Christina's Blog

This is Christina's Blog. I warn you, most of this is probably just me and my friend Sarah complaining about work. Ha ha. If you see anything interesting, feel free to comment! :0)

Friday, April 07, 2006

* Party *

We should have some kind of themed party one of these days! It would be funny! My friends need a couple weeks notice though!! And if I invite my friend Kristine, we would have to pick a weekend when she doesn't have her kids. That's why she couldn't make it last time!


  • At April 07, 2006 2:43 PM, Blogger Christina said…

    That would be so much fun! What theme should we do?

  • At April 07, 2006 2:51 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    I don't know! Maybe a decade or something. . .

  • At April 07, 2006 2:51 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    The Disco Ball reminded me of it LOL

    Are we ever going to be fembots???? LOL

  • At April 07, 2006 3:28 PM, Blogger Christina said…

    ha ha! I forgot about that!

  • At April 08, 2006 4:57 PM, Blogger Christina said…

    We should have a Movie theam. I don't know how to spell tha word! lol. Then we could be fembots! That might be easier around halloween though. We could get in really good shape and have a "beach party". lol. I don't know. I'm not great with these things. I just want to wear a wig and fake eyelashes. Thats all I reall want out of life! ha ha! Jk.

  • At April 08, 2006 4:58 PM, Blogger Christina said…

    Not the 80's! That is too hard! The sixties. Or seventies would be fun. Unless you help with the eighties! lol. I was too little, and lived out of the country for it, so I never now what to do for that decade! We HAVE to go out to mill this Halloween!


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