Okay. So, I go to Target last night, because we need alarm clocks, and I needed bubble bath. I have wanted to take a Bubble Bath for days. Well, guess what! I looked EVERYWHERE in target to find Bubble Bath, and I couldn't find anything! Not even kids bubble bath! I was so mad, because I had a long, boring, aggrivating day, and all I wanted was a nice, relaxing, Bubble bath. So, John and I decided to go to Wal-mart, after he stopped by Taco-Bell to get dinner for himself (I was good :0)). Well, we were stuck in the line for Taco-Bell for almost half an hour, when he finally got his food. By then, I was so tired, I just wanted to go home. So, another night passes without a soothing bubble bath :0(.
At April 05, 2006 9:10 AM,
Sarah said…
Oh no! That sucks!! I have so much bubblebath! lol I don't think I will ever run out! I end up getting bath stuff for gifts a lot, so I am always set! I didn't end up taking a bath though, cause I watched American Idol and then I did laundry and check my myspace stuff.
At April 05, 2006 9:22 AM,
Christina said…
I usually have a ton! But I ran out because I didn't get any for Christmas of my Birthday like I usually do. I usually buy big tubs of the stuff, and they last me for a long time. It took me over an hour to get those wedding pictures in the right format and to post them on myspace! My computer is SO slow!
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