cab." Luke said. He walked up to the payphone and called a cab.
At April 23, 2006 6:32 PM,
Christina said…
Levi walked out a few minutes later. "Hey, what are you all doing sitting outside?" He asked. "We can't drive home!" I said, REALLY loud. We all laughed. "S'okay!" Luke said. "I called a cab!!!" "Pffftt!" Katie starte laughing. "You sound funny!" She said. "Aw, come on! You can't go home now! There is a party going on at my place. You're all riding with me!" Levi said. "No way!" I said. "Come on! It'll be fun!" Jewls said. "No, we can't! That's crazy!" I said. "Crazy!? Thats not the Mel I used to know!" Levi said. "Come on, I think it will be fun!" Ron said. I looked at Luke. "I'm game." He said staring at Katies boobs. "Okay, lets go!" I said. "A'ight. That's more like it!" Levi said. "Let me tell my partners I'm headed out. Be right back!" He said and ran back inside. "I can't believe you guys got stoned!" I said, trying to whisper. They all started laughing. A few minutes later Levi came running back out with another member from his band. "Jim!" I said, and ran up to give him a hug. I dated him right before I left Seattle. "Mel??? Oh my GOD! You look hot!" He said. Aparently when Ron was stoned, he wasn't jealous because he just laughed. "Let's go fools!" Levi yelled, and we all piled into his jeep. He didn't live to far, he was in kind of a crummy neighborhood. "This is were bar owners live?" I asked. "Hey! Cops stay outta here!" He said, laughing. We got to his house and the party was already started. Ron, Jewls, Joey, Katie and I started heading inside. Jim and Levi pulled Luke aside. They were whispering something. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, but it sounded like I heard Jim say "We got some REALLY good shit in. It's in the back room." I walked up and they stopped talking. "Keeping secrets?" I asked. "No one can keep secrets from you baby!" Jim said. We all joined everyone inside.
At April 24, 2006 7:30 AM,
Sarah said…
There was rap music blasting and some people were dancing around.
"Dude, Warren G!" Ron yelled.
"You hate rap." I said to him.
He started waving his arms in the air and singing along to the music.
Jewls and I looked at eachother.
"What the hell." She said. We both started to laugh.
Ron stood in front of me throwing gang signs in my face while he rapped along to the song.
"I need a drink." I said. I grabbed Jewls' hand. "Let's go."
We noticed a keg in the kitchen, so we grabbed ourselves a cup and filled them up.
"Wow! Look at this!" A guy shouted, totally checking us out.
Jewls gave him a weird look.
"Alright, I'll back off." He said.
We laughed and went to get Katie. We didn't want to leave her stuck with the guys.
"Oh my god." Jewls said pointing at Ron. He was trying to dance with Katie and she was just laughing, telling him to stop. We rescued her, got her a beer and went outside. They had a bar outside. It was big too!
"Vodka shots anyone?" Katie looked at us like she was waiting for us to answer.
"Over here!" She said.
"Are you crazy?!" I shouted.
"Yes." She said. The guy walked over to us. He had tray full of vodka shots. He handed one to each of us.
"Cheers!" Jewls said as we all tapped our shot glasses together.
"Ready?" Katie asked.
"Go!" I shouted. We all drank them and started caughing. We started chugging our beers to wash down the taste.
"Woo!" Katie shouted. She stood up on the bar stool screaming.
"Hey!" Jewls shouted. She got up and stood behind her. "Get down before ya break something."
She laughed and sat back down.
"You girls are so much fun!" Katie said.
"Strip poker anyone?" A guy asked, looking around holding up a deck of cards.
Katie looked at us again.
"No!" Jewls and I shouted at the same time.
"Over here!" She shouted.
"No. . . no, no!" I said laughing.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She yelled smiling. The guy walked over to us.
"Awesome!" He yelled. "Follow me! I am Todd by the way!"
Katie grabbed our hands and dragged us inside to the kitchen table. There were two other guys already sitting there.
"Alright!" Todd said. He gestured to us to sit down, so we did.
He dealed the cards and got up. He came back with four shots and handed them to us.
"What is this?" Katie asked.
"Crown Royal." He replied.
Katie got the grossest look on her face, then shrugged her shoulders.
Jewls held her glass in the air.
"To strip poker!" She yelled.
"Okay, Jewls is drunk." I said.
She yelled, "Click!" to us and took the shot, then Katie and I did as soon as she finished hers.
At April 24, 2006 7:30 AM,
Sarah said…
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At April 24, 2006 7:44 AM,
Christina said…
There were two other guys with us, so there were six people total. Dealer was passed around every hand. Todd was VERY cute, the other guys were all right. So, Jewls, Katie, and I imediatly ganged up on Todd to try to get him out of his clothes first! After a few rounds Todd was down to his Jeans and bare feet. I think the other guys caught on and before we knew it, several shots later, Katie was in her bra and Underwear, Jewls only had a shirt and underwear on, and I was holding out in my bra and jeans. The other two guys Mike was out. He quit when he got down to his boxers, but he stuck around waiting to see if we got naked. Katie went out next refusing to loose her last few items of clothing. Jewls took out Ryan, who actually still wanted to play, completely fine with being totally naked, but we decided we would rather just see him in his boxers and made him stop. Then Todd took out Jewls. That left me and Todd. I was often the poker champ back home, but this guy was good. And HOT, even hotter after all the shots I just did. Things started really heating up. I got him down to his boxers, and he had me in my bra and panties. Whoever lost this hand was going to get naked!
At April 24, 2006 9:02 AM,
Sarah said…
"You better win this." Katie whispered in my ear.
I looked at Jewls and she was staring at Todd, totally checking him out.
"You got this right?" Jewls said to me.
I had Jewls deal the cards, she said it was going to bring me good luck. She dealt the cards and we decided we had to just go with what we had in our hands.
He put his cards down and all he had was one pair of 2's.
I smiled really big and put down my cards.
"Oh my god!!" Jewls shouted. "See! I told you I would give you good luck!"
I had a pair of 10's.
"Lose the boxers!" Katie shouted.
"You girls are crazy." Todd said.
"Take them off!" Jewls yelled. All the guys around us were laughing. I was surprised that there were no girls paying attention to us.
Jewls and Katie looked at eachother. Katie nodded her head and they each stood by his side.
"Take them off. . . or we will do it for you!" Jewls said laughing.
Todd looked at me. "I won fair and square." I told him, pointing at my cards.
He stood up and they pulled his pants down. We all dyed laughing.
"Wow!" Jewls said.
Katie had her hand over her mouth with her eyes wide open.
Todd threw his arms in the air. "Well, there you go!" He said. Then he pulled them back up.
"Good game." He told me walking by, winking.
"Oh my god!!" Jewls shouted. "That was awesome!"
"Okay, that was the highlight of the night!" Katie screamed.
"I'll be right back." Jewls told us. We watched her follow Todd down the hall. I jumped up and ran after her.
"Oh no you don't!" I shouted grabbing her arm.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Cause I want him!" I shouted laughing.
"So do I!" She said.
"Please, please, please!" I said, begging.
"But, I want him." She said.
"Who are you two fighting over?" Todd asked as he walked into the hallway. I could tell by the look on his face that he knew exactly who we were talking about.
"What the hell!" Luke shouted, looking at us.
"Oh, shit!" Jewls shouted, looking down. "We didn't get dressed."
"I'll get your clothes." Todd said, walking by us.
"What the. . ." Ron started to say. He looked really mad and just stared at us.
"Did we miss something?" He asked. He started laughing and pointing at us. Apparently, he didn't care.
"Here!" Todd yelled, throwing our clothes at us.
We went into the bathroom and put our clothes on.
At April 24, 2006 9:20 AM,
Christina said…
"What was that about?" Ron said, when we came out. "Strip Poker." Jewls said, walking out. "Hey, were is Joey?" She asked Luke. "Uh. . .in the back. .. " He said. "What's in the back?" I asked. "Nothing." He said. Just then Joey came walking out of a room with a girl on his arm. "Ha ha! Joey's gonna get laid." Jewls said really loud. Joey looked over and winked at her. "Strip poker?" Ron asked. "Yes! Strip poker!" I said. "Don't look at me that way! Pot head!" I shouted and started laughing. He started laughing too. I spotted Todd across the room. "Gotta go!" I said, and ran over to him. "Not so fast!" Jewls shouted, laughing and running after me. I tapped Todd's shoulder and he turned around, smiling. "Ladies?" He said. Just then Levi walked up. "So you're all enjoying yourselves, eh? Strip poker without me?" He said and we all started laughing. "SHOT TIME!" The both said at the same time, and they grabbed our hands and walked us to the bar.
At April 24, 2006 10:41 AM,
Sarah said…
"Hmm. . . Tequila?" Todd asked.
"What the hell! Why not?" Jewls said.
He poured the four of us a shot and we drank them.
"Wow you girls can really drink!" Todd shouted.
"Ready?" Todd asked Levi.
"Yup!" Levi shouted.
Todd picked me up and Levi picked up Jewls. They went running and jumped into the pool with us in their arms.
"Holy shit!" Jewls shouted. "The water is freezing!"
Jewls and I began to laugh and couldn't stop.
"You loser!" I told Levi, hitting him in the chest.
Todd grabbed me and started kissing me.
"Hey!" Jewls shouted.
She pulled Levi towards her and kissed him.
"What the hell is going on?" We heard Ron ask.
We looked up at him.
"We're having fun, pot smoker!" Jewls yelled at him.
"We are getting out of here!" He shouted.
"Maybe you are." I told him.
Luke and Katie walked out by us.
Katie saw us and started laughing.
I got out of the pool holding Todd's hand.
"Later!" I said pulling Todd into the house.
Jewls and Levi came running in after us. We were all freezing. The guys took us to Levi's bedroom and gave us each a t-shirt and a blanket.
We went into the bathroom and put on the shirts and wrapped the blankets around us.
"This is so crazy." She whispered to me. ". . . but so much fun!" She yelled.
We hugged and went back to the bedroom.
Jewls walked over to Levi, put her arms around him and pushed him onto the bed. She started giggling and kissing his neck.
"Okay. . ." I said. Todd put his arms around her stomach and picked her up.
"What are you doing?" She yelled.
He started spinning her in circles.
"Oh my gosh, you are going to make me throw up!" She shouted. He stopped spinning her and put her on the bed.
"Sorry." He said. "Forgot you had all those shots."
"I want you." Jewls told Todd.
"How about a foursome?" Levi suggested.
"Are you serious?!" Jewls shouted.
Tood shook his head. "That sounds like a great idea." Todd said.
"It sounds good to me too." Jewls said.
"Ok, this is getting a little out of hand." I said.
"Oh come on. . . we never do crazy things." Jewls said, begging.
"Yes we do!" I shouted laughing. "You are SO crazy!"
Todd pulled me onto the bed and started kissing me. I pulled away and sat up.
"I don't know about this." I said.
Just then, Ron came storming into the room along with Luke.
"Come on, girls." Luke said, picking up our wet clothes.
"We're leaving." Ron said.
Katie walked in.
"Come on, Jewls." Ron said reaching for her hand. She turned around and kissed Levi. "Goodnight." She whispered. She took Rons hand and let him stand her up. She fell right over and her shirt flew up so her butt was showing.
Luke quickly pulled her shirt down and helped her up.
"Bye." I told Todd and Levi. "Great seeing you again." I smiled.
"Bye." Todd said. He and Levi started laughing, then Jewls and I started laughing too.
Katie put her arm around me and helped me walk out.
Luke practically carried Jewls out. They already had a cab waiting outside. They got us in the car. Jewls and I kept laughing.
"We should probably go to my place." Luke said.
Katie told the driver where to go.
As we were driving by a gas station, Jewls shouted, "Gas!"
"Calm down, shit." Ron said.
"You need to go there, cause you. . ." She said tapping his nose. ". . . have bad gas!" She bursted out laughing and that made Katie and I laugh too. I could tell Katie was pretty drunk too, but she was able to walk okay.
When we pulled up at the apartments, Ron helped Jewls out and Katie helped me.
Katie and I fell to the ground right away. We just layed there laughing.
"Shh!" Luke said, quietly. "It's late."
"Sorry early sleepers!" I shouted.
"Shut the hell up!" Ron whispered as loud as he could picking me up.
"Get your hands off me!" I yelled as I pushed him off me.
Luke walked over to me and put his arm around me. "Calm down." He whispered.
We made our way into his apartment.
"Wow, what's going on here?" Some guy asked. He turned on the light. He was holding a bong.
"That looks like fun." Jewls said walking up to him and rubbing it.
She looked around. "Where is Joey?"
"Oh, shit!" Ron shouted. Luke grabbed his coat and him and Ron left. I assumed they were going back to the party to get him.
"Are you going to share?" Jewls asked the guy.
At April 24, 2006 11:21 AM,
Christina said…
"Absolutly, Beautiful!" He said. We all laughed. Jewls took a hit, and caughed uncontrollably. "You didn't tell me it was your first time!" The guy said, and explained how to do it. "Put your mouth over and inhale the smoke. There, thats more like it!" He said. Jewls started laughing. "Next?" The guy asked looking at me. "No thanks!"
I said. "I gave up drugs when I left Seattle." I was still drunk so I'm not even sure if he understood what I said. "No!" Katie said. "You know better than to ask me Corey!" "Sorry Kates" He said. A few minutes later Jewls was laughing and joking with Corey in the corner. Katie and I were sitting on the couch leaning on each other and we fell asleep. We were both startled awake when the guys got home and the door slammed open. "What the hell?!" I said. Ron was furious. "What the hell? What the hell was going on back there with you??" He yelled. "I'm sorry." I said. "I was too drunk. I wasn't going to do anything, I swear. Why do you care anyway?" "Because I L- Because I care about you." Luke came in and stood between Ron and me. "Hey, let it go Ron." He said. "We all did stupid things tonight. She's right she didn't do anything. It's okay!" "I'm sorry." He said to me. "I'm sorry Luke." "Don't worry about it." Luke said. "I'm sorry too." I said. "What's with all the yelling!" Jewls said laughing, making smoke come out of her nose and mouth. We all laughed, even Ron. "Can I talk to you outside for a minute, Luke?" I asked. "Sure" He said, and we went out into the hall. Luke shut the door behind him. "Wow! I havn't been that stupid in a long time!" I said. "That's okay. I've never stopped being stupid." He replied. "Thanks. You know. For in there." I said. "Hey, don't worry about it. Andy's gone, but I guess in a way he is still here making sure we look after each other. To be honest you kept me from doing something stupid tonight." "What?" I asked. "I didn't go in the back room." He said. "I knew they had stuff in there!" I said. "It's always in the back room. No hardcore drugs today? I'm proud of you." I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. "But I think you owe more credit to Katie, not me. She really cares for you." "I know." He said. "I'm lucky. So are you. Ron really looked out for you tonight." "Yeah. I guess so. We better check on Jewls. She is with corey-" "Shit!" Luke cut me off, and jumped up. "What?" I asked. "Corey laces his weed." "With what?" I asked. "Whatever he's got. I guess we'll find out in a few minutes. It's either gonna be speed, H, or E. We'll know if she starts Halucinating, can't sleep, or is VERY clingy!" He said, and we both laughed. "We walked inside and jewls was laying on the floor looking at a poster on the wall. "Looks like halucinating it is." Luke said. Katie was gone, she went back to Luke's room to go to sleep. "I'll see you guys in the morning. I've got someone waiting for me." Luke said. Corey took Jewls and Joey in the other room so they could smoke more pot, and Ron and I curled up on the couch together. "I'm sorry if I was an idiot. I was just having fun." "Don't apologize." He said. "I was kind of a jerk." "No, you weren't. That is what Andy and I would do for each other. Keep each other from doing stupid stuff. Good night." I said, starting to fall asleep. "Good night." he said and kissed my forehead.
At April 24, 2006 11:35 AM,
Sarah said…
Jewls came out holding a stereo on her shoulder. She was blasting, Welcome to the Jungle and singing along.
"Woo!" She screamed.
I sat up laughing. She set down the stereo and started dancing.
"You are one crazy girl." Ron said to her.
"I know how to have a good time." She said smiling, still dancing.
"It's going to be weird going back home." I said.
Joey came out saying something. I couldn't understand what he was saying.
"Come here." Jewls whispered to me. I got up and walked up to her.
"What?" I asked.
"I love you!" She said smiling, giving me a hug.
"You're funny." I told her.
"Dance with me!" She said, grabbing my hands.
Luke came out. "Could you keep it down in here, crazy kids?" He said.
"Oh, sorry." Jewls said. She turned off the stereo.
Ron was already sleeping on the couch.
"If you two want, you can sleep in this bed." He said, pointing at a room. "That is ussually where Katie sleeps, but she is sleeping with me tonight."
"Oooooh." Jewls said, teasing him.
He helped us into the bed and we fell asleep right away.
At April 24, 2006 11:51 AM,
Christina said…
The next morning I woke up next to Jewls. I was being pushed off the bed, I was lucky she hadn't pushed me off. I got up to go the the bathroom and tripped over someone on the floor. "Ouch!" I said when I hit the floor. It was Corey, he just grunted and rolled over. "I stood up and headed out to the living room. I looked over in the bed and joey was sleeping on the other side of Jewls. I was trying to figure out how three full grown adults fit into a full bed, but my head hurt too bad. I walked out and Ron was still sleeping on the couch. I looked at the clock and it was only 8:00. I went to the bathroom, and came back out and curled up on the couch with Ron. The bed seemed a little full! "Morning." I heard Ron mumble. "Go back to sleep." I said. "I'm coming out here, because the bed is a little full in there." Ron laughed, and scooted over so I could lay down next to him and go back to sleep. A couple hours later I woke up when Katie came out to get a glass of water. "What time is it?" I whispered. "Not so loud!" She said, smiling, and pulled a bottle of Tylonal out of the cubbard. "Coffee?" She asked. "Please!" I said. "We don't have a coffee pot, want to come with me to get some coffee from the starbucks on the corner?" "Sure." I said. "You driving?" I asked. "Driving? This is seattle, the coffee shop is right on the corner!" She said laughing. "Oh yeah!" I said. Give me some Tylonal. And some clothes if you have some spare ones. I don't think I want to go just wearing a t-shirt!" I said. She laughed. "We might get the coffee free!" She said. She gave me some sweats of hers and I just wore the t-shirt of Levi's I still had on. "Oh my god!" I shouted. "No one told me I was wearing a Beastie Boy's t-shirt!" I said laughing. "What a dork." I said refering to Levi. We walked down stairs and got some coffee for everyone. Katie knew one of the guys working the counter, and he took his lunch to help us carry the coffee back and hang out. Actually, I think he just wanted to get stoned real quick before he had to start his next shift.
At April 24, 2006 1:42 PM,
Sarah said…
Well, I'm pretty sure I was right, considering he ended up in Lukes bedroom for at least twenty minutes.
Katie turned on some cartoons and we just relaxed, drinking our coffee. An hour later, Luke came out.
"Good Morning, everyone." He said.
"Hi, sweetie." Katie said to him. She was glowing. He gave her a kiss.
"We got you some coffee. You might have to throw it in the microwave for a minute." She told him.
"Thank you, baby." He said. He was glowing as well.
"Why are you two extra happy this morning? You should be feeling like shit like the rest of us." Ron said laughing.
"We took our relationship to another level last night." She told us smiling.
"Katie!" Luke said sounding embarassed. He walked in with his coffee and his face was red.
"What?" I asked. "I figured you two had been doing that for a while already."
"Nope. We waited." She said.
"Wow, that's really great." I said.
We watched more cartoons and waited for Jewls and Joey to wake up. Finally, around 10:30, they cameout. Jewls looked like hell!
She smiled. "I want to go back to the hotel and sleep for a few more hours." She mumbled.
Luke stood up. "I'll call a cab so we can get our cars." He said.
Luke, Joey and Ron took the cab to the cars. Us girls just layed around. As soon as they got back, we all went home.
I went to the room and lounged around some more. Ron followed me.
"You feeling okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him.
"Are we a couple or not?" He asked.
"I don't know." I said.
"I think we are in different places right now." He explained.
"I was thinking that a lot last night." I told him. "Maybe we should continue to be friends."
"Okay." He said. We layed back on the bed and fell asleep.
At April 24, 2006 1:54 PM,
Christina said…
We got up a couple hours later when we smelled mom cooking. "What is that?" Ron asked. "I don't know," I said, "But it smells great!" We got up and I put on some fresh clothes. I stopped Ron before we headed out the door. "Hey, I'm sorry, if this weekend has been a little weird." I said. "It has been, but I've had fun. I never would have thought I'd smoke pot!" He replied. "I think your right though. We seemed to make better friends than anything else. We can still occasionally have those benifits, right?" He asked. "Of course!" I said, and went out to see what was cooking. "I didn't think I was going to see you kids again!" Mom said when she saw us walk down the hall. She was making Lasagna, her special homade recipe, and bread with salad. The table was set for 8. "Who is joining us?" I asked. "Oh, just Luke, Katie, and Rach's friend from her band. I think they are an item, but she wont tell me anything." My mom said, rolling her eyes. "Wow! This sounds like a lot of fun!" Ron said. It was a weird comment, so my mom and I looked at him and laughed. "Oh, I called Jewls at the Hotel." My mom said. "They can't make it, I guess Jewls is a little under the weather." "I wonder why!" Ron said sarcastically, and I hit him in the chest. We both laughed. It was 5:00, and about an hour later Katie and Luke showed up with some guy that looked like he was a year or two younger the them, but a year or two older then Rach. I assumed he was her "friend". We all sat down and waited for dinner. About 6:30 mom came out and announced "Dinner is served!"
At April 24, 2006 2:55 PM,
Sarah said…
We ate dinner and talked. It was nice.
"How much longer are you here for?" Mom asked us.
"Only two more days." I told her.
"Your father wanted to take you and Rach out again." She said. "This time to meet his girlfriend."
Rachel laughed. "Okay!"
"Luke already met her. He wants you girls to spend some time getting to know her." She told us.
"She's a really nice lady. She's like 30 though!" Luke told us.
Mom rolled her eyes.
At April 24, 2006 3:06 PM,
Christina said…
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At April 24, 2006 3:08 PM,
Christina said…
"30?" I said. "That is only 4 years older than me!" "Oh, STOP!" Mom said. I just laughed. After dinner we decided to play some games. We started with Clue. It was hilarious! We all felt so corny because it was such a dumb game, but we were having so much fun. Of course, it helps that we had all, including Rach, been drinking wine with dinner. The evening went by way too fast! Before we knew it, it was 1:00 in the morning. Luke and Katie decided to go home. They were so cute together. I was glad Luke was taking thing's more seriously with her. She was so sweet. Mom and George went to bed, and shortly after Rachel left with her friend. "I'll be back." She said. "If mom asks, I'm in my room." She gave me a hug before she left. "I know what she's up to!" I told Ron. "They had their hands on each other all night." I said laughing. Only because I was pretty sure they thought they were being secretive about it. "Well, shall we call it a night?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm pretty beat." I replied. We went back to the room, got undressed, and climbed in bed to watch some TV for a little bit.
At April 24, 2006 3:42 PM,
Sarah said…
We fell asleep soon after.
In the morning, we both took showers. As I was getting dressed, Ron asked me if I minded if he went home today.
"How come?" I asked.
"I don't know." He said, then he started to explain and I cut him off.
"It's okay. I understand." I said. "It's fine." I smiled at him.
"You need your time with your family before you leave anyway. I feel like I am getting in the way." He said. "Plus, you are going out with your Dad again."
"I'm sorry." I told him.
"It's no big deal." He said. "I'll see you when you get back home. Give me call."
He called the airport and got a ticket for an earlier flight. My Mom dropped him off. When she got back, she asked me a bunch of questions about him. Such as, whether he is my boyfriend, whether I want him to be my boyfriend. I said no to pretty much all of her questions. She seemed confused, but she didn't continue to ask questions.
At April 24, 2006 9:55 PM,
Christina said…
Which is good, because I didn't want to explain to my mom what friends with benifits was! A little while later my Dad called and said he was on his way to pick up Rach and I. I asked where we were going, but he said he would let us know when we got there. He picked us up and his girlfriend was in the car. She wasn't 30, I would have put her at about 40. She looked great though, and was still a lot younger than my dad! We drove around for about a half hour, and no one really said anything. Finally I asked, "Okay, dad. Where are we going?"
At April 24, 2006 10:09 PM,
Sarah said…
"Dave Chapelle's doing stand up at the Giggles Comedy Club tonight. I got us all tickets." He said.
"That's awesome!" Rachel said. "Thank you so much, Daddy!"
"Are you serious?" I asked. "Wow, that is really cool."
"I'm glad you are excited." He told us.
At April 25, 2006 8:11 AM,
Christina said…
We got in, and we had seets in the front row! "Wow, dad!" You really went all out!" I said. "Anything for my three favorite ladies!" He said. We got there just in time to get situated and wait for the starting act. The guy was hilarious! I wish I could remember his name. We were all rolling! Then It was time for Dave Chappelle. He was a riot! He spouted his funny Jokes, keeping the croud roaring with Laughter. After the show We went to a bar/restaurant across the street and got to actually talk and chat for a while. Mindy, yes that was her name, was very nice! A little hokey, but she was nice. She seemed to really like my dad too. Rachel and I had a couple eye-rolling moments with some of the things she would say, but overall we all had a good time. Dad dropped us off a few hours later. "How was it?" Mom asked when we got home. "It was great!" I said. We told her all about the show, and she laughed at some of the jokes. "Well, I've got band practice." Rachel said, and she gave my mom a hug and left. "She doesn't need a ride?" I asked. "Oh, no. They practice in a garage a couple streets over." she answered. "Oh, I almost forgot. Someone called for you while you were out." "What? Who?" I asked. "Um. . . Said his name was. . . I know I wrote it down. . .Ah! Here it is. Levi. He said you knew him from when you lived here before, and he was glad we had the same phone number. Here, I wrote down his number so you could call him back." She said, handing me a post-it with the phone number on it.
At April 25, 2006 8:32 AM,
Sarah said…
I grabbed the chordless phone and went to my old bedroom to call him.
"Hey, girl!" He said, excited.
"Hi. What's up?" I asked him.
"Not a whole lot. Did you have a good time at the party?"
"Yeah, I think I had a little too much fun. . ." I said, sounding sarcastic.
He laughed. "Honey, I think we all did."
"Yeah, I think so too." I said.
"I was wondering if I could pick you up and we could hang out at my place." He suggested.
"Levi, I have changed so much since I've moved away. It might not seem like it, because of the way I acted at the party. And don't get me wrong, I had a blast. But, I'm not into drugs and I don't sleep around anymore either." I told him. "I've grown up a lot and I have a really great job."
"Whoa, whoa." He said. "What did you think I had planned?"
"I don't know." I told him.
"I just want to hang out. I miss you being around." He explained. "We can do whatever you want. We have a lot of games. . . how about Scrabble?"
"It was awesome seeing you and I had a great time with you, but I don't want to be around all that stuff. I'm doing very good for myself right now. I don't need to be around anything temting or anything like that." I explained. "I'm sorry."
"What happen to you?" He asked, sounding a little upset.
"I grew up, Levi." I said softly. "I grew up."
"What if I just pick you up to go to the movies? Just so I can see you before you leave." He said.
At April 25, 2006 8:48 AM,
Christina said…
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At April 25, 2006 8:48 AM,
Christina said…
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At April 25, 2006 8:48 AM,
Christina said…
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At April 25, 2006 8:48 AM,
Christina said…
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At April 25, 2006 8:48 AM,
Christina said…
"Okay, that sounds all right. Maybe we could go to the bar or something after. I just really don't like being around drugs anymore. I know it sounds silly, but sometimes it brings up not so great memories. I did leave Seattle, remember? It was hard enough to stay away from it with Andy's help, let alone now that he is gone. I'm sorry. I'm going on and on, aren't I?" "No, I don't mind. Hey, I'm not much of a phone person. How about I pick you up and we can talk?" he said. "Sure." I said. I got changed into some more casual clothes. Just a blue fitted t-shirt, and some bluejeans. I really didn't feel like being goggled at all night. He came to get me a few minutes later. I climbed into his car, and we took off. "So, what are we going to see?" I asked. "Oh, a new independet film coming out. The life of Jack Kerouac. You know who that is?" "I hope it is true that a man can die and yet not only live in others but give them life, and not only life, but that great consciousness of life." I said, quoting Jack Kerouac. "Your a fan?" He asked. "I studied him in college. I studied a lot of the Beat Generation Poetry." I replied. The whole way to the film we talked about poetry, and Jack Kerouac, and some other beat artists from the 50's/60's. We had a lot more in common than I thought. "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." Levi said. "On the Road' Is one of my favorite books." I said. "Who would have thought Mr. Rocker-druggie man had such a deep side!" We both laughed. "Yeah, I have my moments he said." We got to the film and he paid, and we went in and sat down.
At April 25, 2006 10:31 AM,
Sarah said…
He had his arm around me during the whole film. When it was over, he asked me what I thought.
"It was awesome." I told him. "Thank you so much for taking me!"
"I'm taking you to the book store now. You have to read The Subterraneans." He said.
I smiled really big. "Wow."
"What?" He asked.
"If you let go of the drugs, you could make some girl the happiest girl in the world." I told him, being totally honest. "You are just so smart and kind."
"I envy you." He said. "You moved away and started this whole new amazing life."
"You could do it too, you know?" I said.
"I know."
"Why don't you take some time off work and come visit me?" I suggested. "I'm being totally serious."
"I don't know. . ." He said.
"I can help you straighten out." I told him.
"I appreciate that." He said. "SO much, but this is my life and I don't think I am ready to change it all yet."
"I guess that's understandable." I said.
"Are you worried about me?" He asked smiling.
We stood up and started walking out of the theatre.
"A little." I said.
"Don't worry about me." He said.
"What do you do all the time?" I asked. "What is it that you do these days?"
He opened the door for me and we walked to the car. We got in the car and left.
"I read a lot." He said. "I do smoke pot occasionally. Probably more often than I should. I'm not seeing anyone, so no girlfriend to take up my time. I party a lot with my friends. . . and if I'm not doing any of that stuff, then I am at the bar working. What about you?"
"Well, I'm not in a relationship either." I told him. "I work for an advertising company. I just got promoted actually. I have an apartment that I live in by myself."
"What are your hobbies these days?" He asked.
"I go out drinking at the local bar every so often. At home, I watch movies or t.v." I told him.
"Tell me about this Ron guy." He said.
"Nothing's really going on there. It's completely sexual." I explained. "Well. . . I mean, we are friends, but not an item."
"Ah." He said. "I see."
We both giggled a little.
"Come visit me." I told him.
"Don't you live in a little rich town?" He asked.
"Burbank. It's a little on the ritzy side where my apartment is I guess. It's no Beverly Hills though." I told him.
"I don't know if I would really fit in there." He said.
"Levi, don't be silly." I said.
"Okay. I'll come visit for a few days." He said.
At April 25, 2006 11:06 AM,
Christina said…
"Good." I said. "You know, you can give up drugs without giving up your lifestyle. Maybe I shouldn't talk. I have a tendancy to drink a little too much." I said. "Don't we all!" He said laughing. "Well, think about what I said. We don't live THAT far away. We're aren't on opposite ends of the country or anything. You can come visit me anytime you want. I'll be in town more often too." "That's awsome!" He said. "I will come out and see you. I'll call when I make plans." "So, did you wanna hang out at the bar for a little bit? Rach isn't playing tonight, but some other bands are. In fact, I'm getting up there tonight." "Are you? I'll pass then!" I said joking. "Well, I'm just not going to be able to accept that answer." He said and he took the turn off to get the bar. "Okay, but I'm not drinking tonight." I said. "I want to really enjoy your company, not make a fool out of myself again!" We both laughed. We pulled in the parking lot, and it was still kind of early, so there were only a few cars and the bands were unloading equipment. He got out, and actually walked around to open my door. "WOW! that was totally unexpected!" I said. "Hey, you inspire me to be a gentleman." He said, putting on a snotty british accent. I laughed at him. "Before we go in, can I kiss you?" He asked. I started to open my mouth to say no, but he interupted me. "I've wanted to since I saw you the other night. Please? Just a small one." I just stood there and let him lean over and kiss me. It was a short, very firm kiss. I wanted him to kiss me more, but I didn't say that. He took my hand and we walked inside. His band wasn't on untill later so we sat and talked for a very long time! We even talked about Andy. He occasionally had to get up to announce bands between sets, but other than that his attention was on me all night. The bands were all pretty good, accept for one that sounded like they were grinding rocks in a blender while screaming. "Well, my band is up next. Tough act to follow, huh!" He said sarcastacly. I just smiled, and he left to go play. "Up next," he said through the microphone, "our very own 'Mayhem Superstars!" Everyone cheered. "The first song is dedicated to a dear friend of ours who died recently. It's called,"Andy." It was an amazing song! I couldn't believe they wrote a song about him. I didn't know Andy was so close to the band. He touched a lot of lives though, so I guess I wasn't too surprised. After that they played a few more songs. They were actually, pretty good! Much better then the last time I heard them play! When their set was over, and he introduced the next band, he came over and sat with me. "That was great!" I said. He pulled out his pack of smokes and offered me one. "Thanks." I said, and took one. I didn't normally smoke, especially if I was sober, but I was in the mood. "That was a beautiful song!" I said. "I was hoping you would like it. I knew you would be the biggest critic!" He said. "We have a CD release coming up next month, you sould come out if you can. Those are always a blast!" "I'll see." I said smiling.
At April 25, 2006 11:17 AM,
Sarah said…
"When I was younger, I use to say I was going to marry you." He said, laughing.
"How old were you?" I asked him.
"I was like thirteen or something." He told me.
I laughed. "That's funny."
"What can I say, you've always brought out the best in me." He said.
"Leave with me tomorrow." I said.
"What?" He sounded surprised.
"I go home tomorrow, I want you to come with me." I told him.
"Wow." He said. "I don't know if I can do-"
"Yes you can." I interupted.
At April 25, 2006 11:29 AM,
Christina said…
"Earlier you said you couldn't give up your lifestyle, which I am assuming you meant drugs. Well, I'm going to show you how to be spontanious and live life to the fullest without them! Are you in?" I asked. "Your crazy!" He said. "Your chicken!" I replied. I could feel the fire light up in my eyes. I was making him think, and making him excited. "If you come with me, I'll let you kiss me tonight." "Your amazing!" He said. "Well? I'm not offering again. . ." I said. "Okay. I'll go. I'll book a flight and let the band know they are on their own with the bar for a couple days." "A week." I said. "A week! No, I can't." "A week, or no deal." I said. "Okay, A week." He replied. I knew starting my new job would be busy, but there would also be some down time, especially if there weren't a ton of meetings. "Okay. Drop me off, go home and pack, and I'll pick you up tomorrow in the cab on my way to the airport." "Uh, where does the kiss fall into this?" He asked me. "Well, you walk me outside, I'll let you kiss me goodnight. And maybe, if your good enough, I'll let you kiss me on the way to the airport." I said. "Let's go!" He said, and we walked out to his car. We got in, and he leaned over and kissed me.
At April 25, 2006 11:47 AM,
Sarah said…
We kissed for a long time in the car. It almost led to more, but I didn't let that happen.
"Sorry, I was getting a little carried away." He said.
"'Tis quite alright." I said in a dorky voice.
"You make me laugh." He said. "Why don't you spend the night with me?"
"I need to get to bed." I told him.
"Oh, I see how it is. I have to be spontanious, but you can't." He said jokingly.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay, fine." I said. "Let's go get my stuff. We'll leave from your place in the morning."
We went to my Mom's house and everyone was awake watching Jeopardy. I said goodbye and we were all teary eyed.
"You come visit me." I told Rachel. "Any time. Just give me a call."
She nodded.
I gave everyone a big hug and waved as I was walking out the door.
"I love you guys." I said.
"It's always hard saying goodbye." I told Levi while I was getting in the car.
"I know." He said. "I'm glad I don't have to do that yet."
We went to his house and there were several people drinking and telling stories. Some were smoking pot. Levi just said hi to them and kept walking. I followed him to his room. His room was actually a lot cleaner than I thought it would be. He closed the bedroom door and I sat down on his bed.
"Oh my god, an egg chair!" I shouted. I jumped up and sat on the chair.
"You're a nerd." He said laughing.
"I know!" I told him. "These are the comfiest chairs in the world!"
He just stood there and laughed.
"Where did you get this thing?" I asked him.
"I think my Mom got me it for Christmas a couple years ago." He said. He sat down on the bed and turned on the t.v.
"Oh my god! Operation!" I shouted. I had noticed it in his closet. I went and picked it up.
"You are so crazy." He said.
I walked up to him with the game. "We are so playing this!" I said.
"Okay. . ." He said.
"Shut up." I told him. I took the game out of the box and kept sticking the tweezers in it purposly so it would make that noise. "We use to say it sounded like a fart!" I told him laughing.
"Are you just going to keep doing that or are we going to play?" He asked me laughing.
"We are going to play and I am going to beat your little butt." I told him.
Someone knocked on the door and came in. "Where's your pipe?" The guy asked.
"I'm busy." He told the guy. "Oh, also, I am going to be leaving town for like a week just so you know. Can you let everyone know?"
"Sure, man." The guy said. He left the room.
"Okay, ready to get your butt kicked?" He asked.
"You can't beat me in Operation. I am the Operation master!" I told him.
At April 25, 2006 1:12 PM,
Christina said…
We set up the game, and I went first. "Aw man! The rubber band! I hate that one!" I held my hand really steady, and managed to barley get it out. "Yes!" I said. "You are such a dork!" He said laughing. "My turn, lets see. Water on the knee." He tried but touched the buzzer first thing. "Damn it!" He said jumping. "Awww. Did it scawre big levi?" I said in a baby voice. That is pretty much how the game went, I won, and he was a sore loser! "I hate that game!" He said. "Uh, then why do you have it?" I asked. "Okay, I love that game, but I hate playing with you!" He said. "Aw. Big baby doesn't like to pway wid melly." I said, reaching over and pinching his cheeks. "Stop it!" He said, laughing and jumping up trying to tickle me. I rolled out of the way, but banged my knee on the dresser. "SHIT!" I yelled. "Are you okay!" He asked. "Yes." I said laughing. "Good!" He siad and trew a pillow at me. We both started laughing. Just then Mike from the band came in.
"Dude! Your leaving for a week!" He shouted. He noticed me and said, "Oh, hi.". Then he turned waiting for an answer from Levi. He did a double take. "Mel!" He said. "What are you doing here! I thought I saw you at the bar." "I'm good." I said. "And, Yes, Levi is coming to stay with me for a week." "Oh." He said. "What about the bar?" He asked Levi. "The bar will be fine!" Levi said. "You'll be in charge." "What? I can't be in charge! You manage the place!" He said. "Don't be silly! I couldn't do it without you, bro! You'll be fine. I'll bring my cell, you can get a hold of me for anything." "Okay, if you say so." Mike said. "It was nice seeing you Mel." "You too Big Mike!" I shouted as he left. "Sorry about that." Levi said. "I need to get a lock on my door." I just laughed. Levi walked over, and picked me up off the floor, and laid me down on the bed. "Tired?" He asked.
At April 25, 2006 1:32 PM,
Sarah said…
"Not even a little bit" I said.
He started kissing me and someone else walked into the room.
"Dude, we got this great shit from Ronnie." He said holding up a bag of weed.
"That's nice." Levi told him as he stood up. The guy was definatly high. Levi pushed him out the door and closed it.
"They feel they have to share everything with me." He said to me.
"You don't want any?" The guy asked.
"Not right now." He told the guy. He scratched his head smiling. "Sorry, gosh they just won't leave me alone."
"It's okay." I said.
"Dude, Levi!" Another guy yelled from outside of the door.
"I'll be right back." He said. He opened the door and pulled the guy by the arm down the hall. I sat there observing his room. His desk and dresser was cluttered full of change, a couple lighters, a ton of receipts, keys and a stuffed bear. I smiled when I saw the bear. It was brown and it had a black Motley Crue shirt on. His closet was a mess, there were clothes thrown on the floor inside and in front of it. He had posters all over the walls of rock bands and other random stuff. I've always been drawn to guys like this. I couldn't help it. They are just so attractive to me. Ron was so different. Clean cut, dressed nice. . . listened to mostly classic rock. So, why is it that I can't seem to find a guy just like Levi, but without the drug use?
He walked back into the room and closed the door. "Again, I am sorry." He said. "I told them all to leave us alone."
I was staring at the bear on his dresser.
"What?" He said looking at his dresser as well.
"That bear is so cute!" I said.
He picked up and handed it to me.
"Here, have it." He said.
At April 25, 2006 1:45 PM,
Christina said…
"No, I can't." I said, laughing. "Don't be silly!" He said, getting up and tossing it to me. He came back and laid next to me on the bed. "You should be proud of me." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Because Craig has some REALLY good stuff, and I didn't take any. Not even some for later." He said smiling. "Wow! I am proud of you." I said. "Baby, your the only drung I need." He said in a rock and roll voice. I sarted laughing! We started kissing again, and this time, there were no interruptions. He was great in bed! Afterwards I was so energized. "Wow!" I said. "What?" He asked. "Just, WOW!" I said, and he started laughing. He lit up two cigarettes and gave me one. "So, you think you can handle me for a week?" I asked. "You bet!" He said. We finished smoking, and I halped him pack for the week. After he packed he put on some music, and we fell asleep. The next morning after we got ready, and loaded up the cab we headed to the airport. In line to check the luggage I kept noticing he was whiping his hands on his jeans. "What is the matter?" I asked. "Huh? Oh nothing." He said. Finally we got to the gate, and we only had a 30 minute wait until the plain started seating. I noticed his hands were shaking. Suddenly it occured to me. "Your afraid to fly!" I said. "What? NO!" He said. "Really?" "Well, I've never been on a plane before." He said. I just laughed, but he didn't seem amused. "Don't worry, I'll hold your hand." I said, and kissed his neck. He was pretty quiet while we were waiting. Finally the anouncment came on to start boarding the plane. He was all stiff trying to walk, and it looked hilarious! "Just make it to the seat, and I'll pump you full of liquor!" I said, laughing. This time he let out a chuckle. We made it to our seats, and I ordered us both some pre-flight drinks.
At April 25, 2006 2:28 PM,
Sarah said…
Once we were in the air, he seemed better. I kept dosing off though and he would nudge me saying I had to stay awake with him.
The look on his face when we landed was so funny! I was laughing so hard.
Jewls picked us up from the airport and dropped us off at my apartment.
"Wow." He said as we walked in.
"What?" I asked, closing the door.
We set our stuff down.
"Great place." He said looking around. "Not a thing out of place. I'm impressed."
"Shut up." I said laughing.
"Geez, leather couches?" He said, surprised. He looked around at everything. He acted like I lived in a mansion or something.
I got him a glass of water and went to my room to call Ron and let him know I was back. He wanted to come over, so I had to tell him about Levi. He sounded kind of sad, but he was understanding at the same time. He just said he would see me at work tomorrow.
"What is up with this?" He asked, holding this really expensive crystal angel my boss got me a couple years ago.
"Whoa, put that down." I said. I laughed when I realized I sounded like my mother.
He set it back down. "SORRY." He said with his arms in the air as if he were getting arrested.
"It is just really expensive." I told him. "I know you won't break it, I don't know why I said that."
He noticed the balcany and walked out. "Wow, great view!" He said looking out.
"Thanks." I said.
He turned around. "I was talking about you."
"That has got to be the cheesiest line every used on me." I said.
He laughed. "Just teasin'."
I walked up to my wine cabinet in the kitchen and opened it.
"You have a wine cabinet?" He asked as he closed the door to the balcany. He walked up to me to check it out.
"Yeah. . . I have a wine cabinet." I said. "Do you want a glass?"
"I don't really drink wine. Got any beer?" He asked.
"I just have some Corona if you want beer. I have some other stuff that isn't beer." I told him.
"Oh, I don't really like light beers." He said. "You people are weird around here."
"We're normal. You guys are weird." I told him.
"Nah, we just don't go out to drink much, we just buy stuff for the house ussually." He said.
"Try this." I said pouring him a glass of wine. "It's not very strong."
"I can't beleive you drink wine." He said smiling. "You're turned all sophisticated on me."
"Sophisticated?" I asked confused.
"Whatever." He said.
I handed him the glass and he took a sip. "It's not too bad. I don't think I can drink more than a glass though."
At April 25, 2006 2:45 PM,
Christina said…
I just laughed. "Your such a dork." I said. "I'm just really tired!" He said. "NOFX is playing a concert later this week. We should go!" I said. "Ahh, at least you still have the same taste in music!" He said. I just laughed. "Hey! Let's go swimming!" I said. "What? Now?" He asked. "Uh, yeah. It's Cali, you can go swimming all year!" I said. "Lets go!" I grabbed his hand and ran into the room to change into my swimsuit. He put on his swim trunks, and we raced downstairs to the swimming pool. He one, but when I got behind him, I didn't stop and pushed him right into the pool!
At April 25, 2006 2:53 PM,
Sarah said…
"Ha!" I said. Take that! I looked up and noticed a guy walking by. He probably thought I was so weird!
I started laughing.
I dove in and swam to where I could stand. He swam up to me and started kissing me.
"Not here!" I said quietly.
"Why not? Nobody is around." He said.
"No." I said.
"My bath tub can be a jacuzi. . ." I said smiling.
"Are you kidding me?" He asked. "How much is this place a month?"
"A lot." I said. "But I really like it here."
"Okay, rich girl." He said.
"I'm far from rich. Trust me." I told him.
"I say we hit the jacuzi." He said winking.
I rolled my eyes. "You dork."
"That would be a first for me." He said. "It sounds awesome."
"Fine, dork." I said. I swam to the steps and got out.
At April 25, 2006 3:14 PM,
Christina said…
I lead him back up to my apartment holding his hand. We went in, and I went to the bathroom to fill up my jaquzi tub. "It's ready!" I said as I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where he was sitting. He was looking at my CD collection. "You have the best taste in music, EVER!" He said. "Wow, I didn't know music was such a turn on for you!" I said. "Yeah, well, it's hot." He said, and fake snorted. I laughed at him. "You can get in if you want, I'm going to get some towls out of the cabinet." "Okay, I'll meet you in there!" He said, getting up and going to the bath room. I went and got some towels, and walked into the bathroom. He was already in the tub. "You figured out how to turn on the jets all by yourself!" I said. "I'm smart!" He said back. He was sitting with his back up against the wall. "Come here!" He said. I climbed in and sat infront of him, with my back too him so I could lean on him. "Oh my god!" I said, laughing. "Your naked already!" "Uh, yeah! And your still in your bikini. what's wrong with this picture??" He said.
At April 25, 2006 3:29 PM,
Sarah said…
"Aw, taking your clothes off is the fun part." I said.
"Well, then I guess that is all me." He said. He untied my top.
"It's not fun if you just do it right away." I said laughing.
"Yes it is!" He said. "Turn around!"
I turned around and layed on his cheast. He put his arms around me and hugged me.
"You know what?" He said.
"I don't want to leave." He said.
"I told you you'd like it here." I said.
"Well, yeah it is nice here. But, mainly I don't want to leave you." He said.
"Aw!" I said. I sat up and turned off the jets. I let our some water and put some bubble bath in the tub.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
I turned the water back on so there would be bubbles. "I want to take a bubble bath.
"You are such a kid." He said. "Bubble baths, Operation. . ."
"A girl never grows out of bubble baths." I told him.
"I think it's totally cute." He said.
I grabbed some bubbles and put them on his head.
"I've never taken a bath with someone, but I must say, this is going to be fun." He said. He grabbed some bubbles and put it all over my face. I started laughing. He put his arms around me and pulled me towards him. He wiped the bubbles off my face and started kissing my neck. I couldn't beleive how happy I was with him!
At April 25, 2006 4:22 PM,
Christina said…
"It's too hot in here." I said. "That's cuz were so sexy!" He said. "No, really! It is too hot. Can we get out, and take this to the bed?" I said. "Oh. I guess so. I really wanted to have sex in a jaquzi. Sounded adventurous!" "Oh, I can show you adventurous. . . in the bed too." I said, smiling. We got out, grabbed the towls, and dryed off as we made our way to the bed.
At April 25, 2006 6:09 PM,
Sarah said…
"Wow." He said.
"I will be right back." I told him. I always thought it would be funny to do the whole chocolate syrup and whipped cream thing. So, I grabbed the stuff and headed back to the room.
"What the hell!" He said laughing.
I jumped on the bed and started squirting whipped cream on him.
He started laughing. "What the hell!"
Then I squirted him with the chocolate syrup. I didn't use a lot, just a little all over him.
"And you think I'm wierd?" He asked.
I laughed so hard looking at him. I started licking it off his cheast and I couldn't stop laughing.
"Okay, this is not my kind of thing." He said.
"Yeah. It's not my kind of thing either, I just always wanted to do that to someone." I told him, laughing.
He got off the bed and picked me up, so the stuff got all over me too. I pulled away from me.
"Damn you!" I shouted. We both died laughing. "Okay, I am washing this shit off." He said. He went in the bathroom and got in the shower. I joined him. Once we were cleaned up, we just had sex on the bed. Same old way. It was still exciting, but we didn't do anything special. We went to bed after that. I got up early for work. He was still sleeping, so I just left him a note with my work number and my spare key incase he decided to go shopping or something. I was so dreading going back to work! When I got there, it was very quiet. As soon as I got to my office, Kelly was in there. I couldn't even pay attention to what she was saying. I kept thinking about Levi.
"You're glowing." She said. "What's going on?"
"I'm not glowing." I said smiling.
"Yes you are!" She said.
"No, I'm not." I told her. "Now what did you say? I wasn't listening." She started to tell me who had called me while I was gone.
"I am totally glowing." I said.
"Give me details." She said sitting down and leaning over my desk.
"My old friend Levi. . . I ran into him in Seattle. He is so gorgeous. I think I am falling for him." I told her.
"But, he is all the way in Seattle?" She asked.
"No. Oh I forgot to mention. I asked him to come home with me and spend a week here with me. He's at my apartment right now!" I explained.
"Oh my gosh!" She said. "That's awesome!"
Just then Ron walked in. "Is Levi still here?" He asked.
"I'll see you at lunch." Kelly said, leaving.
"Uh. . . yeah." I said.
He sighed very loudly. "Do you like him?" He asked.
"Yeah. . ." I replied.
He turned around facing the wall for a few seconds, then turned back around. "Why?"
"I don't know, I just do." I said. "Do I need an explanation?"
"He's a fucking pothead, Melinda! What the fuck do you see in that loser?!" He said yelling at me.
I started crying instantly. "What is your problem?" I asked.
"He's a loser!" He said. "Let me guess, you think you can change him. Right? You think you can turn him into the guy you want to be with!"
"No!" I said sobbing.
"Yeah you do and you know it." He said pounding on my desk. "And what's going to happen when he goes back home? Hu? You're going to come crawling back to me. Right? Well, not this time. I am done puting up with your bullshit!" He left my office, slamming the door shut.
Kelly came running in and hugged me. "Oh my gosh, honey!" She said.
"Will you please go get him?" I asked her. She handed me a tissue. "Yeah. One sec." She said leaving. I layed face down on my desk crying. Ten minutes later, he walked into my office and closed the door.
I got up and hugged him. He didn't hug me back, but I didn't care. I just kept hugging him tightly. He pushed me away. "What are we?" He asked.
"We are best friends who there for eachother always." I told him. "We had the conversation, Ron. You knew this day would come."
"Melinda, he's a pothead." He said again.
"I know." I told him.
"You think he is going to change." He said.
"I think it's possible." I said.
"What about when he leaves? What are you going to do then?" He asked.
"I didn't think about that yet. Right now I am just enjoying his company." I explained.
"I always told myself that I would never make you cry." He said. He held my hands. "I am here for you always. I promise, but if he ever does anything to hurt you, I'll kick his ass. You know that, right?"
"Yeah." I said softly, clearing my throat. He hugged me tightly.
"Love you." I said as he was walking out of my office.
"Love you too." He said.
The rest of the day at work weny by really fast. I had to send a lot of emails and make a lot of calls to return all my messages. When I got home, Levi was on the couch watching Sponge Bob Squarepants.
"Hello!" He said. "How was work?"
"It was okay." I said. "What did you do today?"
"Uh. . . nothing really." He said.
"What do you want for dinner?" I asked setting down my stuff. I walked over to the refrigerator and opened it. "Come look at what I have." I said.
He got up and stood next to me.
"What have you got?" He asked me.
"Oh my god, are you freakin kidding me?" I said.
"What?" He asked.
"You're high." I said.
"Honey, I'm not high." He said.
"Did you bring your stash with you? Oh my god, is it in my apartment?" I asked getting mad.
"No, no." He said. "I smoked out with the guy that works at that tattoo shop."
I shut the fridge and went to my room. I shut the door behind me. I started washing my make up off at the sink in my bathroom. He came into the bathroom and squeezed his way in front of me while I dried off my face. "You knew what I liked before you asked me to come here." He said. "You knew everything." He had his thumbs tucked into his belt loops. And he was wearing a white tank top. I started examining his cute little muscles.
"Why do you have to be so hot?!" I yelled. I walked out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen.
He followed me. "This is me. You decide whether it's what you want or not." He said.
"It is what I want." I said.
"Okay." He said. "It is what I want too. We're going to make this work."
At April 25, 2006 7:39 PM,
Christina said…
"Look, I gave up everything else. I guess I don't understand what is wrong with pot. It's like drinking. It's just fun, you know. To pass the time." He said. "Yeah. I just don't like it." I said. "It brings up bad memories." "I'm sorry." He said. "It's okay." I said back. He lifted me up on the counter and started Kissing me. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his head back so I could talk to him. "This is really what you want?" I asked "Yes." He said. "I mean me, not sex right now." I said laughing. "No. I want you." He said smiling. "You've been cooped up in the house most of the day, havn't you?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "You wanna go hang out some where? One of the local bars?" I asked. "Sure." "Okay, lets go have some fun. Let me change real quick, and we can head out. Want to help me?" I said, jumping down from the counter and walking to the bedroom. He was RIGHT behind me!
At April 26, 2006 7:36 AM,
Sarah said…
I changed my clothes and he just sat there watching me. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Let's go." I said. "I'm taking you to my bar."
"Your bar?" He asked.
"Yes. It's where I always hang out. My friends are dying to meet you. Maybe they'll be there." I said.
"Oh great." He said, laughing.
We walked into the bar holding hands. I felt like teenager. I saw Kelly and Jewls sitting at a table.
"There's Jewls." I said. "And my Assistant, Kelly."
"Whoa, Jewls looks different." He said.
"Yeah, well we both really let loose in Seattle." I said, walking up to them.
"I heard you were here." Jewls said to Levi. She gave him a hug.
"Kelly, this is Levi. Levi, Kelly." I said introducing them.
He shook her hand.
"I'll get us something to drink." He said.
"Wait." Jewls and I said at the same.
"Chili Bombers?" She said to me.
"Yeah." I said. "We like to start out with them. It's our tradition."
He laughed. "Okay."
"Alright, girl, he is nothing like Ron." Kelly said checking him out as he stood at the bar.
"I know." I said smiling. "Am I crazy? I've gone crazy, havn't I?"
"He looks young, how old is he?" Kelly asked.
"Um, he must be like twenty four, twenty five." I said.
"Gosh, I could just go swimming in those eyes." She said.
Jewls and I looked at eachother and back at Kelly smiling.
"What?" She asked.
"He's mine." I said jokingly.
"Have you? You know? Done it yet?" Jewls asked.
"Several times." I told her.
He walked up with three Chili Bombers. "Thank you." I told him.
"I'll be back in a few minutes." He said.
"Where are you going?" I asked him.
"I'm. . ." He said. He kissed my cheeck. "Be back in a second."
I watched him say something to a Bartendar and he walked outside with him.
"Excuse me, one second." I told them. I went outside and didn't see them. I walked around the back of the bar and I saw them. The other guy was rolling a joint.
I stormed up to him. "Not here!" I shouted.
"Babe, it's fine." He said.
"I'm going home." I told him as I startd speed walking away.
"Hey!" He yelled following me. "Mel!"
I stopped walking and turned around.
"I'm not going to do it. Now let's go back inside and have fun." He said pushing me back in the door. We went back to the table.
"I'm gonna grab myself a beer." He said.
"What the hell was that all about?" Jewls asked.
"Nothing. Let's take another shot." I said.
"I'll get it this one." Jewls said. She went to the bar and ordered three more shots.
At April 26, 2006 7:50 AM,
Christina said…
Not three seconds after we took the shot, Ron walked in with his friend Mel. I saw him at the door before he saw us. "Oh no!" I said. "This is going to be great!" I said sarcasticly. "Great for me!" Jewls said. "I LIKE Mel." And we laughed. "I'll give him the benifit of the doubt. He seemed okay at work after I talked to him." He finally saw us, and the walked over and sat down with us. "No Levi?" Ron asked. "Actually-" I said, then Levi cut me off. He was standing behind us with his beer. "I'm here! Good to see you again Ron." He said. I big stupid grin on his face. There was no way Ron and I were EVER going to date again, so it was kind of funny to see him kind of mad at Levi for no reason. Levi had a way of making those who liked him really like him, and those who hate him, REALLY hate him, because he was nice to everyone! Levi sat down next to me. "Drinks everyone?" Ron asked. Jewls and Kelly asked for a shot, but I said I was fine. I had a beer that Levi brought over to me. Ron and Mel got up to get the drinks. Levi leaned over and whispered "I'm sorry. I didn't think it would be this hard to quit. It's just pot. I always thought it wasn't supposed to be addicting." I looked over at Jewls and Kelly who were gossiping like hens, to make sure they weren't listening. "I know it's hard. It isn't just pot either. It is a HUGE habit. It is just as much an addiction as smoking cigarettes. Look, now isn't the place to talk about it. We'll talk later, okay?" "Oh, sorry." He said. "It's okay. Stop saying sorry!" I said laughing.
At April 26, 2006 8:07 AM,
Sarah said…
We were all pretty drunk after an hour past. Ron started being an ass!
"So, what do you do for fun?" He asked Levi.
"I like to read." He said. "And I really like watching movies."
"What else?" Ron asked.
"Stop." I said quietly squeezing his hand.
"Do you smoke?" Ron asked him.
"Jesus, Ron. What's with the twenty questions?" Mel asked. I think he could tell that this wasn't going anywhere good.
At April 26, 2006 9:35 AM,
Christina said…
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At April 26, 2006 9:41 AM,
Christina said…
"Yes. Why, did you want a cigarette?" Levi asked, trying not let anything start up. I guess one thing you learn fast in that kind of life style is how to avoid a fight. "That's not what I meant." Mel jumped in again. "Hey! Cut it out Ron. This isn't the time or place. You've been drinking." He said, trying to laugh to make light of the situation before it got out of control. "That's right, I did. But only once. I certainly havn't made it my goal in life!" Ron said, staring at Levi. Levi pointedly did not look at him. I could tell he wanted to hit Ron so bad. I was proud he held out for so long. I wanted to punch Ron! "Oh, I get it. Your trying to change for Melinda. You want to make her think your a good guy. Well, go ahead, It wont matter. She's slept with most of the men here! She slept with that Bartender over there!" He shouted, pointing at Chris at the bar. "You ass!" I shouted. I jumped up to confront Ron, but Levi pushed me out of the way. "It's not worth it." He said. "Let's just get out of here." "Fine." I said, grabbing my purse. "No! You two stay, I think Ron needs to leave." Jewls said. Ron was furious. Levi and I turned to leave, and Ron decked Levi right in the face! "Fuck! What is YOUR problem!" I shouted. Picking Levi up of the ground. "You SLUT!" Ron yelled, and Levi punched him right in the chin, knocking him out cold. Mel grabbed Ron before he hit the floor. The bouncers were on their way over. "Mel turned to the bigger guy that we all knew. Malcom, can you help me drag his sorry ass out to the car? It's time for him to go home." "No problem man." Malcom said and the three guys lugged Ron outside. I walked up to the bar and asked for some ice. It was the same guy that Levi almost smoked out with. "Sure, no problem surgar." He said, and handed me a bar towl with ice wrapped in it. I walked it over to levi and he put it on his cheek right below his eye. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Don't be. He was a jerk." "I know, but he's never acted like this before. I just. . ." Jewls piped up. "Honey, it isn't your fault. He obviously is just jealous. He'll cool off." Kelly was pretty speachless. She had probably never seen something like that before. "Hey, you wanna get out of here?" Levi asked me. "Sure" I said. We said good by to Jewls and Kelly, and ran into Mel as we were walking out. "You guys leaving?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Hey, Levi, man. I don't know what got into him. Your a cool guy, don't think-" Levi cut him off. "Don't worry about it." He said, and they both shook hands. I drove. We decided to go to the beach. It is only an hour away, and I was telling Levi how much nicer it is off the coast of Cali than Washington. We got there, and It was so beautiful. The moonlight was reflecting off the water. We walked down the beach, throught the surf, and Levi started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "I also like moonlit walks on the beach, dancing in the rain. . . " He said. I started laughing too. "You dork!" I said. We saw some rocks up ahead that lead into the water. We decided to go sit down and watch the surf from the rocks. Levi sat down with his back against a rock, and I sat down with my back against him. He wrapped his arms around me, and laid my head on his sholder, resting my head against his neck. We just sat there, enjoying each others company and watching the ocean.
At April 26, 2006 9:51 AM,
Sarah said…
"You gonna be okay at work tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah." I told him. "Ron will be fine."
"Do you love him?" He asked.
"I don't think so." I said.
"I know we've been avoiding this subject, but I do have to go back home at the end of the week." He said.
"I know."
"Just sayin." He said.
"I know."
"It's really nice out here." He said. "It's just not for me."
"What are you getting at?" I asked him sitting up.
"I don't know, sweetie." He said. "It's difficult."
I sighed. "Why can't I ever keep a relationship?"
"Don't say that." He said. "Don't make me the bad guy. You knew I had to go back home."
"Is there something you're not telling me? Did you have some bright idea that I was going to change and stay here with you? Give up everything I have?" He asked.
"I guess I did." I said.
"I should have known." He said.
"No. It's my problem." I told him. "I'll be fine. I'll get over it."
"Can we just enjoy the time we have?" He asked.
"Yeah. I don't think we should sleep together again though." I said.
"Okay." He said. I layed back on him and we sat there quietly watching the waves and feeling the breeze.
At April 26, 2006 10:07 AM,
Christina said…
I was crying, but quietly. I didn't want Levi to notice. I didn't want to ruin the beautiful moment either. I guess I had wanted him to change. I really liked him, more then liked him. For the first time though, I realized everything I liked about him I was trying to change. I was trying to make him like me. I started thinking maybe it's not just him I like and will miss. Maybe it is Seattle, maybe I didn't fit in here. When I was back home I was with real friend, family. They didn't care what I did, or said. I didn't have to worry about What I wore, or what would happen if I saw a client, or upper management when I went out. It was nice, I guess I missed all of that. I didn't miss the drugs though, that was certain. Or the rain. I promised myself I would go back as often as possible. Maybe one day I would move back. That was definatly a MAYBE though. I must have sniffled, because Levi asked me what was wrong. "Nothing." I said. "Look at me." He said. "No." I replied. "Mel?" He said. I looked up and he saw I was crying. "Don't do that. I really like you baby, I just don't want to start something of neither of us can put our whole selves into it." He said. "I know. I agree. I don't know why it is upsetting me so much. I miss my family and Seattle. And now I'll miss you. I never have before. I guess I was always running away from it all. Now, I'm not so sure what I was running too. I don't do drugs anymore, but I drink all the time, and the only relationship I've ever had has been with Ron, and you saw how that turned out." "Hey. Don't regret stuff. Everything you do has a purpose. You'll figure stuff out eventually. Your a big girl Melinda." He said, and kissed my cheek. "Hey, if you ever come back to Seattle, I'll be there. Oh, and I think I might move out of the house. I feel too old for all that nonsense. Maybe I'll get an apartment with Mike from the band. He has been sober for a while, well except for pot, but we know how that goes." He said, laughing. I laughed too. I felt a lot better.
At April 26, 2006 10:34 AM,
Sarah said…
We layed there for a little while longer and decided to go back to my apartment. I drove back. He was sleeping most of the time, so I kept dosing off while I was driving.
When we got back to my apartment, he sat down on the couch and asked me for a pillow.
"You're sleeping there?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I think I should." He said. "I also think I should probably leave tomorrow. There's no reason for me to be here." He was staring at the ground.
"Unbleieveable." I said. I got a pillow off my bed and handed it to him, then went I went to my room. I was so frustrated. I don't know what I want anymore. I keep telling myself one thing and then I change my mind.
"I don't want him to leave." I said to myself softly. I layed back on my bed. He cracked the door open and peaked in. He was wearing black, white and blue plaid pants and no shirt. He looked so hot!
"What's wrong?" He asked.
I sighed loudly. "Why are you leaving tomorrow? And why did you say there is no reason for you to be here?"
He came into my room and sat down next to me. "Why should I be here?"
"I guess I'm not a good reason." I said.
"You know what I mean." He said.
"I really don't." I told him. "Every time I fall for someone, they bail on me."
"What?" He asked confused.
"Oh my." I said.
"You're falling for me?" He asked.
"No. . ." I told him.
"Hey." He said. "You look at me."
I looked at him smiling. I was trying not to laugh at myself for spilling the beans.
At April 26, 2006 10:41 AM,
Christina said…
"Your falling for me? No one has ever said that before." he said. "I am so corny." I said. I think I was blushing. "I was only leaving because I thought there was no us being together. I didn't want to stay if we were just going to tease each other." he said, trying to explain himself. "I want there to be an 'us'. I just don't know how. I was thinking on the beach, and came to some realization's about my life. I was trying to change you, or fix you or somehing. I'm sorry. I like you how you are, I think it is myself I want to change." I said. "No, your perfect!" He said. "Your beautiful, and you have a great job." "And that is it! I said. I don't have any family. I don't have anyone to care about. Jewls is my only real friend." "Stop." He said. "I'll stay a little while, okay? Maybe I can help you figure some things out. I'll even sleep back here, but no sex, okay?" he said, and I laughed. "Deal." I said. He climbed in bed with me, wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep. I had the craziest dream that night!
At April 26, 2006 11:02 AM,
Sarah said…
I had a dream that we flew to Hawaii and got married. Then we moved to Africa!
When I woke up that morning and opened my eyes, Levi had the door open a little in the bathroom and I could see him in the mirror naked brushing his hair back.
"Oh my!" I said. I buried my head in my pillow.
"Oh shit." He said. "Sorry."
He put a towel around him and walked up to me laughing.
"I didn't think you would be awake yet." He said.
I laughed into the pillow.
"Okay, so I left the door cracked on purpose." He said.
"You dork." I said sitting up.
"Oh, gosh, put some clothes on." I told him.
"Too sexy for ya?" He asked joking.
"Yes." I said.
"Hard to turn me down, isn't it?" He said.
I rolled my eyes at him shaking my head. "Very."
"So, why did I say no sex?" He asked. "I am one dumb guy."
"I said it first, I think I am one dumb girl." I said laughing.
"So, what are we doing today?" He asked.
"For starters, get your ass over here!" I said. I pulled him by the arm and pulled him up to me.
At April 26, 2006 11:15 AM,
Christina said…
I didn't go into work that morning. I had some things to think about. Levi and I fulled around for a while, before we finally decided to go out and enjoy the day. We drove out to the beach again, and went to the board walk to hang out, and talk. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to move back to Seattle. I really did miss it there. It was something I was really going to have to think about though! My company has a firm there, so transfering would be no problem. But I really liked California. Levi and I stopped at one of the shops and got some ice cream. I was having so much fun with him. The thought of him leaving was just too much. "This is fun!" He said. "The sun isn't out this much in Seattle. I kind of like it. I like it here at the beach, no one is as uptight as where you are." He said laughing. I laughed too. "I always thought about moving closer, but I don't know." I said. Levi took a big lick of his ice cream cone, and the ice cream fell off and hit the ground. "I'm a dweeb." He said, and I started cracking up. He was holding his cone up, and seagull swooped in and grabbed what was left of his cone. Then we both really lost it!!! "Here, I'll share mine." I said, handing him my cone. We walked along the boardwalk, with his arm around my waist and passing my ice cream cone back and forth, talking about EVERYTHING.
At April 26, 2006 11:35 AM,
Sarah said…
"Let's rent bikes!" He said. I started laughing. He sounded like a little kid. "Or boogie boards!"
"Wow, you look excited." I said.
"I've never done anything like that before." He said.
"You've never rode a bike?" I asked.
"Shut up. You know what I mean." He said. "Or surfboards!"
"Whatever you want." I said. "If you want a boggie board or surfboard, the bay store is the cheapest." I told him pointing at the store up ahead.
"Okay!" He said. "Let's get boogie boards."
We rented two boogie boards and went out in the water. I kept falling and swallowing water! I was not good at boogie boarding. We kept laughing a lot. He did better than me! I guess the waves were stronger than me! We did that for three hours and we were so sore when we finished. We went shopping and I got some new sunglasses. He got a new pair of boardshorts.
"You'd think I'd be here all the time." I told him. "I come every so often, but not enough. This is so fun!"
At April 26, 2006 11:47 AM,
Christina said…
"It's a blast!" He said. "I could so see myself here! I feel like I fit in." "except for you pale sunless sking!" I said laughing. He did look like he fit though, with his new shorts and sunglasses. I just laughed at him. "What?" He asked. "You. You are so funny!" I said. I grabbed his sunglasses and took off running down the beach. "Hey! Get back here! I'm blind! I've never seen the sun before! I'm melting!" He shouted running after me.
At April 26, 2006 12:59 PM,
Sarah said…
He caught up to me and picked me up. He started kissing me.
"Excuse me." A man said. I looked up. I was standing on his dogs leash.
I lifted my leg up. "I'm sorry." I told him.
He gave me a mean look. Levi and I laughed.
"Let's go get some shrimp coctail. It's so good at the fish market." I said. We walked holding hands to the restaurant. It was over above the water. It's a really neat place.
After we were done eating, we went on the ferris wheel. I was so scared. I hate ferris wheels! I wouldn't let Levi touch me while we were on it. I held on to the rail tightly. He kept laughing at me. When it was finally over, we sat down in the sand by the water.
"This has been a great day." He said.
"Yeah, for me too." I told him.
He got up, took his shirt off and ran to the water. I watched him swimming in the water and jumping over the waves.
"Aren't you coming?!" He shouted.
"I guess!" I said. I took off my shorts and ran into the water. I wanted something dry to put on afterwards. I had my swim suit bottoms on and a tank top. We had so much fun! He kept kissing me and the wave would take us out. We were laughing most of the time. After about thirty minutes, we decided to go back to my apartment. We took showers and layed on the couch watching t.v.
At April 26, 2006 1:09 PM,
Christina said…
I fell asleep laying with my head on his leg. I woke up because he started laughing his head off. "What?" I asked, lifting my head up. He had it comedy central and Dane Cook was on. "I love this guy!" He said, wiping tears from his eyes. "Acidy Spit! It kills me!" I just laughed at him. "So what do you want to do tonight?" I asked. "Um, I don't know. I'm kind of beat. Can we just hang out here?" "Sure." I said. "I know, lets rent some movies, and we can make popcorn, put a blanket on the floor, and lay down and watch them!" He laughed at me. "You are so cute." He said. I grabbed my shoes and keys and we drove to the video store.
At April 26, 2006 1:25 PM,
Sarah said…
We decided to be dark. We rented The Lost Boys, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Ring. Whe watched The Lost Boys first. It didn't really scare me, it just creaped me out a little at some parts. Next, we watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I had to keep covering my eyes! I kept jumping too and Levi would laugh. When it was over, we made some popcorn.
"Ready for another thriller?" He asked.
"Yes, but I have to pee first." I said. I went to the bathroom. While I was washing my hands, Levi opened the door and turned off the light. I screamed so loud and it made him sceam! He tried to scare me and he scared himself too.
"Holy shit!" I yelled. My hear was pounding so hard. He started laughing histarically.
"Do not do that again!" I said. We cuddled on the blanket and he turned on The Ring. That movie really freaked me out. I made Levi leave the bathroom light on incase I had to get up in the middle of the night. I don't know why I watch those creepy movies! They always scare the crap out of me, but I love watching them!
At April 26, 2006 1:42 PM,
Christina said…
"I'll keep you safe." He said, pulling me close to him, and wrapping his arms around me. "Will you?" I said, slyly. Just then the lights went out and we were in complete darkness. "SHIT!" he yelled, and I screamed. Then the power came back on. "It was just a power surge!" I said laughing. "What a big strong brave man you are!" "Hey, It scared the crap out of me. I kept you safe, didn't I!" He said. "Yeah, from the dark!" I said. We cuddled up together and fell asleep. The next morning I called in again. Levi was leaving in a couple days, and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. I was starting to wonder if we could work things out. The NOFX show was that night, so I had already had the next day off, to recover. We didn't do much all day. Just hung out, played music, and watched some of my old movies. We had a lot of the same taste in stuff! We put in "Snatch" and quoted movie lines to each other. About 5:00 we decided to get some dinner and head to the show. The opening band started at 7:00 and NOFX was supposed to go on at 9:00, following the second band they were touring with.
At April 26, 2006 1:51 PM,
Sarah said…
We had Taco Bell for dinner and went to the show. When we got in line at the show, it was really long. It moved pretty fast though.
"Just wanted to warn you that it is pretty likely that I'll smoke tonight." He said. "Is that okay?"
"Yeah." I said with a smile. Even though it really bothered me, I just let it go.
When we got into the show, I was so excited. We sat down on the floor in front of the stage. I was sitting in front of him, so he kept scratching my back. More and more people came and the place was packed. When the lights turned off and the stage lit up, everyone stood up. The opening band turned out to be Link 80. Levi knew who they were, I'd never heard of them. They were pretty good though! We were having a blast! During NOFX, Levi found someone with pot and he smoked some of it. I started to get worked up about it, but then decided it wasn't worth it! I just wanted to have fun at the show. When it was over, we were all sweaty. We felt so gross!
"That was an awesome show!" He said as we walked to the car. "Did you like it?"
"Yeah. I had a really good time." I said.
At April 26, 2006 1:56 PM,
Christina said…
When we got home, we both took showers and changed. We decided it would be fun to go out to a small bar that was down the street and have a beer. When we got there, it was kind of neat. There was a small stage at the back of the bar for bands on the weekend, and some pool tables on the other end. The bar was in the middle, and there were some tables and booths scattered around. The bar had a good ammount of people, but it was too busy. I grabbed a table, and Levi went up to get us some beers. When he got back He asked how I was doing. "I'm doing good." I said. "Sorry about earlier." he said. "Don't apologize for something your not sorry for. You know what, I don't care anymore. If it just pot, I don't care. Just don't do it all the time, okay?" I said. smileling. "Okay." He said. "Sweet! A jukebox!" He shouted, and we both jumped up to play some songs.
At April 26, 2006 2:26 PM,
Sarah said…
He started singing the chorus to the song, Bullying the Jukebox.
"You're silly!" I said. I let him pick all the songs.
After he picked his songs, we sat down at a table.
"Okay, let's talk serious. Really get to know eachother." He said.
"Okay." I said confused.
"Tell me about you and Ron." He said.
"Okay." I said. "We date for a while, then I broke up with him. I kinda freaked out when he told me his ex girlfriend was pregant."
"Yeah?" He said.
"It was probably dumb." I said. "But, then we kind of stopped talking much. Just said hi when we ran into eachother. Then at the bar, we ran into eachother not to long ago. We had a good time together and ended up in bed together and you could imagine what that led to."
"Uh huh." He said tapping his glass.
"So, that's pretty much it. Since then, we've been close friends." I said.
"When is the last time you slept together?" He asked.
"Um, the night of Andy's funeral I think it was." I told him.
"When I asked you before if you loved him, you said you didn't think so. I wasn't convinced." He said.
"I get mixed feelings about Ron." I told him.
"Okay. Just curious." He said. "We'll leave it at that."
"Do you just smoke pot? Or do you do more drugs than that?" I asked him.
He started twirling his drink in a circle. He looked at me and smiled. Then he had a nervous look on his face. "Sometimes more."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Let's not get into this, okay?" He said.
"I want to." I said.
"Well, I'm not going to tell you." He said. "Don't need you worrying about me. Let's go shoot some pool." He stood up.
"You think that just because you won't tell me, that I won't worry? It's going to make me worry more, cause I'll be thinking the worst." I told him.
"So don't worry about me at all then." He said. "I'm fine. You can see that. Now come on." He took my hand and we walked to the a pool table.
At April 26, 2006 2:44 PM,
Christina said…
"I don't want to play." I said. "I want to talk." "Okay." He said. We went outside to smoke, and talk in private. "Do you know why I left when I was 17?" I asked. "No." He said. "I left because I almost died. I went on a heroin binge one night. I promised Andy I would quit earlier that day, but I just couldn't without one more big bang. So, I went out with Jessica. You remember her, right?" He nodded. "Well, we went to a friends house and shot up. Then shot up some more. Then we wanted to shoot up again, but our hands were shaking too much, and we couldn't foccus, so we had her friend shoot us up. He gave us too much. I don't remember what happened after that. I just remember freaking out, and seeing horrible things, and screaming. I woke up two days later in the hospital. They said that I was lucky. Jessica had a lot of brain damage, and she is still in an institution. But I was lucky. I found out soon that I couldn't be there, around everything, without being depressed or wanting another hit. So, I ran. I moved to california. I met Jewls and her friends, and we moved in together. I got a job, started college, and the rest is history. That's why it kills me to see anyone doing drugs. Especially people I love. If it wasn't for Andy, I don't think I would have made it. I probably would be dead, or crazy. You know, they didn't even bring us inside. When we overdosed, they just drove by, tossed us out on the hospital lawn, and kept driving. Sorry. You look upset." I said. "Well, that is an upsetting story." "I really like you Levi. More then I can possibly express. That's why it bothers me so much to see you get high." "I've never had anyone say that to me before." He said. We decided to just go home and go to bed. We climbed in bed and Levi was asleep almost right away. I couldn't sleep, so I got up and sat on the balcony. Then I cried, and cried. It was hard bringing up some memories.
At April 26, 2006 2:53 PM,
Sarah said…
After thinking a lot, I decided it would not be a good idea for me to move back to Seattle. I wasn't ready to take that step yet. I layed back in the chair.
"Hey." Levi said walking out. "Whatcha doin?"
"Just thinking about stuff." I told him.
"Sorry I upset you earlier." He said.
"It's not your fault." I told him. "I got myself all worked up."
"You had a good reason to get worked up." He said. "We are too different, honey. I don't think we want the same things."
"You're right." I said.
"I'm going to give Todd a call." He said. He went inside. I kept watching him and waited for him to hang up so I could go inside. I didn't want to go in and have him think I was trying to listen to his conversation. When I saw him hang up, I went inside.
"I'm going to try to go to sleep." I told him.
"Me too." He said. He followed me to bed.
At April 26, 2006 3:00 PM,
Christina said…
"When are you going back?" I asked. "I was thinking tomorrow." he said. I felt my eyes start to tear up. "Hey, don't do that. You come see me whenever you want, okay? I make one hell of a friend!" "Okay. Me too!" I said, smiling. He kissed me. I pulled away. "One more time?" I asked. He nodded and kissed me again. We had sex one last time, and it was amazing. I was going to miss him so much. I knew he was right though. We curled up and just laid with each other. I didn't sleep much the rest of the night. The next afternoon I drove him to the airport. We kissed goodbye and I made him promise to call me when he got back. I drove home, and climbed into bed. I saw the teddy bear he gave me on the dresser, and that made me cry. It was a good cry though. I felt better after, and curled up with his bear, and fell asleep.
At April 26, 2006 3:07 PM,
Sarah said…
When I woke up, I really wanted to call Ron. I didn't want him to think he was right, even though he was. He is the guy I go back to when I am feeling lonely. It's only because he makes me feel so special though. I called Jewls crying. I told her everything that happen with Levi.
"Aww, girl!" She said. "I'm coming over with Kelly and Molly. We're gonna have a girls night in."
I smiled. "Okay."
"Get out Twister. We'll bring everything else." She said. I laughed when she mentioned Twister. That game is so old. It is probably very dusty considering it has been sitting on the top of my closet for years!
At April 26, 2006 4:26 PM,
Christina said…
They came over shortly after, and we started drinking RIGHT away. We even pulled out some bachelorette board games we had laying around from friends parties. It really helped me forget about Levi. Then, about 10 shots later, I busted out the TWISTER! We were right in the middle of a huge knot when my doorbell rang. "Who is that?" I said laughing. Then I fell, knocking us all over. "Damn it! I was going to win!" I shouted. I got up and went to answer the door. I opened it up, and Levi was standing there. "Levi? I thought you left. I dropped you off at the airport." "I know. I didn't get on the plane. I'm sorry. I kept thinking about you. So I got off the plane and hitched a ride to the beach. I had a long time to think and. . .
At April 26, 2006 6:42 PM,
Sarah said…
I really want to be with you."
I started crying he hugged me tightly.
Jewls walked up to me and saw that Levi was there.
"Oh my gosh. . ." She said. Levi lifted his head up. "Levi is totally glowing." She said in a baby voice.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said whiping my tears. "Come here."
He followed me to my room. He hugged me again. "I don't think I can live without you." He whispered in my ear. He buried his head in my shoulder.
"Oh my gosh!" Jewls shouted. "He said he can't live without her!"
"She can hear you." Kelly whispered loudly.
"Shit." Jewls said.
Levi and I looked at eachother and laughed. He had such a big smile on his face. "How is this going to work though?" I asked him.
"I can move here at the end of the summer." He said.
I started crying more. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. I am positive." He said. "There are just a few things we will have to go over before we do this."
"Okay." I said. We sat down on the bed.
"I'll quit doing everything, but pot. I am really sorry if that upsets you. I really like it though. I'm sure I will grow out of it some time, but I'm not going to quit that yet. I don't want to smoke cigarettes anymore though." He told me. ". . . And I will throw away my porn."
I giggled. "I think I can deal with that."
"This is a huge step for me." He said. "But, I am so excited."
"Me too." I said smiling.
"I was thinking I could get an apartment. I don't want to rush into moving in together." He said. "And I'm going to find out if Mike or Todd would like to move out too. Living isn't exactly cheap in California."
"You really did think about a lot." I said.
"My life is not complete without you in it." He said.
"Another cheesy line, but I love it." I told him. I gave him another hug.
"Go have fun with your friends." He said. "I'm gonna check out that blues club on Main Street."
"Okay." I said.
"I'll be back in a couple hours." He said. "I love you."
"I love you." I said back.
He left and the girls all started screaming. I joined in, because I couldn't help but scream!
At April 26, 2006 8:00 PM,
Christina said…
The rest of the night was a blast! We were all laugher and giggles. I felt like I was in gradeschool again, and just got a note from my crush. Only this was ten times better! We all lauged and told stories, and drank some more. Kelly and Molly passed out first, so Jewls and I switched ALL there clothes around! "I can not wait to see them when they wake up!" I kept laughing. "Shhhh! Your going to wake them up!" Jewls said between gritted teeth. When we were done we went back to my room to watch TV so we wouldn't wake them up. "So. . ." Jewls said. "Do you think he'll bring Todd or Mike? Todd was SO HOT!!! Mike was cute too, but a little dim." I lauged. "I don't know! I guess you'll just have to see. Ms. Slutty Pants!" "Uh! Slutty pants! You bitch! I'm too drunk to come up with a better name than that." She said, and we laughed. Then I heard the front door open. "That is my cue to go to bed." Jewls said. "But, I don't think I can move, the room is spinning. WOOOOOOO!" She said. I just laughed. Levi walked into the bedroom. He saw Jewls in bed with me and said, "I don't know what kind of Love Machine you two think I am, but-" Jewls and are started busting up laughing!!! "I can't walk!" Jewls said wiping tears from her eyes in between giggles. "Oh dear." Levi said. He walked over, hoisted her over his shoulder, and carried her into the living room. He came back a minute later. "She is passed-the-fuck out!" He said, laughing. "Did you miss me?" I said, putting on my sexy pouty face. I probably just looked like a drunk fish though. "You have no idea!" He said, climbing into bed with me. "I'm a little drunk, so you might have to do most of the work!" I slurred. "No problem. Ain't no thang like Drunk-Love!" He said.
At April 26, 2006 8:47 PM,
Sarah said…
I started laughing.
He jumped on top of me.
"I love you so much." I told him.
"I love you so much more." He said.
"Now I don't know if that's possible." I said.
He kissed me and took off my shirt.
Jewls came stumbling in the door.
I jumped up. "Shit." I said.
Levi walked up to her. "You okay?"
She started crying. "I fee like I'm going to puke." She said.
"Aw Jewls." I said. I started to get up.
"I got it." Levi said.
He walked her to the bathroom and she started throwing up as soon as she got to the toilet. It made me gag hearing it. I covered my ears. He came out a couple minutes later with his arm around her helping her walk. "I am not happy." Jewls slurred as they walked by me.
"I'm gonna get her some water and tylenol and put her to bed." He said.
"Thank you, honey." I told him. This was too funny to miss, I thought to myself. I put the sheet around me and went out to the living room.
"I don't feel happy." She told him tapping his shoulder.
"Drink some water." He said handing her a cup of water. She took a couple sips. "I'm not feeling too happy."
I started laughing. She looked at me and bursted into laughter.
She almost fell over and Levi caught her.
"It's funny that I'm not happy, Melon?" She said.
"Melon?" I said. I walked up to her. "You just called me Melon." I said laughing.
She looked at me. "You are wearin' sheets. Well fuck me. You were gonna have sex, I interupted your sex. I didn't mean to interupt your sex." She said. She was slurring her speach so much. I could not stop laughing. He made her take some tylenol and he layed her down on the couch.
"It's okay that you interupted my sex, cause I'm still gonna have it!" I shouted, still laughing.
"Good for you!" She said giving me a thumbs up.
Levi turned the lights off and helped me back into the bedroom.
At April 26, 2006 9:21 PM,
Christina said…
I started stumbling over the sheets, so he picked me up and carried me to the bed. "I feel like a princess!" I said. "A princess?" He asked. "And am I your prince?" "No." I said. "Your my hot lover! And I'm Princess Melon!" I said, and burst out laughing! He started laughing at me too. "I'm sorry." I said. "I get REALLY stupid when I'm DRUUUNK!" "No, your just cute. And so sexy!" He said. "Not as sexy as you in those black boxers!" I said. He tore the sheets off of me, and started kissing me madly. We finaly had sex. And it was. . . GREAT! When were done, we heard a tiny knock on the door. "I got it." Levi said. He opened it and it was jewls again. She was crying. "What is wrong?" I asked her. "Molly snores!" She said wailing.
At April 26, 2006 9:48 PM,
Sarah said…
Levi laughed.
She walked into the room. "Can I sleep with you guys?" She asked.
"You look like a zombie." He told her laughing.
Jewls and I started to laugh.
"I just want some sleep, I'm not very happy." She mumbled.
"Here." He said. He took her hand and guided her to the bed. She fell asleep right away. He looked at me. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go get some fresh air." He said.
"I'll go with you." I said.
"No, honey, go to sleep." He told me.
"Are you going out to smoke?" I asked him quietly.
"Yes, now go to sleep." He said again.
"Fine. Goodnight." I said mad.
He laughed and walked up to me. He kissed me on the cheek. "I will be right back, drunky."
He left the room and I feel asleep.
At April 26, 2006 10:21 PM,
Christina said…
The next morning I woke up and jewls was still asleep in my bed. I went to climb out and Levi was asleep on the floor on my side of the bed. I saw him laying there and looked so sweet. I was still tired, so I curled up on the floor next to him and fell back asleep. When I woke up again Jewls was gone, and so were Kelly and Molly. I put some coffee on, and went to wake up Levi. "Morning sleepy head." I said. "AH! My back!" He said waking up. "Too old to sleep on the floor?" I asked laughing. "I guess so. How is Jewls?" he said. "I don't know, she was gone when I got up. I helped him off the floor and we sat at the table in the dining room and drank coffee. "Were you mad at me last night?" He asked. "No." I said. "Are you sure, you sounded mad when I went outside." "I wasn't. I don't care." I said smiling. "Okay." He said. "That blues place was pretty cool. I talked to Mike last night, and he wants to move out here with me. We were thinking of maybe selling our share of the bar in seattle and opening a similar gig here." he said. "That would be great!" I said. "My hot rocker boyfriend, opening his own bar. Sexy." I said. "And I have a hot girlfriend in advertising." He replied, winking at me. "Now, Mike and I couldn't do it on our own, so we were wondering if you and Jewls wanted in?" "That would be cool!" I said. "We can all get together when Mike gets out here and talk it over." I said. "Sounds good." He said. "Hey, do you want to go to the beach again today?" He asked.
At April 26, 2006 10:32 PM,
Sarah said…
"I don't know. I have a headache still. The sunlight will kill me!" I told him.
He laughed. "You girls were so drunk."
"I know."
"Well, we can stay in. What do you want to do?" He asked me.
"I don't care. Whatever you want." I said.
"You want me to run to the store and get Operation?" He asked.
"Really?!" I said excited.
"You are so twelve years old again." He said laughing. "I'll be back." He grabbed the keys and left.
At April 27, 2006 7:01 AM,
Christina said…
We had a pretty fun, relaxing day. It was great just spending time with Levi. The next weekend he was flying back to seattle to get his stuff packed up to move out, and sell his part of the bar. Then the weekend after that he was going to come out with Mike. This weekend we were going to look for an apartment for him. So, that night we went on my computer to look up some places to search out the next day.
At April 27, 2006 7:27 AM,
Sarah said…
We wrote down a few apartments to check out. Afterwards, I went to see Ron. I knocked on his door and he just opened it and walked to the kitchen.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi." He was unloading groceries.
"So, there are some things I need to talk to you about." I told him.
"Okay." He said.
"Levi left." I said. "But, then he came back."
"Okay." He said again.
"He makes me so happy, Ron." I said.
"You've only been dating for a couple of weeks." He said.
"Ron, he's moving to Burbank."
"So." He said.
"Hey." I said grabbing his hand. "Look at me."
"Ron, I love you so much. You are such a great guy and you've become one of my best friends." I told him. "I need you."
"You don't need me, Mel." He said. "You've got Levi and Jewls. . . you don't need me."
"Yes I do." I said.
"What do you need me for?" He asked.
"Because you're my best friend and I love you." I told him. "You're an important part of my life."
"I WAS an important part of your life." He said.
"You still are. Stop being like this." I told him.
"Just give me some time." He said. "I need to figure myself out. It's nothing against you. I want you to do the things that make you happy. If you're happy, then I'm happy."
I smiled at him and gave him a hug.
". . . and I love you too." He added.
At April 27, 2006 8:06 AM,
Christina said…
When I got back to my apartment, I walked in and saw Levi. He was wearing board shorts, flipflops, sunglasses, and a visor. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm fitting in." He said, I burst into laugher. "What, I don't look cali enough for ya?" He said, pretending to be wounded. I just kept laughing. "Why are you all dressed up?" I asked again. "Because, I was bored. And I need to go the the mall." He said. "Okay. . . " "So, lets go!" He said, grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door. We got to the mall, and everyone was staring at us because Levi looked so rediculous. He just kept laughing. "And you were making fun of me for acting like a kid!" I said.
At April 27, 2006 9:29 AM,
Sarah said…
"Yeah." I told him. "You are so silly!"
"Oh, let's go here!" He said, pointing at a toy store.
"Alrighty." I said. We went into the store and he kept messing around with all the toys. Just like a kid. I think I am just drawn to this type. Guys that have that bad boy look, but are innocent at the same time. Guys that I can have fun around and be silly with. I went to the Barbie section when he started playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the miniature keyboard. He saw me looking at the Fairytopia Barbie Collection. "Which one do you want?" He asked.
"Oh, none. I'm just looking. I like Fairies." I said.
He grabbed the one dressed in orange and green. "Okay, then I'm getting you this one." He said. He started walking away with it. He went around the corner to another isle and I followed him. "You dork. What am I going to do with that?" I asked.
"Collect them." He said. He started looking at the Star Wars action figures. He picked up one of Yoda. "This is really cool. Look at the texture and detail." He said.
"Yoda is gay." I said joking.
He pointed at me with the box. "You take that back right now!" He said. "Yoda is not gay!" He shouted.
"Shh!" I said trying not to laugh.
He went to the register and paid for the Yoda and the Barbie.
We started walking some more and he saw the hobbie store!
"Awesome!" He shouted. He took my hand and pulled me into the store. He ended up buying a remote control race car track and a model air plane. I just kept laughing at him. As we were leaving the hobbie store, he stopped. "You know what I need more of?" He said. "Legos!"
"Okay, calm down little one." I said. "I think you got enough toys."
"Okay." He said with a sad face.
"You dork." I said.
"What do you want?" He asked. "Jewelry or something else that is no fun?"
"Shut up." I said. "I am into clothes and purses and shoes."
"Alright." He said. We started walking by Buffalo Lounge, which is rock and vintage style clothes. He saw it and dragged me into the store. "I don't wear this kind of thing anymore." I told him.
"Well, I am buying you a shirt." He said.
He looked at the womens clothes and grabbed these pajama pants that were black with pink skulls on them. "This is something I would have worn in high school." I told him.
"A rocker girl like that never grows out of it. They might cover it up, but they don't grow out of it." He said.
"They are totally cute, but-"
"I'm getting them for you." He said. He also ended up getting me these pink pig slippers.
"You are so adorable." I told him.
At April 27, 2006 9:40 AM,
Christina said…
"Hey! You need a new swim suit!" He said. "The one I have is just fine!" I said, lauging. "No! You need a new one. I need to see you try them on!" He said winking. "Okay, okay!" We went to Rags so I could find a new swimsuit. Not two minutes into the store he found a black thong-bekini. "NO!" I said. "I'm not trying that on for you!" "Please." He said, making pouty lips and puppy dog eyes. "NO!" I said again. "I'll try on this one." I said, picking up a hideous old lady swim suit that had ruffles. "Barf!" He said. "I'll make a deal. You try on this black number," he said, holding up a string bikini, "and I'll try on this!" he held up a mens speedo. "DEAL!" I said. I wanted to see him make a total ass of himself. "I want to see that pale sexy ass of yours!" I siad, and we went to the dressing rooms to try them on.
At April 27, 2006 10:00 AM,
Sarah said…
"Okay." He said. "Nevermind. I am NOT showing you this!"
"Why not?" I asked.
"I look ridiculous!" He said. He came out of the dressing room. "Show me yours though!"
"No!" I said. I changed back into my clothes.
After that, we got something to eat and he made me go to a jewelry store. He got me a watch with a thick black leather band. It was really cool!
"You are spoiling me too much." I told him.
"I like it." He said. "One more thing and we can leave." I sat down on a bench while he went into the video store. He came back out with a movie. "I got you a movie. I want you to see it. It's really good."
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's called Sid and Nancy." He said. "It has some intense parts, but it's very good."
"Okay." I said.
At April 27, 2006 10:19 AM,
Christina said…
We decided to call it a day and go home and watch the movie. We picked up some take out on the way home. When we got back, I set up the food on the coffee table. We decided to eat first and watch some TV before we started the movie. "Hey, you should come back to seattle with me for the weekend. I could use the help. And the company." He said. "I'll have to see." I said. "Oh, come on! You can see your family again too. It'll be fun!" He said. "Okay, I'll check out ticket prices." I said. We finishe eating, and he got up to put the movie in. I ran back to the bedroom and pulled out a gift I got him from Spencers. I walked out and made him close his eyes. "What did do?" He asked. "I got you something." I said, and gave him the gift. "Sweet!" He said. I bought him some black silk boxers that had the Playboy bunny all over them in silver. "I'm so wearing these!" He said. "Well I hope so, they aren't for dessert!" I said. "he he. We'll see about that!" He said, and I laughed. I curled up with him on the couch and he started the movie.
At April 27, 2006 10:31 AM,
Sarah said…
When it was over, I was kind of shocked. "Wow, that was really good." I told him.
"It makes you think, doesn't it?" He said. "Movies like that are really entertaining to me."
I went online and checked the ticket prices. They were kind of a lot, so I told him I was just going to stay. I needed to get back to my life anyway. I am sure everyone at work has been freaking out without me there.
"I've got to find out what's been going on at work and stuff." I told him.
"Okay." He said. "I forgot about your job." He laughed. "You might want to get back to that before you get fired."
"Yeah, no kidding." I said.
At April 27, 2006 10:41 AM,
Christina said…
The next day I went to work while Levi was out looking for apartments and stuff. I gave him the car and figured I would just catch a ride home from someone. I got to work and surprisingly not much had gone on! I had a few meetings with Mr. Sheffield. He wanted me to work on some projects with him. Which was kind of unheard of! I just figured I was that good. I met Jewls for lunch and we discussed our day.
At April 27, 2006 11:23 AM,
Sarah said…
She was so embarassed about the other night.
"I'm so sorry I took over the bed." She said.
"You kept saying you didn't feel happy." I told her laughing.
She started laughing. " I remember that, I meant good, I don't know why I kept saying happy."
"So, on to more serious things." She said. "Ron always talks like Levi is this total drug addict or something. Is he?"
"He smokes pot sometimes." I said. "That's it."
"Oh okay." She said. "Good."
"He does it when he has his alone time. I don't know how often he does it, but I think I only saw him high twice here. I don't think he was expecting me to be home yet the first time I saw him him high. And then at the NOFX concert." I told her.
"That's good. I don't think I would like hanging out with my boyfriend if he was high all the time." She said. "So. . . is Todd moving out here?"
"I'm not sure." I told her. "I think Mike is. I don't know about Todd."
"Darn." She said. "Mike was hot, too though. Wasn't he?"
"Hmm." She said.
At April 27, 2006 11:31 AM,
Christina said…
"You are such a dork!" I told her. We finished up work, and went back to the office. I had another meeting with Mr. Sheffield. I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to be doing, so after the meeting I asked him what exactly my job was. "Your job is to help more with the clients. Helping them take a direction in what they want. Instead of just working on the ad campains, you will be working with the clients to see what their Idea's are. As well as working with the marketing people, etc. You'll be kind of the middle man." He said. "Okay." I said. "So what did you think of the Sexy add for pianos?" He asked me. I laughed. "Everyone wants to go Sexy!" I said. "Why can't we have classy pianos or something, it has to be sexy!" "Well, as we both know, sex sells!" He said. "At 3:00 I need you in my office to go over the record store account. I am not as good with the accounts dealing with music." He said. "Okay, see you in an hour!" I said and went to my office. Kelly stopped me before I got to my door. "Oh, wait!" She said. "Levi called from your place." "Okay. I'll call him." I said.
At April 27, 2006 1:59 PM,
Sarah said…
He said he was leaving and he would be back in two weeks. He didn't want to have to say goodbye. I told him he was being silly, but that I understood what he meant.
The meeting went okay, I was so tired and had trouble thinking. I went home and it was so quiet. It was strange, definatly not what I was use to. I called Luke to see how things were going. He seemed to be doing well. He and Katie moved into an apartment on their own. When I hung up with him, I watched some t.v. and went to bed early.
At April 27, 2006 2:15 PM,
Christina said…
The next two weeks went by pretty smoothly, if not a bit boring. I spent a lot of time with Jewls. Finally the Saturday arrived when I could go pick up Levi from the airport. I waited in the Luggage Claim area for him to get off the plane. I saw Mike first and Waived! "There you are Melinda!" He shouted, and walked over. "Where is Levi?" I asked. "Oh, funny story, he had a little too much to drink on the plane, and he had to run to the bathroom." He said laughing. "Oh yeah! I forgot he doesn't like to fly!" Mike and I sat and talked for a while waiting for Levi to come out. Finally he made his appearance. "Hey stranger! Over here!" I yelled at him as he came out of the bathroom. "Mel!" He shouted, and ran over, picking me up and hugging me. "I thought you were sick?" I asked, laughing. "I was, that's why I'm better!" He said. "I even brushed my teeth for ya!" "Oh thank god!" I shouted. "Um, you can put me down now." I said. We had a lot of fun on the drive over to my place. We talked and cought up on the last two weeks. Mike and Levi had a lot of funny stories for just two weeks! "So when is the moving truck getting here?" I asked. "That is Mike's department." Levi said. I looked into the rearview mirror at Mike. "Tomorrow." He said. "It is going to meet us at the apartment at 3:00 in the afternoon." "Okay, cool. So we have some time to chill first!" I said. We got back and Levi and Mike were pretty tired, so they took a nap. I called Jewls to see if she wanted to go out with us that night, or come over and hang out or something. We decided it would be fun to just to have some drinks at my place. It was only 4:00 and Jewls wasn't coming over untill 7:00, so I decided to take a nap too. I went into my room and climbed in bed with Levi. He didn't even stir! He must have so tired. I woke up at 6:00 and the guys were still sleeping, so I woke them up and told them to clean up because Jewls was coming over. "Oh no!" Levi said, and I laughed. "She drink as much this time, I promise!" I said laughing.
At April 27, 2006 2:29 PM,
Sarah said…
She came over and we played a game of Dirty Scrabble. It was so funny! The words the guys thought of were cracking us up! When Mike put, Boned, we all died laughing. After we played Scrabble, we all went to the park. The guys wanted to fly a kite. Jewls and I sat in the grass talking and watching them.
"I need to find a guy like this." Jewls said looking at them. "You know, fun, hot, sense of humor. . . so sweet."
"Why don't you show interest in Mike?" I said. "Flirt a bit."
"He is totally hot, but I don't know if he would go for me." She said. "I'm kind of. . . boring and practical."
"You never know." I told her.
"Does he do drugs?" She asked.
"Yeah. Don't know what kind though." I said.
She smiled. Aparently it's not a turn off for her.
They ran up to us. "I wanna show him the blues club." Levi told me.
"Okay." I said smiling. "We'll go back to the house and hang out."
"I love you." He said kissing me handing me the kite.
"Love you too." I said.
Jewls and I went back to my apartment and talked about the guys.
At April 27, 2006 2:44 PM,
Christina said…
"I can't believe they were flying a kite at night!" She said. "Levi does the craziest things! I feel like we really balance each other out, ya know?" "Yeah." She said smiling. "OH!" I forgot to ask you. Levi wanted me to see if you and I wanted to go in on the rock and roll bar they are opening up. It would be a big investment, but I think we have the Right combination of people to do it well." I said. Jewls started laughing. "What?" "You said 'right combination to DO IT well'!!" She said. "You nerd!" I yelled at her. "Hey, I can't help it." She said. About 11:00 the guys showed up, a little intoxicated. We started laughing at them. I put in SNL best of Eddie Murphy and we all laughed our heads off. When it was over we decided to go to bed. Jewls was going to sleep on the couch, and Mike was going to sleep on the floor. "10 bucks says in the morning they will both be on the couch. Naked!" I said to Levi as we walked into the bedroom and shut the door. "Only and idiot would take that bed!" He said. "You said bed, not bet!" I pointed out, and we both started laughing. We both undressed and climbed into bed. We didn't worry about pajamas that night! I laid down, and he climbed on top of my and started kissing me. "Hey," he said, lifting his head up. "Ever tried hand cuffs?" He asked me. "Your freaking crazy!" I said. "It's fun!" he answered back. "No, but I promise I will later. Right now, i just want continue." "Okay, but I'm holding you to that!" He said and I laughed. He started kissing me again, and this time he continued. When he finished, he fell asleep on top of me. I tried not to laugh and wake him up. He must have been pretty tired. While he was laying there, all I could think was how happy I was with him. Eventually I woke him up, and he rolled over and fell right back asleep. Assuming he ever woke up.
At April 27, 2006 3:02 PM,
Sarah said…
In the morning, I went to make myself a bowl of cereal. For some reason, Jewls was on the floor and Mike was on the couch.
That's odd. I thought.
I giggled. I noticed Levi's wallet and keys were on the floor. He must have emptied his pockets on the floor. How silly! I picked up the stuff and on a receipt from the blues bar was a girls phone number. It read. . .
Tonight was fun! Call me!
And she kissed the receipt. I started to get very steamed up. I stormed into the bedroom.
"What the hell is this?!" I shouted.
At April 27, 2006 3:11 PM,
Christina said…
"What?" He asked. "I shoved the reciept at him. "Oh, that was Janet, the girl who was hitting on Mike last night." "Oh really? Why was it in your wallet?" I asked. "My wallet is right here." He said picking it up of the night stand. "Oh. Shit." I said. "Why were you snooping in what you thought was my wallet?" he asked. "I wasn't. I thought it was yours, so I picked it up off the floor, and the paper fell out." "Why would jump to that conclusion so fast??" He sounded really mad. "Because. Look how it looked. I've been screwed around on before, and- I'm sorry." I said. He just got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, and got in the shower. I felt like such an idiot! I just climbed under the blankets and hid. I heard the water shut off a few minutes later. I heard him walk over and he tugged the blankets off of me. "I'm not mad at you." He said. "Next time have a little faith in me, okay?" He walked away. I decided to get in the shower next. When I got out he wasn't there, Mike and Jewls were watching TV on the couch. "Morning!" Jewls said. "Morning." I said, not very enthusiasticly. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I'm an idiot!" I said. "Where is Levi?" I asked. "He stepped out for a bit. He said he wanted to go for a walk." Mike said. Levi came back about an hour later, I thought he would be stoned, but he didn't look like it. He smiled at me, and sat down on the floor next to me. About 2:00 Levi and Mike took my car to go meet the movers at their apartment and start unpacking. When they left I told Jewls what happened.
At April 27, 2006 3:27 PM,
Sarah said…
"That's weird." She said. "Why would he get so mad?"
"Who knows." I told her.
"I hope you two don't end up fighting a lot. Those are not very fun relationships." She said.
"I know. I am a little worried about that." I told her.
"I'm sure everything will be fine." She said smiling.
We watched a couple chick flicks, then we layed down on the couch just talking about work.
When the guys got back, they were acting kind of weird. They came in and sat down in the kitchen. They kept whispering.
"Hi!" I shouted.
"Hey." Mike said. "What are you ladies up to?"
"Nothing. We're just sitting around." I said.
"What took you two so long?" Jewls asked.
"Oh, we made a few stops." Levi said.
"Where?" I asked.
Mike and Levi looked at eachother like they didn't know what to say.
"We just picked up a few things." Mike replied.
"You aren't carrying anything." I said.
"It's all you buddy." Mike told Levi as he stood up. He went outside to the balcany. Levi started to follow, but I stopped him.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Nothing is going on. Stop freaking out and jumping to conclusions." He said.
"You're still mad because I thought that number was for you, aren't you?" I asked.
"Yeah, I am." He said.
"It's an honest mistake." Jewls told him.
"Are you on something?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He said. "I'm going to the balcany."
"What are you on?" I asked.
"You are puting me in a really bad mood, so please just leave me alone for while." He said. He went outside by Mike.
I started walking out there and Jewls told me to leave him be.
At April 27, 2006 3:34 PM,
Christina said…
"He is on something!" I told her. "Yes, and if you confont him now, he is only going to get madder. Talk to him in a couple hours." "Okay." I said. Jewls got up and went to the bathroom. I couldn't help it though. I always thought if something needed to be said, then you should say it. I went ouside and asked Mike to let Levi and I have a moment alone. He went inside. "What's going on?" I asked. "I'm sorry, I jumped to conclustions earlier." "Why are you nagging me!" He said. "I can't do anything withought you wondering what I'm doing!" He said. "Nagging? I just care about you okay! Weed is one thing, but I know your on something right now! What did you take??" I yelled at him.
At April 27, 2006 4:02 PM,
Sarah said…
"Why are you acting like my mother?" He asked. "Shit!"
"Just tell me!" I yelled.
"No!" He shouted. He got up and went inside.
"Why is it a secret?!" I screamed.
"Hey now." Mike said. "Calm down."
"Easy for you to say." I told him.
"Don't be a bitch to my friends." Levi said.
Jewls walked out as I started crying.
Mike came up and put his arm around me. "He's fine." He said.
I pushed him away from me.
"He is NOT FINE!" I shouted.
"What the hell is your deal?" Levi asked. "Jesus!"
"What the hell is my deal? What the hell is your deal?!" I shouted.
"I am not dealing with this shit." Levi said and walked out the door. He came back and peaked his head in the door. "By the way, the number WAS for me!" He yelled.
Mike had a shocked look on his face. "Wow." He said. "We'll be back." He left and Jewls ran after them.
I was SO mad! I sat down on the couch. A few minutes later, the three of them walked into the apartment. Nobody said anything for a few minutes. It was very quiet.
"I wasn't going to call her back." Levi said, trying to explain himself. "I told her I already had a girl at home waiting for me."
"It's true, I heard him." Mike said trying to help. "Mel, we're going to be straight with you." I turned around. Levi was looking at the floor.
"We shot up." Mike said. "And we decided that was our last time."
"Yeah right." I said.
Mike giggled. "What? You think I made that up?"
"No. I just think you are a couple of idiots." I said. I went to my bedroom and closed the door.
A few minutes later, Jewls walked in. "They went to the park. You okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I really am." I told her.
"Honestly. . ." She said. "And please do not take this the wrong way. I think they are both very smart. I don't think they would ever make a dumb choice to where they would end up hurting themselves."
"It's Heroin, Jewls." I said. "Heroin."
"I know." She said. "I don't think it is wise for them to do that, but I know that they are not going to end up hurting themselves."
"I sure hope not." I said.
"You always wanted your bad boy rock star boyfriend." Jewls said giggling. ". . . well you've got him."
"Maybe Ron really is my type these days." I said.
"All that I am going to say is that you need to follow your heart. If your heart isn't telling you to be with Levi, then I think you need to tell him before he changes his whole life to be here with you." She said. She gave me a hug. "I gotta go."
At April 27, 2006 4:36 PM,
Christina said…
I decided to take a walke and get some fresh air. They went to the park, so I walked the other way. I guess I had a lot to think about. I wanted to be with Levi, he was still more of my type then Ron. I didn't need him to change his whole life around for me, just quit drugs. Was that so hard to ask? I asked myself. I was so angry. I picked up my cell phone and called Luke. I had to know what he thought about Levi. I didn't know if he would be a help or not, but I thought maybe he would put Katie on. She always made me feel better.
At April 27, 2006 7:26 PM,
Sarah said…
"Hey, Luke."
"Hey, how are you?" He asked.
"I'm okay. I just got into a big fight with Levi." I told him.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He said. "Is everything okay?"
"I don't know. He said he quit drugs but then he came home high on Heroin." I told him. "I kinda freaked out."
"Because of the fact that he is doing it, or because he said he quit and did it anyway?" He asked.
"A little of both I guess." I said.
"Levi's a great guy." He said. "But I couldn't see him quitting all that shit yet."
"Yeah." I said.
"He is full of life. He wants to live his life as fun as possible." He said. "He told me no women has ever made him so happy."
"Thanks. That actually helps." I said.
"Any time." He said.
"Tell Katie I said hi and give her a hug for me." I told him. "Love you, bye."
I walked back to my apartment and sat down on my bed. A few minutes later, Levi and Mike got back. Levi came into my bedroom. "Hey." He said.
"Hey." I said back.
There was a long pause. He put his hands in his pockets. "Not really sure what I'm suppose to say. . ." He said.
"Do you love me?" I asked him. "I mean, do you really love me?"
"Yes, of course I do." He said. "I am so sorry for saying you were being a bitch. You had every right to be angry."
"Are you going to continue doing drugs?" I asked.
"I am very sorry, but I can not say that I won't. Can't say I will either." He said. "I'm being totally honest with you from now on."
"I don't want any of it in my apartment." I told him. "If you want to spark up doobies or anything of the sort, please do it elsewhere."
"You won't even let me smoke pot here?" He asked.
"I guess that is fine, but if you are going to do anything else. . . do it somewhere else." I said. "That is all I am asking."
"Okay." He said.
Mike poked his head into the room. "I got a hotel room, so I am going to take off. Sorry about earlier." He said.
"Bye." Levi told him as he left.
"Sorry that I made you cry." He said.
"I'm fine." I said.
"I want to take you to the phantom of the opera when it's here. It's a great show." He said.
"Okay." I said.
"All better?" He asked as he pulled my chin up so I was looking at him.
"All better." I said.
At April 27, 2006 9:28 PM,
Christina said…
It was still early in the evening, so we decided to go for a walk in the park. Talk a little. We heard some music coming from one of the houses close to the park. It was Frank Sinatra! "I love this guy!" Levi said. "Let's get closer!" He took my hand and ran toward the music. He stoppend under some of the tree's. "May I have this dance, Madame?" He said in a cheesy french accent. "You are crazy!" I said, and tried to walk away. He held onto my hand. "I'm serious!" He said. "I don't know how!" I lied. "I'll show you!" He said. He pulled my arm, pulling me into him. He but his other arm on my waist, and danced with me. He even started singing to the music!
At April 28, 2006 7:27 AM,
Sarah said…
"Why do you have to be so charming and irresistable?" I asked him.
He laughed. "Why do you have to be so beautiful?"
He made me dance with him until the song was over. Then we walk around the back of the park where the tables were and barbeques were. We sat down and talk for an hour and it started to get dark. We decided to start walking back to my apartment. As we walked by the jungle gym, he stopped and pointed at it. "Let's have sex right there." He said.
"No way!" I said.
"Why not? Nobody is here, it's almost dark out." He said.
"No." I told him.
"Okay." He said sounding dissapointed.
"You know? Let's do it." I said. "It could be fun."
We ended up doing it at the top of the slide where it was covered. When we were done, we kept laughing.
"I have never done anything like that before." I told him.
"I have a feeling you will be doing plenty of things you've never done before if I have anything to say about it!" He said.
We laughed.
At April 28, 2006 7:45 AM,
Christina said…
We went back to the apartment and decided to play strip poker. Turns out Levi is really good at poker, and I lost. When we were done, we decided to go to bed. I had to work in the morning, and he was going to be unpacking the apartment with Mike. "Night." I said, and snuggled up to him in bed. He kissed my cheek and we both fell asleep. When I got to work the next morning, Kelly informed me that I had another day full of meetings. Starting with one first thing in Mr. Sheffields office. We had to come up with something for the Record Store chain.
At April 28, 2006 8:23 AM,
Sarah said…
He told me all the ideas that people had come up with and he wanted my opinion. I thought all of the ideas sucked, so I flat out told them they reaked! He was no thrilled, but I told him I was just giving my honest opinion. Right after that meeting, I had to go to a very boring seminar. I couldn't even tell you what it was about, because I was drifting off into space the whole time. It had something to do with company policies. Blah Blah Blah!
At April 28, 2006 9:51 AM,
Christina said…
After that it was meeting after meeting. I was starting to think my new job was going to be pretty boring! When I got back to my office after my last meeting for the day, Mr. Sheffield was in my office. "Hello." I said. "Hey, I'm assigning you to assist Jewls on a project." "Oh thank GOD!" I said with out thinking about it. Mr. Sheffield just laughed and said, "Hey, I know this is pretty boring right now, but it is only because it is slow. I'll try to assign you to add campagns when we have down time." "That sounds great!" I said. "Well, I'm out. Have a good night Melinda!" He said, and left. I called Jewls, but she had already left for the day. I looked at the clock on my computer and I should have been home and hour ago. "Stupid Meetings." I said outloud. I gathered up my things and went home. When I got there Levi and Mike in the living room. "Hey guys!" I said. "How was moving stuff and unpacking?" "We're done." Levi said. "What, already?" I said. "Yeah, we don't have that much stuff. There are a few things that need unpacking, but most of it done. You should come buy and see it!" Levi said. "Okay. We can go later." I said. "I wanna show you now!" Levi said, excitedly. "Okay, fine, let me change into some more comfy clothes." I said. "Don't mind him. He is just excied." Mike said. After I changed Levi and I drove over to his new apartment. It was pretty close, in one of the poorer parts of town. The place looked nice though. He lived on the third floor in a loft. "This is huge!" I said, when I walked inside. It had a giant kitchen, and huge area where they had some furniture set up, and another area with their band equipment. Mike's room was behind the kitchen, and Levi's room was all the way on the other end of the apartment. They had a lot of bar memorableia all over. Bar sighns, stools at the counter, etc. .. "It looks pretty darn good!" I said. "What does your room look like?"
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