This is Christina's Blog. I warn you, most of this is probably just me and my friend Sarah complaining about work. Ha ha. If you see anything interesting, feel free to comment! :0)
Monday, April 10, 2006
Christina's Story
One cloudy day, Christina & Sarah were at work, and their computers were so very slow. . .
two of their co-workers came in and started making out! Sarah and Christina looked at eachother surprised. They tried not to laugh. Then, Christina accidently kicked a box and made a loud noise!
So, quickly, Sarah and Christina jumped under the table! The two unsuspecting co-workers didn't see a thing! The woman, Kathy, screamed! "I think this office is haunted!". "Lets get out of here!", said Donny!" They both jiggled the door handle and started to get really scared! "It's not opening!", exclaimed Kathy. So, terrified, Donny kicked at the handle and the door flew open! They both took off running! "That was odd." said Christina. "I know! I wonder what the heck is going on! Who would have thought THOSE TWO, of all people! And why were they so scared?", Sarah siad. "Dumb" they both replied at the same time, and laughed at each other. "All well.", said Christina, "Lets just go back to sleep. I'm tired, and the system is still boring and slow, I'm sure!"
After about 4 hours, they woke up and realized they should have left work an hour ago! As they walked out of the closet, their boss was standing right there! She looked very mad!
"What the hell were you too doing in there?!" Their boss yelled. "We already had put two other associates on suspended leave for their monkey business in there! Don't tell me I'm going to loose two more associates!". "What!", Sarah and Christina both screamed! "that is NOT why we were in there! We were sleeping!", cried Christina. "Oh, thats MUCH better!" Said Malissa sarcasticly. "All I know is you two better get out of here. I was just on my way home. If we weren't so short staffed, I would fire you two too!". Christina and Sarah both tried not to snicker when she said "two-too". "Hey Wait a minute!", exclaimed Sarah, "Why were you headed to the abandoned conference room? The garage is the other way!". . .
Just then, Tony Robbins walked up. "You're here right on time." He said to Malissa. He walked up a little more and saw Sarah and Christina standing there. "Just kidding!" He said laughing nervously. "You are such a kidder." Malissa told him as she pushed him. "Well, I gotta go. . ." Sarah said. "Yeah. . . me too." Christina said as she followed Sarah down the hall.
"Oh, my! I totally thought he was. . . you know. . . ", said Christina. "I know, replied Sarah, "who would have thought! Hey, lets go spy on them. See what they are up too!". They both quietly walked up to the room and peaked in the window. Only to see Malissa and Tony dressed up in ghost hunting gear pulling equipment out of their bags. "What the!", whispered Sarah. "Now I NEVER would have thought of that!, Cristina said, "Do you really think it is haunted?". . .
"I don't know!" Sarah said. Just then a very old man walked up to us. He looked like a homeless person. "Could you spare some change for an old man, dear?" He said to Christina. She looked at Sarah confused and then replied. "I'm sorry, I don't have any money on me." He looked at Sarah. "Could you spare some change for an old man, darlin'?" Sarah felt bad and dug through her pockets. She found a dollar and handed it to the man. "You're an angel." He told her. "You are evil." He said to Christina. Just then, his eyes turned red.
"I swear! I don't have any change!", cried Christina. The old man started hackling loudly. Then he reached under his chin and pulled off is face! Christina and Sarah both shreiked, and tried to run away. But the old man reached out and grabbed them. His laughter suddenly didn't sound so maniacle. They turned around and it was Wayne, Sarah's husband. "You jerk!", said Sarah. Just then they all heard a loud "BOOM" in the conferance room. Wayne said, "What the hell was that?", and turned to open the door. . .
"Stay right here." He told them. He opened the door and a bird flew out. "Ok, weird things are going on today." Christina said. "I know!" Sarah agreed. "What the hell is a bird doing in the building?" Wayne asked. "Who knows!" Christina answered. "Let's get out of here." Sarah said. They all started walking down the hall to leave and Kathy came running up to them screaming. "What happen?!" Christina shouted. She stood there trying to catch her breath. "It's Donny. . . he. . . he. . he is a zombie!" She said sounding terrified. "We have to hide!" She yelled.
"What, Hold on a second," Wayne said. "Catch your breath, you sound crazy!". "I'm not crazy, She said! He turned into a zombe! We have to hide now!!!". "How on earth did he become a Zombie?", asked Christina. Well, weird stuff started happening after we left the haunted room earlier!". "Wait, what haunted room? And why were you two in there?", Asked Sarah. "I'll explain later! We have to go!" "Okay, Okay!" Wayne said laughing. He just couldn't take her seriously. He never could! They all ran off to the supply and storage closet on the north side of the building. "Okay, now what is going on?" Wayne asked. Well, Malissa saw us running out of the room together and told us to pack up we were both fired! So we went back to our desks. I was so upset! I loved this job. But I ruined it. This always happens to me! After about 15 minutes I turned around and now one was here! I mean, NO ONE! In the whole building!!! And, And. . . ." After that she got so histarical it is impossible to know what she said. Chirstina put her arm around Kathy's shoulder to comfort her, and Wayne and Sarah sat in the corner huddled together. Wayne still thought this was all a joke, but Sarah and Christina had an uneasy feeling. They suddenly realised that the building was unusually quiet. Then they started hearing lots of churping and rememberd the bird that flew out of the office. . .
Kathy went running off on her own. "Kathy! Wait! Where are you going?" Christina yelled. "I have to get out of here!" She shouted. "What the heck! She is so weird!" Christina said. "Very weird!!" Wayne agreed. "We probably should get out of here though." Sarah told them. "It's getting late anyway." "Hopefully we won't run into Donny the zombie." Wayne said jokingly. They started walking down the hall to leave and they saw Donny. He was walking very slow and dragging one leg. His shirt was all wripped up and he was whispering, "They will kill you, they will kill you. Save yourself, they will kill you."
"Ha, Ha! Very funny Donny!" Wayne said as he walked over toward him! "Please. . . you have to go. . . I'm not quite gone yet. . . but i'm close. I can feel it. . . just. . . leave. . . please. . . Tell kathy. . . I'm . . . sorry. . ." And he colapsed to the floor. "What the?" Wayne said. He walked over to the Donnie to check his pulse. "Call 911!" He shouted to Christina and Sarah. They both turned when suddleny they heard a growl and Wayne yelled "OUCH!" Sarah and Christina screamed as the turned around. They saw the Donny, but it didn't look like him, backing away from Wayne. The bird was on Waynes head, but it was scratching him. When Wayne turned around they saw the bird had clawed a sign on his forhead. Whatever it was the donnie-zombie didn't like it!
Donny jumped up and grabbed the bird. He bit its head off and ate it. There was blood all over his face. Wayne grabbed Christina and Sarah and started running. He was practically dragging them! They made their way out to the main parking lot. A cop car pulled up as they stopped to catch their breath. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked.
"You'll never beleive us!" Christina gasped! But there are Zombies in there!" "Shit!" Exclaimed the cop. "Not here too!". It is breaking out all over phoeninx. We were hoping to get the situation under control before it reached the valley." "What situatuation?" Asked Wayne.
"We keep getting calls. Aparently, hundreds have migrated from Mexico City." He said. He opened his trunk and grabbed some gear. "You kids head home. Stay indoors and keep your windows and doors locked." "Oh my gosh!" Christina yelled. They all got into Christina's Mustang and decided to head to her house since it was the closest. They made it to her house safe. Christina's Husband wasn't home yet, so she called him. He didn't answer. That made her a little nervous, but she figured he was fine and probably just locked up safe with his friends somewhere. They made sure all the doors and windows were locked. They turned on the news and saw a couple news stories about the zombies migrating to Phoenix.
Christina's phone rang, and they all jumped! She looked to see who was calling, and it was John! "oh thank God!" "What?" said sarah. It is John Calling. "Hello?" Christina answered. "I was so worried about you!" Replied John. "Where are you at?" He asked. "We're at the house." She replied. "What? Get out of there! That's in phoneix! I'm on my way home! Dave from work has a Hummer, he and I are on the way to pick you guys up. Grab the shot-gun!" "What did he say??" Asked Wayne. "He's on his way." Christina answerd as she ran off to get the shot gun. Just then Hummer came roaring into the yard. Everyone jumped in and the Hummer took off.
"Where are we going?" Sarah asked sounding worried. "We're heading up north." Dave Replied. "This is all so crazy." Wayne said. They pulled up to a stop light and a weird man walked up to our window. He was wearing a big black coat and a brown snake skin cowboy hat. He looked like he was at least 65 or so. "Excuse me, fellas!" He shouted. "Don't look at him." John said quietly. Christina quickly looked at him and then to the floor. "I know y'all can see me!" He yelled. "I need yer help!" John cracked his window. "What do you need help with?" He asked the man. "I'm Randy. Some feller here is tryin' to kill me. I own that store there." He told John as he pointed to general store. It looked really old. John looked at Dave and he nodded at him. "Hop in, sir!" Dave shouted to Randy. "What are you crazy?" Christina yelled. John got out and opened the door for Randy. He hopped into the back with Christina, Sarah and Wayne. "Two pretty ladies ya got here I see." He said. Christina and Sarah smiled. He introduced himself to all of them and began to tell all kinds of stories about where he grew up and how he is related to Billy The Kid. They didn't really beleive all of his stories, but they made the time pass by quickly. They stopped at a rest stop so the girls could go to the bathroom. They refused to use a bush for a bathroom.
As they were climbing out of the Hummer, Christina suddenly asked, "Wait a minute! If some feller was trying to kill you, Why did you walk up to us so calm?"
"I'm a call guy." Replied Randy. "I'm old." "Christina, it's okay." Dave told her. "We are all going to be fine." The girls went to the bathroom while the guys stretched their legs and got some fresh air. "Ew, gross!" Sarah said pointing to a spider. Christina screamed and John came running in. "What's wrong?" He asked sounding worried. "It's just a spider." Sarah told him. "Oh. Sorry." He said. "You girls scream too much!" He walked out of the bathroom. After about a half hour, they all got back into the hummer and headed further up north.
"I don't think that is such a good idea!" Said Christina. If we keep going Northeast we will be able to head up to my Grandparents cabin. They are out of town, but thats okay. I'm sure they wont mind if we stay there? Besides, How does he have a short cut if we don't even know where we are going?"
"I think we know better than you." Dave said to Christina in a rude way. "The cabin sounds like a better idea." Wayne said. John agreed. "Y'all can drop me off at the next town." Randy told us. "I can hitch hike the rest of the way." "Sure thing, sir." Dave replied. Christina and Sarah fell asleep within twenty minutes. The guys let them be and just talked about their guy things, such as games and guns. Once they got to the next rest stop, they decided to stretch their legs again and then wake up the girls so Christina could tell them how to get to the cabin.
Wayne took over the wheel, and Christina told him how to get to the cabin. It was pretty far north into the White Mountains, and kind of isolated. Dave was ignoring Christina & Sarah, because he liked Randy, and was pissed that he had to leave. Christina and Sarah were a little freaked out still, and could care less about Dave. They were only about 3 or 4 miles from the turnoff to get to the cabin when they noticed there was a checkpoint up ahead. There were a few cars up ahead, so they got in line and waited to go throught the checkpoint. When it was finally their turn, the police officer waited patiantly for Wayne to roll down the window. "Good Evening everyone." Everyonein the car gasped! It was Randy! "Randy!" Dave shouted excitedly, "How did you get here?" "Excuse me?" Said the police officer. " I think you must be mistaken. My name is Lee.
Christina put her hands on her face. "Oh my god!" She whispered. She started to tear up a little. "This is all so weird." The police officer walked around the truck examining everything. "Everything looks fine. You might want to fill up your tank and the gas station up ahead. It's the only one in the area. Wouldn't want to run out of gas on this road." He said with a chuckle. "Thank you. We'll be sure to fill up." Wayne said. They pulled away from the check point. "I have a strange feeling about the gas station." Sarah said. "I don't think I want to listen to anything that guy said. It's so weird, he looked exactly like Randy." "Maybe he has a twin." Dave replied. "Don't you think he would have said something when you called him Randy?" John asked. "Yeah. He would have. And I don't want to stop at the gas station either. This is all so creepy." Christina told them. "Well, we do need to get gas if there isn't another one ahead." John said. "We'll be fine. We'll just get the gas real quick and head out. "Ok." Christina replied. "This probably sounds stupid, but I don't think any of us should be alone." She looked at John. "Go outside with Wayne to get the gas, okay?" "Ok, sweetie." He told her. They pulled up at the gas station. The building looked very old and run down, so Wayne and John pumped the gas, got back in the truck and headed down the street. "The cabin shouldn't be too much further up the road." Christina told Wayne.
Shortly after They pulled into the driveway of the cabin. they were all exhausted! Christina ran and got the spare key from out back and opened up the door. They rushed inside. It was freezing ouside, even though it was summer. Christina grabbed sarah, and the went to get some blankets and to turn on the heat, while John, Wayne, and Dave looked to see what there was for food. No more then ten minutes later they were all in the living room curled up under blankets and eating canned ravioli. John decided it would be a good idea to check the news. Sarah and Christina desperatly wanted to call their families, but the phonelines were down. John searched for the remote, finally found it and turend on the national news. . .
They couldn't beleive what they were seeing! Most area's were not safe anymore! The guys jumped up and made sure that there was no way possible for anyone to get into the cabin. "Let's not all start freaking out." Wayne said. "Nobody can get in here, I say we just have a few drinks, play some games and then call it a night." "He's right. We should do something fun tonight." Dave replied. "I feel gross, I am going to take a quick shower." Sarah said. "Games sound like fun, though. I'll join in when I get out of the shower." "You think we should go get some fire wood so we can start a fire?" Dave asked. "We have the heater. We may as well just stay in here where we are safe." Christina told him. "I'm going to go look for some. Maybe there are marshmallows around here or somethin." Dave said. As he stood up, there was a knock at the door.
"Who the hell would that be?" Sarah said in a scared voice. They all looked to Christina. Beats me! I know my grandparents aren't going to be here for a while!" John started off for the door when everyone shouted "Wait!!!". John turned around "Its fine! I have the shotgun. Dont freek out!" Sarah and Christina went into the bedroom to hide. The heard the door open and John say "Can I help you?" "You can start by putting that gun away!" Said Lee. "Sorry, officer. We have been a little tense." "We all have. no use gettin shot over though!" "your right." said john and handed the gun to Wayne. "Hey, uh, is it alright if my daughter and i stay in. The Feds have quaranteed the area just west of Hallbrook road, so my daughter and I are stranded. We'd go to the police station, but it is full of poeple who've. . . you know. . . gone weird." Said Lee. "I guess so." replied John. Sarah and Christina looked at each other in the other room. They were a little freaked out. "You two can come out now!" shouted Dave. They slowly walked out and were shocked to see their friend Hannah standing in the living room with Lee!
"Oh my god, Hannah!" they both said at the same time with excitement. They gave her a hug. "Everything going on right now is so crazy." Christina said to her. "Does your Dad have a twin brother?" Sarah whispered to her. The guys started laughing. "Shut up!" Sarah told them. "No. Why?" Hannah asked. They all looked at eachother. Nobody knew what to say. They didn't know whether they should mention it or not. "You look familiar. Like we've met you before." John said to Lee. "Nope. Don't think I've meet you kids before." Lee replied.
"Must have just been Someone that looked like me." Lee said. "I've been getting that a lot latley. So. . . Whats for dinner?" After Hanna and Lee were fed, All the men went out to the garage to look at the guns Christina's Grandpa had in the safe. Hannah, Sarah, and Christina decided to freshen up, then Sit down to some hot cocoa in the kitchen. "How did you get up here anyway?" asked Sarah. Christina just sat there she wasn't feeling like herself, and was still nervous about Lee.
"I drove up with my Dad. He didn't have to work today, so we drove up together. Then we found out about the whole zombie thing and decided to come up here. My Dad remembered there was a cabin out here." She told us. "Wait a minute. Not working today?" Christina asked with a shaky voice. "Your Dad was at the checkpoint up the road checking the cars and stuff." Sarah said. "What?" Hannah said. "No, my Dad wasn't working today. Maybe you have him mixed up with some other officer. He put on his work clothes and grabbed his guns so that we would be safer." "What's your Dad's name?" Christina asked. "Bill." Hannah answered. "Why?" "Holy shit, I think I'm going to barf." Christina said as she ran to the bathroom. "What's wrong with her?" Hannah asked.
"It has been a crazy day!" Sarah said, and told Hannah the rest of the story. "Wait, that is totaly insane! You are just pulling my leg! Hey what happened to Wayne's forhead?" "It's a long story. I'm not sure you would beleive it anyway." Sarah said. Just then the guys came in and were covered in snow. "What the heck is going on out there?" Shouted Hannah. "Oh just a little snow is all." Replied Bill. "Sarah noted that Bill would not look into Waynes eyes. Or at his forhead for that matter. "Where is Christina?" Asked John. "She is in the bath-" She was cut of by a loud scream!
Sarah and Hannah went running into the bathroom! "Oh my god, are you okay?!" Hannah shouted. "The water is just hot!" She yelled. "Oh." Sarah said. They both laughed. "We thought something had happen to you." Hannah explained. "Uh, can I take a bath in peace now?" She asked. She looked embarassed. "Oh, sorry!" Hannah said. "Sorry." Sarah said quietly. They walked out. "The water was just hot." Hannah told them. "Yeah I knew, she does that every time." John told them.
When Christina was done taking a bath she came out to see everyone discussing what was happening. Sarah was cleaning out the wound on Waynes forhead, which was starting to look like a rough sketch of a bird. Kind of like a hyrogliphic. She walked over to the kitchen tabel and sat next to John who was argueing with Dave and Bill. "It's snowing in the middle of summer, there are zombies showing up all over the country, we are not leaving the cabin! You saw on the news the government is starting to get things under control. Those Scientists have figured out it isn't zombies roaming around, it's people infectid with a canabalistic desease! I say we stay here in isolation, and wait it out!" After John said his piece, Bill let out a huge belch wich smelled disgusting! Like rotting veggitables. "Gross Dad!" yelled Hannah. "Sorry. must have been the ravioli." replied Bill. "Look," he continued, "I think we should get in the hummer and stay on the road. There are some old indian grounds east of here that I heard a lot of people are flocking too. It could be safe." "What?" gasped Christina. "No! I don't think so! That is rediculous. I say we stay here. That could be the breading ground of this thing for all we know!" "I say we go." Dave piped in. "Me too" siad Hannah. Christina and Sarah noticed she was getting awfully close to Dave. Sarah said "no, I'm staying! Wanna take me to a church, fine, but I'm NOt going to any weird burrial grounds." "They aren't burrial grounds." Said Wayne. "They are just old ruins. I've read about them. Look guys, I'll do whatever. I've just got to lie down for a bit. My head is killing me!" "Well." Bill said. "What will it be?". . .
"I don't care where anyone else is going. I am staying here." Sarah said with disgust. "Then, I'm sticking around too." Wayne told everyone. "So am I." Christina agreed. "I think it is best that we all stay here, but if you are all going to be pig headed and leave, go for it." "You don't think you will ever run out of food here? You think everything will be perfect if you stay here?" Dave yelled to Christina. Christina ignored him. "You all realize that is my hummer? If I leave, whoever stays here, is stranded." Dave said. "Who's idea was it for us to get in this jackass' truck?" Sarah asked with annoyance. "Sorry." John replied. "Apparently he has turned into a complete moron." "Well, I say we all just get outta here." Hannah said. "I second that." Dave agreed. "I know a back route, once we head out to the main road, you turn left and follow that all the way down until you get to the fork in the road. From there, you go right." Bill explained. Sarah rememebered Randy mentioning that he knew a back route and it started to freak her out even more. "That's funny. Randy, the guy who looked identical to you. . . he knew the back route too." Sarah said with a rude tone. "What's she talkin' about?" Bill asked. "Nothing. You seem to know your way around here, I'll follow you." Dave said. He stood up. "Let's Go."
"Fine. You go. We'll stay." Said Christina. "My grandparents kept a four wheeler with plenty of gas. They four of us could ride on it easily if we needed to get out of here." "Okay." Said Dave. "Looks like this is the end of our road. Good luck everyone." Dave, Bill, and Hannah left shortly after. John, Wayne, Christina, and Sarah. Sat in silence. "Well" said John, "we might as well get some sleep. I'll go park the four wheeler out front in case we need it. Coming Wayne?"
"Yup." Wayne replied. The guys went outside. "I don't like Dave, but I am a little worried about him. Bill was very odd and seemed suspicious." Sarah said to Christina. "I know what you mean, but we can't think about him. We need to worry about ourselves. Don't worry about him." Christina said. Just then, they heard screaming from outside. They both ran to the window and looked out it. There was a giant black bear standing in front of John and Wayne.
"Shit!" Said Christina as she went running to grab the shot gun that the guys foolishly left in the house. "Have you ever shot one of those before?" yelled Sarah. "Once, but I was 8." Christina replied. She opened the back door, startling the bear. She shot the first shot at the bears feet trying to scare it, but it just looked at her then started to charge. . .
She continued to shoot several times and the bear went running off. "What the hell!" John shouted. The guys came back into the house. They all went to bed. In the morning, the girls cooked some canned beans and rice for breakfast. When Christina was done eating, she turned on the news. She saw Kathy being interviewed. She was telling the News Reporter about how her boyfriend Donny had turned into a Zombie. The News Reporter laughed. "There's no such thing as Zombies." Then all of a sudden, John turned into a werewolf as Christina heard her alarm go off. She jumped up. "Oh my gosh!" She shouted. John woke up. "What?" "I just had the most bizzare dream ever!" She told him. "It felt so real too!"
"What was it?" He asked. "I don't remember Christina lied. They got up and went out to living room. Wayne and Sarah were watching the news. "Anything new?" John asked. "Not yet." replied Wayne. Christina was busy making sure Kathy wasn't being interviewd. Satisfied that John wasn't going to turn into a werewolf, she sat down next to him. Sarah was sitting on the floor by Wayne. She was woried about his scare. It was a scare now. It had healed over night. Weird, she thought. Just then on the news the reporter said, "This just in. The Pentagon has just issued a warning. Do NOT. . .
Sarah jolted awake! She had fallen asleep watching the news. Wayne was playing his video game in the next room. It was one of those zombie games. Weird! She thought. I must have dreamt the whole thing!
At April 10, 2006 12:44 PM,
Sarah said…
So, they decided to go take naps in the old conference room that nobody ever uses. . .
At April 10, 2006 12:49 PM,
Christina said…
It was dark and dusty, but they didn't care. They were so tired! They both sat down in some chairs and started to doze of, when all of a sudden. . .
At April 10, 2006 1:08 PM,
Sarah said…
two of their co-workers came in and started making out! Sarah and Christina looked at eachother surprised. They tried not to laugh. Then, Christina accidently kicked a box and made a loud noise!
At April 10, 2006 1:36 PM,
Christina said…
So, quickly, Sarah and Christina jumped under the table! The two unsuspecting co-workers didn't see a thing! The woman, Kathy, screamed! "I think this office is haunted!". "Lets get out of here!", said Donny!" They both jiggled the door handle and started to get really scared! "It's not opening!", exclaimed Kathy. So, terrified, Donny kicked at the handle and the door flew open! They both took off running! "That was odd." said Christina. "I know! I wonder what the heck is going on! Who would have thought THOSE TWO, of all people! And why were they so scared?", Sarah siad. "Dumb" they both replied at the same time, and laughed at each other. "All well.", said Christina, "Lets just go back to sleep. I'm tired, and the system is still boring and slow, I'm sure!"
At April 10, 2006 1:42 PM,
Sarah said…
After about 4 hours, they woke up and realized they should have left work an hour ago! As they walked out of the closet, their boss was standing right there! She looked very mad!
At April 10, 2006 2:01 PM,
Christina said…
"What the hell were you too doing in there?!" Their boss yelled. "We already had put two other associates on suspended leave for their monkey business in there! Don't tell me I'm going to loose two more associates!". "What!", Sarah and Christina both screamed! "that is NOT why we were in there! We were sleeping!", cried Christina. "Oh, thats MUCH better!" Said Malissa sarcasticly. "All I know is you two better get out of here. I was just on my way home. If we weren't so short staffed, I would fire you two too!". Christina and Sarah both tried not to snicker when she said "two-too". "Hey Wait a minute!", exclaimed Sarah, "Why were you headed to the abandoned conference room? The garage is the other way!". . .
At April 10, 2006 2:09 PM,
Sarah said…
Just then, Tony Robbins walked up. "You're here right on time." He said to Malissa. He walked up a little more and saw Sarah and Christina standing there.
"Just kidding!" He said laughing nervously.
"You are such a kidder." Malissa told him as she pushed him.
"Well, I gotta go. . ." Sarah said.
"Yeah. . . me too." Christina said as she followed Sarah down the hall.
At April 10, 2006 2:31 PM,
Christina said…
"Oh, my! I totally thought he was. . . you know. . . ", said Christina. "I know, replied Sarah, "who would have thought! Hey, lets go spy on them. See what they are up too!". They both quietly walked up to the room and peaked in the window. Only to see Malissa and Tony dressed up in ghost hunting gear pulling equipment out of their bags. "What the!", whispered Sarah. "Now I NEVER would have thought of that!, Cristina said, "Do you really think it is haunted?". . .
At April 10, 2006 2:47 PM,
Sarah said…
"I don't know!" Sarah said.
Just then a very old man walked up to us. He looked like a homeless person.
"Could you spare some change for an old man, dear?" He said to Christina.
She looked at Sarah confused and then replied. "I'm sorry, I don't have any money on me."
He looked at Sarah. "Could you spare some change for an old man, darlin'?"
Sarah felt bad and dug through her pockets. She found a dollar and handed it to the man.
"You're an angel." He told her.
"You are evil." He said to Christina. Just then, his eyes turned red.
At April 10, 2006 2:53 PM,
Christina said…
"I swear! I don't have any change!", cried Christina. The old man started hackling loudly. Then he reached under his chin and pulled off is face! Christina and Sarah both shreiked, and tried to run away. But the old man reached out and grabbed them. His laughter suddenly didn't sound so maniacle. They turned around and it was Wayne, Sarah's husband. "You jerk!", said Sarah. Just then they all heard a loud "BOOM" in the conferance room. Wayne said, "What the hell was that?", and turned to open the door. . .
At April 10, 2006 3:02 PM,
Sarah said…
"Stay right here." He told them.
He opened the door and a bird flew out.
"Ok, weird things are going on today." Christina said.
"I know!" Sarah agreed.
"What the hell is a bird doing in the building?" Wayne asked.
"Who knows!" Christina answered.
"Let's get out of here." Sarah said.
They all started walking down the hall to leave and Kathy came running up to them screaming.
"What happen?!" Christina shouted.
She stood there trying to catch her breath.
"It's Donny. . . he. . . he. . he is a zombie!" She said sounding terrified. "We have to hide!" She yelled.
At April 10, 2006 3:12 PM,
Christina said…
"What, Hold on a second," Wayne said. "Catch your breath, you sound crazy!". "I'm not crazy, She said! He turned into a zombe! We have to hide now!!!". "How on earth did he become a Zombie?", asked Christina. Well, weird stuff started happening after we left the haunted room earlier!". "Wait, what haunted room? And why were you two in there?", Asked Sarah. "I'll explain later! We have to go!" "Okay, Okay!" Wayne said laughing. He just couldn't take her seriously. He never could! They all ran off to the supply and storage closet on the north side of the building. "Okay, now what is going on?" Wayne asked. Well, Malissa saw us running out of the room together and told us to pack up we were both fired! So we went back to our desks. I was so upset! I loved this job. But I ruined it. This always happens to me! After about 15 minutes I turned around and now one was here! I mean, NO ONE! In the whole building!!! And, And. . . ." After that she got so histarical it is impossible to know what she said. Chirstina put her arm around Kathy's shoulder to comfort her, and Wayne and Sarah sat in the corner huddled together. Wayne still thought this was all a joke, but Sarah and Christina had an uneasy feeling. They suddenly realised that the building was unusually quiet. Then they started hearing lots of churping and rememberd the bird that flew out of the office. . .
At April 10, 2006 3:25 PM,
Sarah said…
Kathy went running off on her own.
"Kathy! Wait! Where are you going?" Christina yelled.
"I have to get out of here!" She shouted.
"What the heck! She is so weird!" Christina said.
"Very weird!!" Wayne agreed.
"We probably should get out of here though." Sarah told them. "It's getting late anyway."
"Hopefully we won't run into Donny the zombie." Wayne said jokingly.
They started walking down the hall to leave and they saw Donny. He was walking very slow and dragging one leg. His shirt was all wripped up and he was whispering, "They will kill you, they will kill you. Save yourself, they will kill you."
At April 10, 2006 3:38 PM,
Christina said…
"Ha, Ha! Very funny Donny!" Wayne said as he walked over toward him! "Please. . . you have to go. . . I'm not quite gone yet. . . but i'm close. I can feel it. . . just. . . leave. . . please. . . Tell kathy. . . I'm . . . sorry. . ." And he colapsed to the floor. "What the?" Wayne said. He walked over to the Donnie to check his pulse. "Call 911!" He shouted to Christina and Sarah. They both turned when suddleny they heard a growl and Wayne yelled "OUCH!" Sarah and Christina screamed as the turned around. They saw the Donny, but it didn't look like him, backing away from Wayne. The bird was on Waynes head, but it was scratching him. When Wayne turned around they saw the bird had clawed a sign on his forhead. Whatever it was the donnie-zombie didn't like it!
At April 10, 2006 3:47 PM,
Sarah said…
Donny jumped up and grabbed the bird. He bit its head off and ate it. There was blood all over his face.
Wayne grabbed Christina and Sarah and started running. He was practically dragging them! They made their way out to the main parking lot. A cop car pulled up as they stopped to catch their breath.
"What seems to be the problem?" He asked.
At April 10, 2006 3:52 PM,
Christina said…
"You'll never beleive us!" Christina gasped! But there are Zombies in there!" "Shit!" Exclaimed the cop. "Not here too!". It is breaking out all over phoeninx. We were hoping to get the situation under control before it reached the valley." "What situatuation?" Asked Wayne.
At April 11, 2006 8:18 AM,
Sarah said…
"We keep getting calls. Aparently, hundreds have migrated from Mexico City." He said. He opened his trunk and grabbed some gear. "You kids head home. Stay indoors and keep your windows and doors locked."
"Oh my gosh!" Christina yelled.
They all got into Christina's Mustang and decided to head to her house since it was the closest. They made it to her house safe. Christina's Husband wasn't home yet, so she called him. He didn't answer. That made her a little nervous, but she figured he was fine and probably just locked up safe with his friends somewhere. They made sure all the doors and windows were locked. They turned on the news and saw a couple news stories about the zombies migrating to Phoenix.
At April 11, 2006 10:32 AM,
Christina said…
Christina's phone rang, and they all jumped! She looked to see who was calling, and it was John! "oh thank God!" "What?" said sarah. It is John Calling. "Hello?" Christina answered. "I was so worried about you!" Replied John. "Where are you at?" He asked. "We're at the house." She replied. "What? Get out of there! That's in phoneix! I'm on my way home! Dave from work has a Hummer, he and I are on the way to pick you guys up. Grab the shot-gun!" "What did he say??" Asked Wayne. "He's on his way." Christina answerd as she ran off to get the shot gun. Just then Hummer came roaring into the yard. Everyone jumped in and the Hummer took off.
At April 11, 2006 10:47 AM,
Sarah said…
"Where are we going?" Sarah asked sounding worried.
"We're heading up north." Dave Replied.
"This is all so crazy." Wayne said.
They pulled up to a stop light and a weird man walked up to our window. He was wearing a big black coat and a brown snake skin cowboy hat. He looked like he was at least 65 or so.
"Excuse me, fellas!" He shouted.
"Don't look at him." John said quietly.
Christina quickly looked at him and then to the floor.
"I know y'all can see me!" He yelled. "I need yer help!"
John cracked his window.
"What do you need help with?" He asked the man.
"I'm Randy. Some feller here is tryin' to kill me. I own that store there." He told John as he pointed to general store. It looked really old.
John looked at Dave and he nodded at him.
"Hop in, sir!" Dave shouted to Randy.
"What are you crazy?" Christina yelled.
John got out and opened the door for Randy. He hopped into the back with Christina, Sarah and Wayne.
"Two pretty ladies ya got here I see." He said.
Christina and Sarah smiled. He introduced himself to all of them and began to tell all kinds of stories about where he grew up and how he is related to Billy The Kid. They didn't really beleive all of his stories, but they made the time pass by quickly. They stopped at a rest stop so the girls could go to the bathroom. They refused to use a bush for a bathroom.
At April 11, 2006 10:51 AM,
Christina said…
As they were climbing out of the Hummer, Christina suddenly asked, "Wait a minute! If some feller was trying to kill you, Why did you walk up to us so calm?"
At April 11, 2006 11:33 AM,
Sarah said…
"I'm a call guy." Replied Randy. "I'm old."
"Christina, it's okay." Dave told her. "We are all going to be fine."
The girls went to the bathroom while the guys stretched their legs and got some fresh air.
"Ew, gross!" Sarah said pointing to a spider.
Christina screamed and John came running in.
"What's wrong?" He asked sounding worried.
"It's just a spider." Sarah told him.
"Oh. Sorry." He said. "You girls scream too much!" He walked out of the bathroom.
After about a half hour, they all got back into the hummer and headed further up north.
At April 11, 2006 11:34 AM,
Sarah said…
"I know a back route. Turn left up ahead." Randy told them.
At April 11, 2006 11:45 AM,
Christina said…
"I don't think that is such a good idea!" Said Christina. If we keep going Northeast we will be able to head up to my Grandparents cabin. They are out of town, but thats okay. I'm sure they wont mind if we stay there? Besides, How does he have a short cut if we don't even know where we are going?"
At April 11, 2006 11:46 AM,
Christina said…
"I agree." Said Sarah. the guy had been giving the girls creepy looks the whole time, and they didn't like the idea of listening to him!
At April 11, 2006 1:21 PM,
Sarah said…
"I think we know better than you." Dave said to Christina in a rude way.
"The cabin sounds like a better idea." Wayne said. John agreed.
"Y'all can drop me off at the next town." Randy told us. "I can hitch hike the rest of the way."
"Sure thing, sir." Dave replied.
Christina and Sarah fell asleep within twenty minutes. The guys let them be and just talked about their guy things, such as games and guns. Once they got to the next rest stop, they decided to stretch their legs again and then wake up the girls so Christina could tell them how to get to the cabin.
At April 11, 2006 1:49 PM,
Christina said…
Wayne took over the wheel, and Christina told him how to get to the cabin. It was pretty far north into the White Mountains, and kind of isolated. Dave was ignoring Christina & Sarah, because he liked Randy, and was pissed that he had to leave. Christina and Sarah were a little freaked out still, and could care less about Dave. They were only about 3 or 4 miles from the turnoff to get to the cabin when they noticed there was a checkpoint up ahead. There were a few cars up ahead, so they got in line and waited to go throught the checkpoint. When it was finally their turn, the police officer waited patiantly for Wayne to roll down the window. "Good Evening everyone." Everyonein the car gasped! It was Randy! "Randy!" Dave shouted excitedly, "How did you get here?" "Excuse me?" Said the police officer. " I think you must be mistaken. My name is Lee.
At April 11, 2006 2:10 PM,
Sarah said…
Christina put her hands on her face. "Oh my god!" She whispered. She started to tear up a little. "This is all so weird."
The police officer walked around the truck examining everything.
"Everything looks fine. You might want to fill up your tank and the gas station up ahead. It's the only one in the area. Wouldn't want to run out of gas on this road." He said with a chuckle.
"Thank you. We'll be sure to fill up." Wayne said.
They pulled away from the check point.
"I have a strange feeling about the gas station." Sarah said. "I don't think I want to listen to anything that guy said. It's so weird, he looked exactly like Randy."
"Maybe he has a twin." Dave replied.
"Don't you think he would have said something when you called him Randy?" John asked.
"Yeah. He would have. And I don't want to stop at the gas station either. This is all so creepy." Christina told them.
"Well, we do need to get gas if there isn't another one ahead." John said. "We'll be fine. We'll just get the gas real quick and head out.
"Ok." Christina replied. "This probably sounds stupid, but I don't think any of us should be alone." She looked at John. "Go outside with Wayne to get the gas, okay?"
"Ok, sweetie." He told her.
They pulled up at the gas station. The building looked very old and run down, so Wayne and John pumped the gas, got back in the truck and headed down the street.
"The cabin shouldn't be too much further up the road." Christina told Wayne.
At April 11, 2006 2:24 PM,
Christina said…
Shortly after They pulled into the driveway of the cabin. they were all exhausted! Christina ran and got the spare key from out back and opened up the door. They rushed inside. It was freezing ouside, even though it was summer. Christina grabbed sarah, and the went to get some blankets and to turn on the heat, while John, Wayne, and Dave looked to see what there was for food. No more then ten minutes later they were all in the living room curled up under blankets and eating canned ravioli. John decided it would be a good idea to check the news. Sarah and Christina desperatly wanted to call their families, but the phonelines were down. John searched for the remote, finally found it and turend on the national news. . .
At April 11, 2006 2:49 PM,
Sarah said…
They couldn't beleive what they were seeing! Most area's were not safe anymore! The guys jumped up and made sure that there was no way possible for anyone to get into the cabin.
"Let's not all start freaking out." Wayne said. "Nobody can get in here, I say we just have a few drinks, play some games and then call it a night."
"He's right. We should do something fun tonight." Dave replied.
"I feel gross, I am going to take a quick shower." Sarah said. "Games sound like fun, though. I'll join in when I get out of the shower."
"You think we should go get some fire wood so we can start a fire?" Dave asked.
"We have the heater. We may as well just stay in here where we are safe." Christina told him.
"I'm going to go look for some. Maybe there are marshmallows around here or somethin." Dave said.
As he stood up, there was a knock at the door.
At April 11, 2006 3:12 PM,
Christina said…
"Who the hell would that be?" Sarah said in a scared voice. They all looked to Christina. Beats me! I know my grandparents aren't going to be here for a while!" John started off for the door when everyone shouted "Wait!!!". John turned around "Its fine! I have the shotgun. Dont freek out!" Sarah and Christina went into the bedroom to hide. The heard the door open and John say "Can I help you?" "You can start by putting that gun away!" Said Lee. "Sorry, officer. We have been a little tense." "We all have. no use gettin shot over though!" "your right." said john and handed the gun to Wayne. "Hey, uh, is it alright if my daughter and i stay in. The Feds have quaranteed the area just west of Hallbrook road, so my daughter and I are stranded. We'd go to the police station, but it is full of poeple who've. . . you know. . . gone weird." Said Lee. "I guess so." replied John. Sarah and Christina looked at each other in the other room. They were a little freaked out. "You two can come out now!" shouted Dave. They slowly walked out and were shocked to see their friend Hannah standing in the living room with Lee!
At April 11, 2006 3:21 PM,
Sarah said…
"Oh my god, Hannah!" they both said at the same time with excitement. They gave her a hug.
"Everything going on right now is so crazy." Christina said to her.
"Does your Dad have a twin brother?" Sarah whispered to her.
The guys started laughing.
"Shut up!" Sarah told them.
"No. Why?" Hannah asked.
They all looked at eachother. Nobody knew what to say. They didn't know whether they should mention it or not.
"You look familiar. Like we've met you before." John said to Lee.
"Nope. Don't think I've meet you kids before." Lee replied.
At April 11, 2006 3:33 PM,
Christina said…
"Must have just been Someone that looked like me." Lee said. "I've been getting that a lot latley. So. . . Whats for dinner?" After Hanna and Lee were fed, All the men went out to the garage to look at the guns Christina's Grandpa had in the safe. Hannah, Sarah, and Christina decided to freshen up, then Sit down to some hot cocoa in the kitchen. "How did you get up here anyway?" asked Sarah. Christina just sat there she wasn't feeling like herself, and was still nervous about Lee.
At April 11, 2006 3:43 PM,
Sarah said…
"I drove up with my Dad. He didn't have to work today, so we drove up together. Then we found out about the whole zombie thing and decided to come up here. My Dad remembered there was a cabin out here." She told us.
"Wait a minute. Not working today?" Christina asked with a shaky voice.
"Your Dad was at the checkpoint up the road checking the cars and stuff." Sarah said.
"What?" Hannah said. "No, my Dad wasn't working today. Maybe you have him mixed up with some other officer. He put on his work clothes and grabbed his guns so that we would be safer."
"What's your Dad's name?" Christina asked.
"Bill." Hannah answered. "Why?"
"Holy shit, I think I'm going to barf." Christina said as she ran to the bathroom.
"What's wrong with her?" Hannah asked.
At April 11, 2006 3:50 PM,
Christina said…
"It has been a crazy day!" Sarah said, and told Hannah the rest of the story. "Wait, that is totaly insane! You are just pulling my leg! Hey what happened to Wayne's forhead?" "It's a long story. I'm not sure you would beleive it anyway." Sarah said. Just then the guys came in and were covered in snow. "What the heck is going on out there?" Shouted Hannah. "Oh just a little snow is all." Replied Bill. "Sarah noted that Bill would not look into Waynes eyes. Or at his forhead for that matter. "Where is Christina?" Asked John. "She is in the bath-" She was cut of by a loud scream!
At April 11, 2006 4:03 PM,
Sarah said…
Sarah and Hannah went running into the bathroom!
"Oh my god, are you okay?!" Hannah shouted.
"The water is just hot!" She yelled.
"Oh." Sarah said. They both laughed.
"We thought something had happen to you." Hannah explained.
"Uh, can I take a bath in peace now?" She asked. She looked embarassed.
"Oh, sorry!" Hannah said.
"Sorry." Sarah said quietly.
They walked out.
"The water was just hot." Hannah told them.
"Yeah I knew, she does that every time." John told them.
At April 11, 2006 8:55 PM,
Christina said…
When Christina was done taking a bath she came out to see everyone discussing what was happening. Sarah was cleaning out the wound on Waynes forhead, which was starting to look like a rough sketch of a bird. Kind of like a hyrogliphic. She walked over to the kitchen tabel and sat next to John who was argueing with Dave and Bill. "It's snowing in the middle of summer, there are zombies showing up all over the country, we are not leaving the cabin! You saw on the news the government is starting to get things under control. Those Scientists have figured out it isn't zombies roaming around, it's people infectid with a canabalistic desease! I say we stay here in isolation, and wait it out!" After John said his piece, Bill let out a huge belch wich smelled disgusting! Like rotting veggitables. "Gross Dad!" yelled Hannah. "Sorry. must have been the ravioli." replied Bill. "Look," he continued, "I think we should get in the hummer and stay on the road. There are some old indian grounds east of here that I heard a lot of people are flocking too. It could be safe." "What?" gasped Christina. "No! I don't think so! That is rediculous. I say we stay here. That could be the breading ground of this thing for all we know!" "I say we go." Dave piped in. "Me too" siad Hannah. Christina and Sarah noticed she was getting awfully close to Dave. Sarah said "no, I'm staying! Wanna take me to a church, fine, but I'm NOt going to any weird burrial grounds." "They aren't burrial grounds." Said Wayne. "They are just old ruins. I've read about them. Look guys, I'll do whatever. I've just got to lie down for a bit. My head is killing me!" "Well." Bill said. "What will it be?". . .
At April 12, 2006 7:40 AM,
Sarah said…
"I don't care where anyone else is going. I am staying here." Sarah said with disgust.
"Then, I'm sticking around too." Wayne told everyone.
"So am I." Christina agreed. "I think it is best that we all stay here, but if you are all going to be pig headed and leave, go for it."
"You don't think you will ever run out of food here? You think everything will be perfect if you stay here?" Dave yelled to Christina.
Christina ignored him.
"You all realize that is my hummer? If I leave, whoever stays here, is stranded." Dave said.
"Who's idea was it for us to get in this jackass' truck?" Sarah asked with annoyance.
"Sorry." John replied. "Apparently he has turned into a complete moron."
"Well, I say we all just get outta here." Hannah said.
"I second that." Dave agreed.
"I know a back route, once we head out to the main road, you turn left and follow that all the way down until you get to the fork in the road. From there, you go right." Bill explained.
Sarah rememebered Randy mentioning that he knew a back route and it started to freak her out even more.
"That's funny. Randy, the guy who looked identical to you. . . he knew the back route too." Sarah said with a rude tone.
"What's she talkin' about?" Bill asked.
"Nothing. You seem to know your way around here, I'll follow you." Dave said. He stood up. "Let's Go."
At April 12, 2006 7:59 AM,
Christina said…
"Fine. You go. We'll stay." Said Christina. "My grandparents kept a four wheeler with plenty of gas. They four of us could ride on it easily if we needed to get out of here." "Okay." Said Dave. "Looks like this is the end of our road. Good luck everyone." Dave, Bill, and Hannah left shortly after. John, Wayne, Christina, and Sarah. Sat in silence. "Well" said John, "we might as well get some sleep. I'll go park the four wheeler out front in case we need it. Coming Wayne?"
At April 12, 2006 8:45 AM,
Sarah said…
"Yup." Wayne replied.
The guys went outside.
"I don't like Dave, but I am a little worried about him. Bill was very odd and seemed suspicious." Sarah said to Christina.
"I know what you mean, but we can't think about him. We need to worry about ourselves. Don't worry about him." Christina said.
Just then, they heard screaming from outside. They both ran to the window and looked out it. There was a giant black bear standing in front of John and Wayne.
At April 12, 2006 9:13 AM,
Christina said…
"Shit!" Said Christina as she went running to grab the shot gun that the guys foolishly left in the house. "Have you ever shot one of those before?" yelled Sarah. "Once, but I was 8." Christina replied. She opened the back door, startling the bear. She shot the first shot at the bears feet trying to scare it, but it just looked at her then started to charge. . .
At April 12, 2006 9:52 AM,
Sarah said…
She continued to shoot several times and the bear went running off.
"What the hell!" John shouted.
The guys came back into the house. They all went to bed.
In the morning, the girls cooked some canned beans and rice for breakfast.
When Christina was done eating, she turned on the news. She saw Kathy being interviewed. She was telling the News Reporter about how her boyfriend Donny had turned into a Zombie. The News Reporter laughed. "There's no such thing as Zombies."
Then all of a sudden, John turned into a werewolf as Christina heard her alarm go off. She jumped up.
"Oh my gosh!" She shouted.
John woke up. "What?"
"I just had the most bizzare dream ever!" She told him. "It felt so real too!"
At April 12, 2006 10:03 AM,
Christina said…
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At April 12, 2006 10:20 AM,
Christina said…
"What was it?" He asked. "I don't remember Christina lied. They got up and went out to living room. Wayne and Sarah were watching the news. "Anything new?" John asked. "Not yet." replied Wayne. Christina was busy making sure Kathy wasn't being interviewd. Satisfied that John wasn't going to turn into a werewolf, she sat down next to him. Sarah was sitting on the floor by Wayne. She was woried about his scare. It was a scare now. It had healed over night. Weird, she thought. Just then on the news the reporter said, "This just in. The Pentagon has just issued a warning. Do NOT. . .
At April 12, 2006 11:05 AM,
Christina said…
Sarah jolted awake! She had fallen asleep watching the news. Wayne was playing his video game in the next room. It was one of those zombie games. Weird! She thought. I must have dreamt the whole thing!
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